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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BeoRemote One now available.

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This post has 166 Replies | 8 Followers

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Bv7Mk3 replied on Fri, Dec 26 2014 8:07 AM
The Silk One is the one I'd get if buying one! Looks Fab.....Smile so much better than the normal one.
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Raeuber replied on Sat, Dec 27 2014 5:25 PM
Does anybody already use BR One with a Masterlink-Beovision (BV 7 or 10)?


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KMA replied on Sun, Dec 28 2014 3:15 PM


Nice to hear you like the new BeoRemote so much. I see you are coming from a Beo5. Can you given us some insights why you prefer the BR1 over the Beo5?

Well, in my case the Beo5 (which I never upgraded to Beo6) was first and foremost getting old.

As my B&O setup has changed over the years, keeping Beo5 up-to-date was always a bit of a chore: the Configuration Tool is not the most intuitive or user-friendly software out there, and even smallest of changes required a computer (or a dealer, god forbid) – and the ConfigTool was not without its share of issues over various versions from 3.x to 5.x that I used. Add to that the lack of access to the product updates for the Configuration Tool, it meant that getting Beo5 to work with some newer products needed workarounds. It was too much inconvenience in the end.

As for using BeoRemote One, it feels more like a remote and not having a ball in your hand, plus it's one less touch screen in the house (touch screens take some extra care keeping them clean). BeoLink 5000, with the transparent display at the top, was one of my first B&O remotes, and I really loved it. Beo4 was a long-time successor, but eventually it was handicapped by the hard buttons for sources: the names didn't match the actual sources. That's what made me switch to Beo5 – configurability (albeit tedious).

Eventually, when BV11 received software updates that added new sources (direct access to Spotify, YouTube, Deezer), Beo5 couldn't keep up (at least not with the software I had for it), and PlayMaker and BeoPlay A8 also needed workarounds.

For me, BeoRemote One is the kind of remote I've wanted for some time: the quality feels great in the hand, it is configurable without software/computer, it can have sources named as they actually are in my setup, it can lay on the armrest of a couch or chair and be always at hand (Beo5 was pretty much always on a table), and there's no need to charge it overnight (I got too familiar with the "Recharge battery" alert on Beo5).

Long story very short: BeoRemote One is like an actual remote with the configurability Beo4 lacked; Beo5 was more of a terminal that would for the most part stand on the table. And the finish of the Silk version is, in my opinion, the best finish any B&O remote has had so far – it feels that great.

So for all those various reasons, as a "remote user experience", BeoRemote One wins (for me).

NOTE: If I had a lot of home automation and a comprehensive multi-room setup, my opinion of Beo5 vs BeoRemote One might be totally different – in that scenario the Beo5/Beo6's extensive programmability would come in handy. However, since Beo5/6 are discontinued, the cake might very well go to the BeoLink App for iPhone with MLGW.


B&O product history since 1991: Ridiculously long to list in a signature.

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jans replied on Sun, Dec 28 2014 9:11 PM

Very valuable feedback! Being a Beo5 user myself, I recognize many of your points. Based on your experiences, I will have a better look at the BR1

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mjmedlo replied on Sun, Dec 28 2014 10:24 PM
BR1 is great for NL products.

For legacy products the beo4 is still better imo.

The br1 lacks the hard keys that I've come to love on the beo4.
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Oasis replied on Thu, Jan 1 2015 9:50 PM

Aussie Michael:

I love the BeoRemote One too - i don't have the satin version just the normal version.  I have found that it doesn't attract finger prints - maybe cos that I have not used it that much lol.  The satin / silk version looks great.  Thanks for posting the pictures.  I also find that renaming devices is also a good feature. 

I agree with the polished version doesn't seem that bad in terms of attracting fingerprints. The satin/silk finish is beautiful and elegant and looks much 'softer' than the polished version. As with a lot of satin finishes, once it get scratches, it looks more obvious than the polished surface, although the BR1's finish seems quite resilient. 

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L1NO replied on Fri, Mar 17 2017 6:42 AM

Do the Mybuttons also store the P.MUTE setting?  (V1?)

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