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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovision Avant amplifier + speakers

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aymeric Posted: Mon, Sep 29 2014 4:54 PM

Hi all.

I just removed the speakers + crossover + amplifier units from a beovision Avant.
I'd like to buy a power source for these amplifiers. But i don't have any clue how much Volts and Amperes it should provide.

In the picture are the connections shown. Is there anybody who knows which pin on the left side is + and - for the power supply? Or isn't it the left connection?

Also There are 4 pins on the right (audio?) Connector. Can someone tell me which pin is which? (left/right/ground/??).

This is the amplifier chip:



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aymeric replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 2:37 PM

Thanks! That is amazing :)


Bedankt beobuddy dit is precies wat ik zocht :)

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I am looking to do the same thing.

How did it work out for you?

Did it work?




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nlanks replied on Mon, Apr 8 2019 7:14 PM

I looked at this too but gave up. Also thought about using the Beocreate amp instead, but again never got round to it.

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dudu_mec replied on Sat, May 18 2019 8:05 PM

Finally managed to get a clear sound from a project like this...

Was given the amplifiers and speakers from an old avant

With the help of beobuddy diagram i got a suitable transformer from an online store here in europe and a power supply pcb from eBay. If it's not against forum rules i'll post the links to where i bought them.

Any comments on circuit are appreciated.


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BEOVOX141 replied on Sat, May 18 2019 10:37 PM

Hi Duarte.

Nicely done, complete with the classic B&O aluminum trim! It goes to show that one mans trash is another mans treasure!

All about attitude and imagination!

You now basically have a Beolab 4000, since it really is-  the Avant speaker.

I dont see any fuse anywhere, which really is mandatory for all the right reasons! The rest is pretty much by the book! You even included a left, right switch!

To bad you already cut the big hole for the speakers, the extra volume you have available could properly have improved the system.

How is the sound? You actually put a ported system into a sealed box, what happens when you close the box ?

Anyway,-  Congratulations on a speaker for life Lets have a Party !!!

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dear Beobuddy 

You have shown a great mod the project im in but unfortunately I cannot understand the Dutch


Kindly translate in English, thanks in advance 

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please translate the schematic from dutch to English or send me a mod you have done to work 

to my email please  

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Nice Job! I just got the same modules from my fd TV. how many AC Volt output of the transformer you using to get the DC +- 20v? thanks share that!

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jrg325 replied on Tue, Jan 18 2022 10:39 AM


Hoping you can help me as I am currently trying to do the same project. 

I have managed to get sound out of the speakers but and getting hum at the same time.

I've used 5V on pin1 of P57 of the amp in order to get it to unmute however the hum is driving me crazy as I cannot figure out what is causing it.

did you have hum issues with your project? how did you solve it?

Many thanks in advance.


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jrg325 replied on Tue, Jan 18 2022 10:40 AM


Hoping you can help me as I am currently trying to do the same project. 

I have managed to get sound out of the speakers but and getting hum at the same time.

I've used 5V on pin1 of P57 of the amp in order to get it to unmute however the hum is driving me crazy as I cannot figure out what is causing it.

did you have hum issues with your project? how did you solve it?

Many thanks in advance.


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hi John, I connected P57-1 to P77-3 (9V) to there, it works great. but the hum may be from the grounding...


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jrg325 replied on Wed, Jan 19 2022 2:08 AM

Many thanks for the info Frankie, I did not think of using the 9v output from P77 and ended up building a 5v regulated feed from the +20v line to trigger the mute off.

I doubt that the 5v PSU could be causing the hum but I might bypass the PSU and use the 9V source you've suggested as I've checked for grounding or interference problems with no improvements. 

Do you if its best to run the ground cable separately from the +20V and -20 from the power supply as I currently have all 3 on a 80cm cable loom.

Any ideas greatly appreciated



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Hello, I was able to get this system to work with an asymmetric power supply 0/20 volts. What limitations will there be if the tension is asymmetrical? Is it just performance limited?

Best regards
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jrg325 replied on Sun, Feb 20 2022 5:32 AM

Hi Frankie,


I am still struggling to understand where the hum/buzz is coming from however today I accidentally left the power supply Ov reference disconnected and noticed that the amp worked fine but the buzz was completely gone. I am unsure how this is working as I would have thought that a ground reference is required to turn the amp on. It worries me that I might be causing damage with only the -20v and +20v supply's but no ground ref.

any ideas  from the forum are more than appreciated as this is driving me bonkers.

many thanks John.


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