ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
This question was asked earlier this year but didn't seem to get resolved.
Has anyone found a pair of active 3D glasses that work with a BV7_55 HD/3D set? Xpand seemed to be a supplier of 'suitable' glasses but looking at their website, it appears not. I've e-mailed them just in case.
The cheapest B&O 3D glasses I can find are £95 a pair which is a hefty doubling at least of similar products and they aren't even branded B&O. Just a nice B&O box. Unfortunately, other manufacturers only claim compatibility with other brand products like LG, Samsung etc and nobody mentions B&O.
Alternatively, has anyone got any B&O 3D glasses ( up to 2 pairs) they are willing to let go?
I'm the one who asked this question. As I didn´t get any answer and the ones that I thought maybe would work costed almost the same as B&O, I bought a second pairs of B&O.
We never watch 3D so I dropped the case. I will not get more glasses. Maybe if they start to broadcast or stream 3D movies I will get 2 more glasses so the whole family (or the kids with friends) can watch a movie in 3D.
Slightly off topic but 3D in the UK is now pretty much irrelevant if you are a Sports fan......
Sky conned their audience into upgrading to a "World" pack a couple of years ago to get 3D " for free".......the cost being in the World pack upgrade.....and now you cannot "downgrade" as the packages have been re-worked..........
This year the Masters golf was not screened in 3D, the Ryder Cup was not in 3D a couple of weeks ago, and I have yet to see a Premier League game this season advertised as being in 3D......all of these events high on their promotional schedules until last year/season......
Of course being Sky and being beyond criticism or even acknowledging a viewer issue, they ignore their customer base........not even a tacit acknowledgement that they are/were not now available
No doubt they will find another reason though to increase subscriptions when they eventually start broadcasting in 4K.......?
manu:Slightly off topic but 3D in the UK is now pretty much irrelevant if you are a Sports fan......
I can appreciate that but I live in France and am only interested in films for the family and the kids. I couldn't watch a lot of TV in 3D as I'd get too dizzy!
Just as an update. I contacted Xpand about their range of 3D glasses and compatibility with B&O 3D TV's.
I had a reply from the VP, Head of Consumer Division who said:
'We have glasses - X104 series that will work with your TV, but they will not be optimized. If you want optimized glasses the best would be to order directly from B&O. If you are OK with not optimized glasses, you can order X104 model'.
My suggestion to him that in that case it was probably worth paying the extra for B&O optimized glasses was answered by total agreement from him.
I have no idea how different the non-optimized glasses would be but for me, it's not worth compromising the picture quality.
Dave Farr: Just as an update. I contacted Xpand about their range of 3D glasses and compatibility with B&O 3D TV's. I had a reply from the VP, Head of Consumer Division who said: 'We have glasses - X104 series that will work with your TV, but they will not be optimized. If you want optimized glasses the best would be to order directly from B&O. If you are OK with not optimized glasses, you can order X104 model'. My suggestion to him that in that case it was probably worth paying the extra for B&O optimized glasses was answered by total agreement from him. I have no idea how different the non-optimized glasses would be but for me, it's not worth compromising the picture quality. Dave.
Interesting! Glad I went for the B&O then, but wonder why the glasses are "non branded". A little "B&O" would be nice.
Daniel:Interesting! Glad I went for the B&O then, but wonder why the glasses are "non branded". A little "B&O" would be nice.
Because B&O don't make them. They buy from a supplier - possibly in the US and just put them in a flashy box. I don't know the difference between the optimized B&O pairs and the non-optimized Xpand models.
I've contacted the Xpand support and asked if a pair of "X105-IR-X1" would work as they look identical to my glasses from B&O which are labeled "X105-IR-B2". The answer was no, "We are manufacturers of their glasses, so we are restricted to add support for their TVs in our retail glasses."
Is this correct, or is it just the answer B&O demand? Feels strange they would spend money on special glasses just for B&O.
Price at B&O: 133 $
Price at Xpand on Amazon: 60 $
If I could buy the X1-version in a local store I've would try them at home. But unfortunately there are no stores selling them. Do anyone know if there is a return policy at Amazon? Can I send them back if they don't work for me?
Xpand have told me that some glasses may work but will not be optimised for B&O TV's. i.e. they just won't give the best picture possible. You could risk it if you so choose.
On Amazon, you may be able to return them but unless they list B&O as being compatible, it would be at your risk and they could refuse a refund as it would be your error/risk.
Seems like this thread had turned into a marketplace for 3D glasses that may or may not work with a particular Beovision.
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