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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Type G505 LP - portable gramophone

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Vifa Posted: Sun, Jul 13 2014 9:21 AM



I recently bought a B&O G505 LP portable gramophone, but I can't find any information on it anywhere.

Does anybody know something about this product, I assume it must be rare, but I would like to know more about it.



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Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Sun, Jul 13 2014 11:14 AM

Yes, I noticed it too.
The gramophone deck was available as a separate unit, meant for building in to
another piece of furniture, your existing or something homemade.
Unless you can find some type/model plates or some other form of information
on the case, I suspect this is such a homemade case.

With the need for an amplifier and speaker - the gramophone deck can't do much
on its own - producing a portable unit like this would not appeal to many buyers.
Can you tell if an amplifier and maybe a speaker has been built in too ?


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Vifa replied on Sun, Jul 13 2014 1:06 PM

Hi Dillen,

I inspected it yesterday before I bought it later in the evening, there was some kind of room beneath the deck which was not accesible because of a broken hinge. I will pick it up tomorrow, and make a reply on what is hidden beneath the deck.

So the gramophone deck was available as a seperate unit ? - I have never before seen one of these, I guess the infomation is limited as I didn't find anything about it when I searched the net or through the great Bang&Olufsen book.

Nevertheless, the unit seems to be very similar to the one fitted in a a Master 506RG.




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I picked up the item today. The room beneath the deck only revealed two cords, the box itself must be homemade of some kind.

It is almost like a simplified cheap version of the Unitape 512K :-)

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