ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
dear community,
About a year ago I got a hold on a beautiful Beomaster 3000 in perfect condition. Later on I added a Beogram 3300 and I was the happiest man when listening to my LPs.
today my wife decided to use it as well and pushed the PH button to turn it on, she felt a little bit of static, and since then the button is no longer working.
i unplugged the Beomaster, re plugged, still not working. Of course I could plug my beogram to the TP1 input, but there is no preamp in this channel, so not an option
Any idea, comment, support ??
thank you all
Hi Guillaume,
firstly - don't give your wife a hard time! I suspect the static was just coincidental.
The push buttons on these machines have been known to be a problem area and can give way over time. I assume you have tried pressing the PH and other buttons several times in case it's just a contact issue?
If all else fails, you can try to repair/clean the switch mechanism (I think there are threads on Beoworld linked to this as a series of BM's have similar switches) or, you could just buy a pre-amp as they aren't exactly expensive.
Are we talking about the right BM3000?
The 80's version is the ruler shaped one:
If it's this one, I hope all other preset/functions work properly. It can be the difference between a faulty transistor or micro-processor. The latter will be harder to find.
Beobuddy: Are we talking about the right BM3000? The 80's version is the ruler shaped one: If it's this one, I hope all other preset/functions work properly. It can be the difference between a faulty transistor or micro-processor. The latter will be harder to find.
You may be right Beobuddy - the 'older BM3000 series finished in 1975. Goodness, was it that long ago?
Maybe the OP can confirm which model it is before we get any further.
Hi Beobuddy and Dave,
Thanks for your posts! and yes my wife deserve a little more respect, and course she didn't do anything it's 100% circumstantial ;)
So yes, this is the BM3000 that Beobuddy showed in the link. The model is from 1985, that looks like the DeLorean or a ruler as you said !
And yes, only the PH button cant be triggered. Everything else is in proper order. (other functions, even the Tape1/2 manual switch under the cover works).Does that mean it could be a faulty transistor? if yes, what do you think about replacement? (I mean can it be considered to be done by non-professionals like me?)
Thanks a lot guys!
Dave Farr: Goodness, was it that long ago?
Goodness, was it that long ago?
Time travels faster when you're having B&O fun
It depends on your skills.
You have to remove several parts and take out the board with the sensative pins. Try at first if the PH responds by direct touching it (silver pin where the cupper part from the coverplate touches/hooks.
When servicing you should clean all the pins by using a glassfiber stick.
The trickiest part is to place to topcover back in it's place. It's easily done if you know how. As always.
Ok,thanks. I'll try to open it up and clean the pins. At least I'll get familiar with the inside parts of my Beomaster, if needed to take further actions.
I'll keep you posted on the outcome.
Hi Beobuddy,
So I opened the BM3000 up this weekend. I am glad I saw the "guts" of it! It is as beautiful inside as it is outside
-The pins are all clean and look all the same. I tried to clean up the PH one.
-no obvious mark of a transistor that burned or a resistance that exploded.
-the cover was a pain to put back, as you said!!! The insertion of the cover to the system on the right to slow down the opening made it tricky. Finally did it, so the reassembly was ok.
But it did not sort the issue. I must say I was not very thorough in the cleaning.
One thing though: you suggested to open it up, plug it in and test the PH pin while it is under electricity, is that correct? just trying to make sure I understood it right, because I did not do that.
Thanks for comments and suggestions!
I suggest you check the transistor related to the PH touchpad . It's a BF199, they are a bit sensitive andI've replaced a handful or so by now.One of them was mentioned here: cannot tell if it's blown by just looking at it.It's a cheap component so so you can just replace it if in doubt.
Hi Martin and the community,
it was the BF199 of the PH module indeed. Ordered a new one, took the old one out, and it is now working again.
Total repair cost: 1.80€ for a BF199 transistors
Excellent advises from you all, that got me to do something out of my comfort zone.Thanks you all!!
I have got pictures of the location of the transistor if anyone is interested.
Good job! Don't be a stranger now.