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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Bad Server or sofware for a good forum

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Søren Mexico
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Søren Mexico Posted: Sat, May 19 2012 4:26 PM

Lately I get server time outs nearly every time I try to post, its just not acceptable anymore, we moved to a new server to get better, as high count posters had problems, but now all of us has problems.

Posting pics is a disaster.

When having more than 10 files with pics onsite, its only possible to post pics from the first 10 files.

Posting pics from files is time consuming because one will have to click through the whole file tree for each pic.

Posting more pics in a thread is even worth, every time you post a pic, you get back to the beginning of the thread and have to scroll down to where the last pic was posted.

And when finished and want to post your thread you get server time out.

Making a thread in MS office or Open Office, does not work as the copy function does not copy the pics.

As I have many good friends on this forum I will stay a little longer, but if things don't get better, I'm out of here.


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Michael replied on Sat, May 19 2012 4:30 PM

I agree, many times when I write it just times out and displays an error. And the message I wrote is gone, even when backing or reloading the browser-window. 

I dont understand why the forum has been made so much worse now than before. Why not use vBulletin for the forum as it was before (I think). 

Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
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ouverture replied on Sat, May 19 2012 4:46 PM

I agree, a bad decision, I came back after being told that the forum had an upgrade and it was going to be so much better, but it is a disaster compared to many other forums that I am on,  the iPad app keeps me here for the moment ( thank you Phil ) , but using my laptop and trying to quickly posts pictures in a thread is pathetic IMHO 

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Beofan2 replied on Sat, May 19 2012 5:54 PM

Agree! To me it´s all a complete mess.

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lausvi replied on Sat, May 19 2012 10:12 PM


I agree, many times when I write it just times out and displays an error. And the message I wrote is gone, even when backing or reloading the browser-window. 

I'd think that was up to the browser being used, not the forum software. When you go backwards in history, the browser simply opens the URL again. Like password -fields, the browser won't keep user-entered data, think how un-secure that would be on a public computer. 

EDIT: for reference, my post went in lightning-fast, never been this quick.

Søren Mexico
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I agree, many times when I write it just times out and displays an error. And the message I wrote is gone, even when backing or reloading the browser-window. 

I'd think that was up to the browser being used, not the forum software. When you go backwards in history, the browser simply opens the URL again. Like password -fields, the browser won't keep user-entered data, think how un-secure that would be on a public computer. 

EDIT: for reference, my post went in lightning-fast, never been this quick.

1 out of 5 does that, its the other 4 that bothers me, 1 out of 5 is try again.


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Michael replied on Sat, May 19 2012 11:57 PM



I agree, many times when I write it just times out and displays an error. And the message I wrote is gone, even when backing or reloading the browser-window. 

I'd think that was up to the browser being used, not the forum software. When you go backwards in history, the browser simply opens the URL again. Like password -fields, the browser won't keep user-entered data, think how un-secure that would be on a public computer. 

EDIT: for reference, my post went in lightning-fast, never been this quick.

True but I use Chrome and it usually keeps the data but not here unfortunately. I try to copy my message first just in case.. 

Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
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henrik replied on Sun, May 20 2012 12:25 AM

I dont understand why the forum has been made so much worse now than before. Why not use vBulletin for the forum as it was before (I think).

I agree. vBulletin just works, and it works well. Also, it's been a de facto standard for many years now, and many forum users expect web forums to work the way that vBulletin works. I see no advantages in the current forum s/w at all, instead I miss some quite basic features that have been around in Bulletin and other s/w for many years.

That said, I appreciate all the efforts that Keith has put into this!

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sun, May 20 2012 12:59 AM

Works awesome on my MacBook guys.  I use Safari which i love!!!!  Maybe you guys need to get MacBooks ;)

Søren Mexico
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Paul W:

Works awesome on my MacBook guys.  I use Safari which i love!!!!  Maybe you guys need to get MacBooks ;)

It has nothing to do with mac or PC, try to make a thread with photos from files on the forum. Write a blog with photos, Write a Wiki with photos, then you know what I mean


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Steffen replied on Sun, May 20 2012 1:37 AM

Søren Mexico:

Paul W:

Works awesome on my MacBook guys.  I use Safari which i love!!!!  Maybe you guys need to get MacBooks ;)

It has nothing to do with mac or PC, try to make a thread with photos from files on the forum. Write a blog with photos, Write a Wiki with photos, then you know what I mean


Offcourse it has nothing to do with which device you're using. But some people never miss an opportunity to make a little advertising for a certain company Whistle
Others have actually written that they also have problems with this new site, using their iPads...Hmm

Søren Mexico
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Others have actually written that they also have problems with this new site, using their iPads...Hmm

When repairing I always use my Notepad (the one with a normal pencil) never failsBig Smile

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Michael replied on Sun, May 20 2012 8:33 AM

Works awesome on my MacBook guys. I use Safari which i love!!!! Maybe you guys need to get MacBooks ;)

I only have MacBook Pro's and MacBook Air's unfortunately :)

Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
BeoVision Eclipse Gen 2 55", BeoPlay V1-40, 
BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)  

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moxxey replied on Sun, May 20 2012 9:13 AM

Generally speaking, i think the forum is fine (but then I'm not paying for access). The only thing I've noticed is that it has slowed, again, in the last few weeks. Takes quite a few seconds to submit a reply, which is leading to double posts.

The only other thing I'd do is to remove some of those sticky notification posts at the top of the forum. We simply do not need so many fixed posts. Just one, with a FAQ and other guidelines, perhaps in a standout colour, would suffice.

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9 LEE replied on Sun, May 20 2012 3:19 PM

Hi guys,

Okay - thank you for voicing your problems, and of course they are being noted.

I think what we did was go from a highly tweaked 'old platform' to a barely tweaked 'new platform' - and there are definitely tweaks to be done.

The new platform has the potential tobe exactly what we need, but when we are relying on a lot of hours input from a very busy Keith we just have to wait a little longer than if we had the money to throw at a paid programmer.

That said, we will try and address each problem one by one - and will keep you in the loop as we're doing it.

I'm guilty of not having enough time lately to use and oversee the new forum, and for this I can only offer my apologies.  It's no consolation for our forum users, but having to work twice as hard to achieve the same results due to the recession we're in really eats the hours!

I'll also be spending some time with Keith over the next few days and hopefully we can get some time to look at the issues and come back with some answers and solutions with a clear path to making what people want and need work properly!

Kindest Regards


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Michael replied on Sun, May 20 2012 4:39 PM

Thanks Lee for your helpful answer! I agree and all new products have som minor/big issues in the beginning. It is like a new pair of shoes  - you have to walk them in :).


I would like to point out that the text is quite small. For us with high resolution screens it is quite small. Perhaps it could be one or two sizes bigger? 

I don't exactly remember how the old forum looked but I think it was easier to "overview" the complete forum. Something that is a bit worse now. 




Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
BeoVision Eclipse Gen 2 55", BeoPlay V1-40, 
BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)  

Søren Mexico
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9 LEE:
I'll also be spending some time with Keith over the next few days and hopefully we can get some time to look at the issues and come back with some answers and solutions with a clear path to making what people want and need work properly!

Thank you Lee

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Søren Mexico:

9 LEE:
I'll also be spending some time with Keith over the next few days and hopefully we can get some time to look at the issues and come back with some answers and solutions with a clear path to making what people want and need work properly!

Thank you Lee

Interesting thread.  I haven't done a picture-heavy thread since the forum change.  This is something of a test from work, where my machine is old and my internet connection is slow.


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Rich replied on Mon, May 21 2012 5:51 PM

The above didn't post lightning-fast, but wasn't too bad.

Most of my posting is during the Wednesday Thread, which can get a bit slow at times.  Never had a time-out though.

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AT replied on Mon, May 28 2012 6:16 PM

Dear Lee,

Thank You for Your efforts, however I'm very satisfied with these changes. I have the same problems which I had with the old forums, and even more. I understand You see the advantages in the database, or in the management, but I don't see it as a user. 

For example, I've sent these problems several times, but I just received totally non Beoworld style harsh comment, and not a solution. I was disappointed, because it's not the usual way here, and more unusual that the reported problems were not repaired until that time.

IMHO, the site is became worse, than it was, unnecessary trendy design, but more slowly work. I don't think from the user side, this replacement worth the effort.

So, here are my reported problems again:

"- If I press "Posts you have not read" shortcut, I will get the list, but:
  - I can't go to the last unread post, as I can get the first or the last only (maybe my fault). Very annoying for long topics.
- If I select "New since last visit" option here, the list will be empty with this message: "There are no posts to show. This could be because there are no posts in this forum or due to a filter."
- "Email me replies to this post", option will send me MY posts also. If the forum works like this, it should be called "Email me all posts in this topic"

And a suggestion:
- I think, the "Posts you have not read" shortcut could be placed on the top on the page"

Hope these ideas will help You to improve the site.

A disappointed user.

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henrik replied on Mon, May 28 2012 6:28 PM

So, here are my reported problems again:

"- If I press "Posts you have not read" shortcut, I will get the list, but:
  - I can't go to the last unread post, as I can get the first or the last only (maybe my fault). Very annoying for long topics.


This is my by far biggest issue with the beoworld forum software. Other forums have had this feature since the 90's, but Beoworld lost it when moving from the vBulletin platform to the current Telligent platform (that is used by the current and the previous version). It's such a basic forum feature, and it really adds a lot to the usability so I think it would be nice to consider implement this feature - I can't imagine that the (expensive) Telligent solution doesn't have support for it. 

However, all forums need a good administrator, and I know how hard it is to find good administrators that are willing to work for free. Keith, the admin here at Beoworld, seems to be both dedicated and very skilled (and we should be lucky to have him), so if he prefers to use an ASP-based solution (such as Telligent CS) I can understand and respect that. I just wish he'd take a look at implementing this feature :)

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Evan replied on Wed, May 30 2012 2:13 PM

Søren, have you tried Photobucket for managing your photos? This is what I use to do my picture threads and all BeoWorld picture-posting really.


As far as my forum experiences go, they have been just fine. No outrageous delays or anything. Smooth sailing. 

I just wish I had more time to be here Sad


(EDIT: This was posted in less than 4s Yes - thumbs up)

Beo4 'til I die!

Søren Mexico
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Søren, have you tried Photobucket for managing your photos? This is what I use to do my picture threads and all BeoWorld picture-posting really.

I know of photobucket and the solution may be to use it, but why, if we have a server where it is supposed to work integrated and without problems.

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Evan replied on Wed, May 30 2012 3:54 PM

I like having my pictures separate, as I use more than just this forum and post pics all over the net.

Forgot to add - I know everyone who used the integrated photo feature on their photo-threads on the old forum may have noticed that their threads don't have pictures anymore. Mine however do, because the pictures are stored on photobucket's server.

Beo4 'til I die!

Søren Mexico
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I like having my pictures separate, as I use more than just this forum and post pics all over the net.

As this forum is like it is, and nothing changes, its the way to to go, also considering a change to other forums, I'll have to work on it.

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BeoHut replied on Tue, Aug 14 2012 10:21 PM
Hi all,

During the last two weeks (or any longer), I haven't noticed any drop-out, time-out, when posting on this forum.

Probably there are made changes on the server and software!

Mostly I use my iPad to post. Even long threads are loaded fast without any error message.

Very well done by the members who worked on it! It's much more reliable.


It is good to see all the new posts made in this forum, without using a workaround!

Happy posting and reading to all!
Top 25 Contributor
Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
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Hi all,



During the last two weeks (or any longer), I haven't noticed any drop-out, time-out, when posting on this forum.


Probably there are made changes on the server and software!


Mostly I use my iPad to post. Even long threats are loaded fast without any error message.


Very well done by the members who worked on it! It's much more reliable.




It is good to see all the new posts made in this forum, without using a workaround!


Happy posting and reading to all!

I agree. No time outs recently, posts are loaded first time every time.

Well done Keith!!

Regards Graham

Søren Mexico
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I agree. No time outs recently, posts are loaded first time every time.

Well done Keith!!

Same here, and yes Keith was working on it. well done


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