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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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Beocom 6000 - damn flashing light!

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kokomo Posted: Sat, Oct 11 2014 10:09 AM

I have message alert set up on my Beocom 6000. Yesterday I came home and the red light on the handset was flashing red. Sure enough I had a message waiting which I subsequently deleted. After this I had no messages waiting in my system, but the light continued to flash.

Following what I believed to be the procedure to stop the flashing light I pressed the message button below the screen and at position number 1 was displayed an asterisk next to "MSG WAITING".

The procedure I have tried is:-

1. Wait a few seconds with MSG WAITING displayed, scroll to the next position and back to number 1 and the asterisk should be gone and the light should stop flashing. This didn't work!

2.Wait a few seconds with MSG WAITING displayed, press the message button again which now adds NEW CALL below the MSG WAITING message, again wait a few seconds, scroll to the next position (2) and back. Result, just the same! Still flashing. Asterisk still there.

3. Wait a few seconds with MSG WAITING displayed, scroll to next position, wait on this message for a few seconds and go back again to position 1. No change!

I have scrolled thought all 24 messages and none show an asterisk only message number 1.

Thought some magic might have happened overnight, but the flashing red light is still there.

Of course switching off message alert in the menu does the trick, but that defeats the purpose of having the facility. Tried switching it off and back on again, without success.

Anyone please help to get rid of it? 


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Guy replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 11:12 AM

Not an ideal solution but you could always reset the phone handset with (DOT) 70009.


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kokomo replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 11:17 AM


Not an ideal solution but you could always reset the phone handset with (DOT) 70009.

Thanks for that, will this wipe all my phonebook?

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Guy replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 11:22 AM

If the phonebook is set to 'common' it is stored on the PSTN base.

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kokomo replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 11:38 AM


If the phonebook is set to 'common' it is stored on the PSTN base.

Sorry to come back again on this, but I press the Dot and the first digit 7 (intending to enter 70009 as advised) but I immediately get the menu as I know to access the menu is by pressing dot 7.  I can then scroll through to "Handset/Base" and from there to "Remove Handset". Is this what you are advising?

 I presume If I remove it, by the same process above I can the register it again - correct?

Cannot enter Dot 70009 as Dot 7 immediately takes me to the menu

Thanks again. 

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Guy replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 12:40 PM

If you just keep pressing the buttons, Dot 70009 will take you to a screen where it asks RESET HS ? PRESS OK OR C

Pressing OK will reset the handset, whereupon yes you will have to reconnect to the base.

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kokomo replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 2:47 PM

Fixed - thanks very much.

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kokomo replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 3:46 PM

Cancel that, not fixed!

Just made a call to my home phone from my mobile and left a message. Checked phone and there were two asterisk messages displayed. One at position 1 as before displaying *MSG WAITING and now a second at position 2 with an asterisk and my mobile ID. Waited a few seconds on this second message scrolled forward then back and asterisk gone as the system should operate. But for whatever reason this method just will not work on the first message alert.

Wonder why this new message from my mobile phone wasn't now in position 1? Anyway I digress.

One thing though, I wonder why does it just displays the words "MSG WAITING" when all others in the log give the caller's ID or some other wording to tell me the number is not recognised or known?

If, theoretically, although I had thought I had deleted the waiting message yesterday, I wonder if the message maybe still remain undeleted somewhere in the system and that is why I cannot get rid of it.

Maybe a call to my phone company may assist.

Getting desperately close to just switching the alert off altogether. So frustrating!!!! 

My wife isn't bothered. Maybe it's a male thing!

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Guy replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 4:27 PM

It does sound like a phone company problem, as clearly your line is sending a message to inform you that there is an answerphone message waiting. 

But these BC6000s can be a bit temperamental; since living in Germany I have never managed to make caller-display work on mine - possibly something to do with the Deutsche Telekom modem it is plugged in to.

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kokomo replied on Sat, Oct 11 2014 4:44 PM

Thanks once again for taking the trouble to reply. I will contact the phone company on Monday to see if there is a message trapped in the system somewhere.

Otherwise it's the message alert switch off option!

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f5434964 replied on Sun, Oct 12 2014 9:55 AM

I cannot solve your problem - but: my BC6000 (Mk1) has a similar behavior; EVERY call is shown as "not answered" and the red light is flashing - even if I answer the incoming call; to quit I have to go to CLIP list and select all entries with asterix; sometimes I have to select an entry more than once...

Second thing: Phones loose sometimes connection to base (pyramid one); I think it happens if I do not answer a call - often coming home, phones do not find base any more - help: power cut the base - everything is back again...

So I think it might be a software problem - I do not know with software version runs on my phones and really do not want to invest much money getting it updated by a dealer - but if it would help so solve my problems the money would be worth it.  

best regards


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Guy replied on Sun, Oct 12 2014 11:02 AM

You can check the SW versions of both the handset and the PSTN base by pressing:

9 - # - 9 - # - 9 - * - (DOT) - 7 - OK

... and then scroll through the menus.

My handset is at 044-2.5 (the 044 confirms that it is a UK model), and the base is at 2.10.  I think there is a later version of the base SW available, possibly 2.5 but I haven't bothered to get it updated.

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kokomo replied on Sun, Oct 12 2014 12:41 PM


I cannot solve your problem - but: my BC6000 (Mk1) has a similar behavior; EVERY call is shown as "not answered" and the red light is flashing - even if I answer the incoming call; to quit I have to go to CLIP list and select all entries with asterix; sometimes I have to select an entry more than once...

Second thing: Phones loose sometimes connection to base (pyramid one); I think it happens if I do not answer a call - often coming home, phones do not find base any more - help: power cut the base - everything is back again...

So I think it might be a software problem - I do not know with software version runs on my phones and really do not want to invest much money getting it updated by a dealer - but if it would help so solve my problems the money would be worth it.  

best regards


Thanks for that. One thing that does intrigue me is that this message at position number 1 - asterisk MSG WAITING which I can't get rid of is the only one bearing this description I've ever seen on my phone. Normally if I have a message waiting and it's in my phone book it displays the name, if not it displays either "Anonymous" or "Not Possible".

What do any of you Beocom 6000 owners out there see IF the ID of the caller is not in your phonebook? Is "MSG WAITING" the norm in these circumstances?


BTW for the time being I've switched off message alert so at least the flashing light's gone!

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kokomo replied on Sun, Oct 12 2014 2:12 PM


You can check the SW versions of both the handset and the PSTN base by pressing:

9 - # - 9 - # - 9 - * - (DOT) - 7 - OK

... and then scroll through the menus.

My handset is at 044-2.5 (the 044 confirms that it is a UK model), and the base is at 2.10.  I think there is a later version of the base SW available, possibly 2.5 but I haven't bothered to get it updated.

Checked mine BTW, 0034-2.10. Spanish phone as I live here, so that explains the 034. Old software too it looks like.Thank goodness nowadays software updates don't require trips to dealers but can be done online.


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