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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


beosound 4 volume control locked

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hawlguy Posted: Tue, Apr 29 2014 3:23 PM

While trying to program this unit to work with my beolink system with the beo4 remote, I screwed something up and now I cannot change volume with either the remote or on the unit. How can I reset the unit to factory defaults if not able to bring up in the menu selections?

I can't get the settings menus on either the unit or remote to bring up "reset" option and the "sound" menu is locked also. I tried unplugging the unit and removing batteries from remote and rebooting the next day, but nothing changed.

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mjmedlo replied on Wed, Apr 30 2014 3:10 AM
Did you put it in option 0?


While trying to program this unit to work with my beolink system with the beo4 remote, I screwed something up and now I cannot change volume with either the remote or on the unit. How can I reset the unit to factory defaults if not able to bring up in the menu selections?

I can't get the settings menus on either the unit or remote to bring up "reset" option and the "sound" menu is locked also. I tried unplugging the unit and removing batteries from remote and rebooting the next day, but nothing changed.

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hawlguy replied on Wed, Apr 30 2014 2:44 PM

I believe I have tried every option available, but will check again, thanks

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hawlguy replied on Thu, May 15 2014 4:40 PM

OK, I found how to reset to factory defaults for the Beosound4 and have it working properly with the beo4 remote. However, I cannot get my masterlink system to operate. I have several "passive" amp/controls thru out my house as well as a 3500 and prior to my beosound9000 crapping out, it all worked fine. The Beosound guide for setting the "options" all reference television settings. The Beosound4 is operating two Penta speakers perfectly.  I have only audio system. Have tried every option and nothing works. Do I have to go to each individual "passive" unit and try to program them also?  Next step is to pull out the masterlink boxes and check wiring, but nothing has occurred that should have caused loose wires.

Any ideas will be welcomed.

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elephant replied on Sat, May 17 2014 1:27 AM

Seeing as you did a complete reset to the BeoSound 4 I think you should try to system wide reset.

Pick one Beolink Passive (I would pick one closest to the BS4 so you can watch the BS4 to see if it is reacting to traffic on the link (blinking)), power it down, and then bring it up -- hopefully that will cause it to try to find its mother ship ... and you will get a connection.

If that doesn't work you are no worse off -- and if it does work, then repeat the experiment with the next Beolink Passive !

BeoNut since '75

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mjmedlo replied on Sat, May 17 2014 6:54 PM

Seeing as you did a complete reset to the BeoSound 4 I think you should try to system wide reset.

Pick one Beolink Passive (I would pick one closest to the BS4 so you can watch the BS4 to see if it is reacting to traffic on the link (blinking)), power it down, and then bring it up -- hopefully that will cause it to try to find its mother ship ... and you will get a connection.

If that doesn't work you are no worse off -- and if it does work, then repeat the experiment with the next Beolink Passive !

The Essence of B&O is discretion in design and life

+1. System wide power down and reboot.
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vlad77 replied on Fri, Mar 17 2017 3:02 PM


so how did you reset the Beosound 4. There is nothing about it in the user manual or in the internet.

HELP! ))

Regards Vlad 

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elephant replied on Sun, Mar 19 2017 6:39 AM


so how did you reset the Beosound 4. There is nothing about it in the user manual or in the internet.

HELP! ))

Regards Vlad

What kind of reset ?

Usually a solid unpowered 10 minutes resets things.

But of course you will need your PIN code to get functions back.

(( yes, I am back -- been busy with work since 31st JanuarySad)

BeoNut since '75

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bwaje replied on Tue, Oct 6 2020 3:01 PM

Hello, I have the same exact problem, the beosound I have just bought does not work with my beo4, and the volume control switch does not work also, as well as the sound settings, how can I reset all this please ???

Thanks a lot

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bwaje replied on Tue, Oct 6 2020 5:09 PM

Wow, everything is SOLVED : I went through the Service Menu and found the reset, I'll have to store radios again, but the sound volume (left wheel) AND the Beo4 are working !!!

To enter the Service Menu, enter the Setup Menu first, then pres"0" twice and push the wheel centre button, then you will arrive in the Service Menu.

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