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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Will this DIN cable work on a Beogram 8002

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RAJOD Posted: Mon, Sep 29 2014 10:26 PM

I just ordered this cable off amazon and I just noticed that it does not have a ground wire.

Is there a easy way to add a ground wire to it?  Otherwise I'll have to return it.

I can't find a 3 foot cable with RCA, Male DIN with a ground.

Anyone know where I can get one?


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chartz replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 6:31 AM

Steve at Sound Heavenly, bottom of this page. Why look anywhere else?


Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 6:49 AM


Steve at Sound Heavenly, bottom of this page. Why look elsewhere?

I tried to post something similar last night from my iPad but had a problem with connections.  As Chartz says, why look anywhere else?  Buying unknown makes or unknown quality of cables is a recipe for disaster as so many people have found in the past and is well documented on ths Forum. Steve knows B&O and only uses quality components and if you have any special requirements can usually make anything you need.  You can even contact him directly for advice or a discussion on what you need.

It's not worth trying to save a few Euro's/pounds like this - it's false economy as you and others have found.  A quick search of this type of issue, or a question first could have helped you sooner.



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RAJOD replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 7:55 AM

I am not trying to save money.  Its was the only one I could find and I have an amazon account.  I like EZ.   

Thanks for the info on Steve, but I don't see any info on the bottom of the page.

I did go to his site, looks like quality stuff and the price is about the same as Amazon.

Question though.   Mine has the external ground wire.   He has an option of internal ground link   

"Internal ground link within DIN plug or optional external ground wire"

Is the internal ground link as good as the standard external wire?   I'm just use to always having a phono ground wire.   I guess if it works the same its one less wire to hook up.


Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 8:03 AM

Thanks for the info on Steve, but I don't see any info on the bottom of the page.

Hi again, 

at the bottom of the Beoworld page when you're on the Forum, there are 4 'banners', one for STB, one for Luxus Sounds,  the last one is a general B&O one and the third is a smiling chap called 'Steve Marriot' from Sounds Heavenly.  Click on that and either search for the cable under the B&O section or look at his contact info and send him and e-mail.  If he sees this thread, he may well answer directly.

I've just had a quick look and is it this you're after?:


Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 8:10 AM


Question though.   Mine has the external ground wire.   He has an option of internal ground link   

"Internal ground link within DIN plug or optional external ground wire"

Is the internal ground link as good as the standard external wire?   I'm just use to always having a phono ground wire.   I guess if it works the same its one less wire to hook up.

Looks like we're both editing at the same time and crossing posts!

Steve offers a full refund within 60 days if it's not what you want so you can always return it.

I think the internal ground is a neater option.  This cable of his is specifically designed for your Beogram with connection to a non-B&O amp so should be fine.  One less loose cable to bother with.



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RAJOD replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 9:30 AM

I ordered a DIN cable from him today.   32.00 USA.   Looks to be a high quality cable plus he threw in free oxygen, or was that oxygen free.



Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 10:25 AM

I ordered a DIN cable from him today.   32.00 USA.   Looks to be a high quality cable plus he threw in free oxygen, or was that oxygen free.

I buy beer that's advertised with 'alcohol free' but so far haven't found any in it!  No hangovers anymore for me.

Good luck with the cable.  If it doesn't work, Steve will happily take it back or try another solution for you.




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chartz replied on Tue, Sep 30 2014 12:37 PM

I got one of those for my BG8000, with separate ground connection, and it was perfect.


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RAJOD replied on Sat, Oct 4 2014 12:32 PM

I am not so sure if internal ground model will work.   I ended up getting the external ground cable after discussing it with him.

The cable I ordered off amazon had no external ground cable, internal type.   I sent it back but before I did I tested it with my Sansui au 717 amp that does have a ground screw on it.   I got tons of hum from the speakers.  

Apparently the internal ground version only works on newer amplifiers that do not have a ground wire connection on the back.  He advises not to get the internal ground version of the wire for amps with a separate ground post on the back.

If you are using a Beogram with an  retro amplifier or even newer ones like the Outlaw Receiver I would get the Beogram phono cable with the External ground wire as it will work with any amplifier not so with the internal grounded one.

I am not sure where the ground would go to, there is no earth ground plug on the beogram TT.   It does have the case grounded internally by a ground wire.




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RAJOD replied on Thu, Oct 9 2014 3:06 AM

Well I got the new cable with external ground wire but I think they soldered it wrong.    I plugged it in and had terrible feedback and hum.    I double checked the ground and it was on.

I took the headshell of the DIN off and Compared it to a working B&O 8002 cable.     On the working cable they have the two audio grounds tied together and soldered to the top middle post of the DIN and the outside ground wire is soldered to the outside of the DIN socket not to any pins.  The other end of course goes to the amps ground screw.

The new cable had both - wires from the cartridge plus the external ground wire all soldered to the middle pin.    Did this set up some kind of ground loop?   It was worse than if I play it without a ground wire.




Dave Farr
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What a bummer.  I'd phone Steve and talk to him about it.  He will of course take it back and offer a full refund.  If you discuss what seemed to work with the other cable and the differences in connections as you describe here he may be able to come up with a solution.  It may just be a peculiarity of the combination of amp with this TT.  It must be fixable.

Otherwise, it may be worth trying the cable with internal ground to see if it works - if it doesn't, return it again.  I know it takes time and effort but it would be nice to get this sorted out.

Alternatively, could you 'create' a new external ground from the metal base of the TT to the ground of the amp?


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RAJOD replied on Fri, Oct 10 2014 8:55 AM

I've tried all types.  The only ones that work are grounded to Outside of shell.   That shell connects to a case ground.    Anything else is hum feedback city.

Yea I don't want to have to build my own cable thats why I paid someone else to do it.    I don't even have solder.

I've sent a few emails on it two days back but so far no replies.  

I have to admit I am a bit disappointed.  This is the second cable I've ordered from two different companies.  They don't seem to understand how to make them with an external ground.  Just use the original 8002 for the blue print or the schematics.  Its not that hard.    They all call for external shell ground and not all 3 tied together.

And yes I tried it on two different 8002s and two different amplifiers with the same result.  Tons of hum and feeback.


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RAJOD replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 5:17 AM

I fixed it without solder    I cut the blue external ground that was wired to the center pin with the L/R grounds.   I then took a piece of speaker wire and wrapped it around the little clamp pushed the din shell over and fastened the screw.  Its a pretty snug fit and now it works perfectly, No more Hum!


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RAJOD replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 9:37 AM

Steve is a very nice fellow everything is good.    I'll do business with him again.   

Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 10:29 AM


Steve is a very nice fellow everything is good.    I'll do business with him again.   

He is indeed.  Glad you got it sorted and your feedback and experience will help fix this for others with a similar problem.  Feedback to Steve will also help him in the development of further useful and fully functional cables for us to use our equipment properly.



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RAJOD replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 10:01 PM

I like to understand the "why" of problems and this cable issue is fix but I still do not really understand why having the two phono colds (-)s tied to the external ground created so much hum.   

I have read that the HUM in a phono graph is from the AIR as in radio type frequencies that get picked up in the unshielded tone arm wires.

The HUM is not actually filtered out at the preamp.   Hooking the ground from the chassis of the TT which grounds the arm to the phono pre amp.   This somehow makes the tone arm housing turn into a RF shield.

That is the part I don't quite understand.  No Ground wire and its an antenna, put the ground on and its a magic shield.     Or is the Tone arm still an antenna in both situations, but with the ground those RF frequencies get shunted to the meta case to the external ground wire and then to the ground screw on the preamp.   From that ground wire they go?  Into the earth?



Peter Pan
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Peter Pan replied on Sat, Jun 6 2015 10:46 AM

Greetings / Peter Pan.

Peter Pan
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Peter Pan replied on Sat, Jun 6 2015 10:57 AM


Beogram Audio system may only have one ground connection. Otherwise there hum loops.

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benme replied on Wed, Jul 29 2015 5:49 PM

Since the plug is female one should picture the above diagram in mirror. Depicted is the din7 pinout for male.Looking at a DIN 7 female plug at the soldering side: pin 4=5 and 1=3.

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