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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Dying Beocenter 9500 needs help

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Beobird Posted: Fri, Jun 27 2014 7:13 PM

Dear Beoworlders,

For about 10 years I own a Beocenter 9500. Always loved it and it looks beautiful next to my Beolink 7000. Unfortunately the Beocenter 9500 has some issues at the moment and I'm affraid that it's time to say goodbye...

The first issue started last year. The glass was coming loose. I don't know if it's easy to glue it on again?

The second issue is much worser... the cd and tape mechanism... One of the wires of the intern system came loose while I was cleaning the Beocenter (I heart the sound of a spring when I put a little pressure on the top of the beocenter). After this accident the tape mechanism didn't work anymore.

I grapped some tools and opened the Beocenter. The wires from the tape mechanism were not on the pulleys anymore and I noticed a difference between the springs from the left side and the right side (cd player). I tried to fix it, but it was very hard and on a sudden moment also the mechanism from the cd player came loose... This was for me the "I'm screwed" moment.

I asked my dealer and he told me that it is a painstaking job and because of this it could take hours to repair this problem ($$$). I was wondering if somebody knows if it's easy to repair it yourself, because otherwise I'm affraid that the repair costs will be more expensive then a new (2nd hand) Beocenter?


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auric replied on Fri, Jun 27 2014 7:43 PM


Where are you located?

The 9500 is definitely a keeper and very repairable although you should not repair yourself if you don't know how.


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auric replied on Fri, Jun 27 2014 7:43 PM


Where are you located?

The 9500 is definitely a keeper and very repairable although you should not repair yourself if you don't know how.


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Beobird replied on Fri, Jun 27 2014 7:56 PM

I'm living in the east of the Netherlands. Also contacted Blacktrix so I hope he can help :)

Top 25 Contributor
Utrecht, The Netherlands
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Beobuddy replied on Fri, Jun 27 2014 9:15 PM

If Blackrix isn't available (more than willing to help I'm sure), send me a pm.

All parts in stock.

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the Netherlands City
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Leslie replied on Fri, Jun 27 2014 9:46 PM

Roger, if Blackrix or Beobuddy can't help I can. About 20 of those...

Brengen & Ophalen

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Beobird replied on Fri, Jun 27 2014 10:37 PM

Many thanks for your help and your quick responses guys. Really appreciate it!

Just contacted Blacktrix and he will take a look at the Beocenter. While he tries to  fix the mechanisms he will also do general maintenance. I'm so happy that it looks like it's going to be a happy end after all! Smile

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Playdrv4me replied on Fri, Jun 27 2014 11:35 PM

I really hate that you Europe guys have so many nice people throughout the continent who love and are willing to work on this equipment. In the U.S. there is no one like that that I can just call or PM and send or even drive my stuff to. Sucks.

That sounds like a very fixable 9500.

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