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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 6000 volume issue - easily fixed.

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Dave Farr
Top 50 Contributor
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Dave Farr Posted: Fri, Apr 11 2014 1:41 PM

Just in case anyone has a volume adjustment issue with a Beomaster 6000, this is the tale of my new one and how it was fixed.

I've just brought back home an eBay purchased Beomaster 6000 which the seller would not ship abroad but to the UK only (it was on the Isle of Man so what difference it made I don't know? as it had to cross the briney)  It was sold as having a faulty volume control.

Having plugged it in, I could hear the motorised volume potentiometer constantly running and the volume was permanently on maximum giving my CX100's a good workout.  None of the volume buttons or the remote had any effect.

I opened it up into the service position and the motor for the potentiometer was running but the string was not moving.  After unplugging the unit, I manually moved the volume string to the minimum setting, back to the maximum setting and back to minimum again.  Closed it all up and hey-presto, perfect functioning volume control with all buttons and the remote.  It's worked perfectly since.  I can only assume that the plastic band was stuck but once loosened is now fine.  I also pushed down the cables underneath the string for good measure.

Sounds lovely and my re-foamed CX100's survived the blast.


Top 25 Contributor
Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Fri, Apr 11 2014 3:13 PM

Well done!

Phew about the CXs!

And yes Dave, the Beomaster 6000 is a lovely receiver!


Dave Farr
Top 50 Contributor
Posts 2,283
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Dave Farr replied on Fri, Apr 11 2014 3:21 PM

Bonjour Jacques,

it is.  I've got another 110v one free from the UK and a Beocord 8004 to sort out.  The volume started to play up again so I had another look and found some dry grease on the small pulley wheel.  I cleaned it off with iso-propyl alcohol and oiled it with 'liquid bearings'.  Now it works like new and is really sensitive to any control from the buttons or remote.

Just a few LED segments to fix and that's it.


Top 25 Contributor
Burgundy, France
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Gold Member
chartz replied on Fri, Apr 11 2014 4:06 PM

Dave Farr:

Just a few LED segments to fix and that's it.

Yes me too. One segment actually! Martin refurbishes the LED displays but it is expensive, which is of course expected given the considerable amount of time involved in the operation. Not a viable business, this!

Rudy (HarryPierce) does it too I believe. 

You need special tools and a lot of practice to succeed.


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