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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 4002 power supply

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This post has 12 Replies | 3 Followers

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memyod Posted: Thu, May 17 2012 8:53 AM

Hi I have a Beogram 4002 with a dead power supply does anyone have one or know the specs or know a generic supply one can get to replace it. Cheers Memyod

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Step1 replied on Thu, May 17 2012 8:55 PM

What exactly do you mean by a dead power supply? That is a very generic term! Tell us exactly what is dead and what you have done to establish this then we can help you more :)


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memyod replied on Fri, May 18 2012 3:28 AM

Hi there is no power thru the  main power input I believe there was a power surge when it was turned on some weeks ago and the power supply may be burnt out but as it's in a sealed 'black box' can't see but mate and I checked with multimeter and there's definitely no power getting thru 

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Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Fri, May 18 2012 6:58 AM

Have you checked the fuses ?


EDIT : Second try at posting this, first try timed out.
Second try went in after 25 seconds.

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memyod replied on Sat, May 19 2012 1:59 AM

Yes it's the power supply that's not functioning replaced fuses and tested it thouroughly so I'm looking for a replacement power supply

Søren Mexico
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Have you checked the fuses ?


EDIT : Second try at posting this, first try timed out.
Second try went in after 25 seconds.

Same problem here, a lot of time outs, and only on this site.


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Dillen replied on Sat, May 19 2012 6:49 AM

Power supply ... Is that the transformer, you are referring to ?
If so, you need to let us know the type number of your Beogram and also if it has a
voltage setting switch or has been produced to a specific mains voltage ?

The rest of the power supply is on the main circuit board of which there are countless versions
and the norm is to repair the boards rather than replace them.
Have you checked the AC from the transformer or DC across the filter caps ?


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memyod replied on Mon, May 21 2012 3:30 AM

Hi don't know if my last message got thru having connection problems but yes we checked the AC and DC points and the tag on the transformer/power supply is torn but what shows is - P?E 5512 - will check that again later it's the main resin encased black box mains power lead into it with a few smaller wires leading from it to the circuit board etc it has a variable power supply switching we have 240 volts here in Australia. Cliff

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Hi Martin,

I also have a BeoGram 4002 with a faulty transformer. The unit used to work properly and after a power surge it is now blowing fuses.

It has a voltage setting switch (i have it set for 240v here in Australia), and the transformer is type 5511.

Do you know if it is possible to buy a new transformer for the unit, or what specifications I should be looking for? I guess I could fit an external transformer if i can't find one that fits the unit exactly.

Many thanks


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Also, at some stage someone has converted the output to RCA and an earth, and I would like to restore it to a 5pin DIN for input into my Beomaster 1900.

Do you know if it is possible to buy a 5 pin DIN plug that terminates in the straight line black 6 pin male connection that will plug straight into the output on the board? Or is this something i will have to make up by soldering to the existing plug?

Thanks again.



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memyod replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 3:14 AM

Hi I just recieved my power supply from a source on Ebay it's a 5513 different case to the 5512 on my Beogram 4002 but will do the job so try Ebay or Amazon to source parts apart from this forum it seems parts are hard to come by. Cheers Cliff (Memyod)

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 6:22 AM

It's not that parts are that difficult to find and, previously, many users (including myself)
would have responded to your need right away.
The big problem for Beoworld right now is that posting has become a problem for
some users at some hours of the day, with some browsers with some operating systems who,
at an intermittent (but high) rate get posts rejected or timed out, get server error messages, TCP/IP faults
and/or page unavailable messages and the likes so many of the previous very "heavy" users (like myself) have
either left or reduced posting to merely state their own needs rather than helping others and
adding fresh material to the community.
Sad but true.

Good to hear that you found a part.


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Manchester, UK
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Step1 replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 9:13 AM


Also, at some stage someone has converted the output to RCA and an earth, and I would like to restore it to a 5pin DIN for input into my Beomaster 1900.

Do you know if it is possible to buy a 5 pin DIN plug that terminates in the straight line black 6 pin male connection that will plug straight into the output on the board? Or is this something i will have to make up by soldering to the existing plug?

Thanks again.



Yes you will have to make this lead up, I assume the internal plug is still in situ? If blowing fuses and you have disconnected everything from the secondary of the transformer then it is faulty.


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