ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I just sold an MMC20 EN on ebay that came off of a nice Beogram 4002 that I had purchased a few weeks earlier (also ebay). I tried it and it worked beautifully and also inspected it under a 100x magnifier and thought it looked great (pointy w crisp edges).
The buyer of the cartridge emailed me a week after receipt stating that the stylus is not Bang & Olufsen. (Or soundsmith). Is there any way I can verify whether a stylus is or is not a B&O?
I wasn't aware if there are counterfeits.
If it is an MMC20EN it will be printed on the cartridge. Do you have the link to the eBay listing you can post - or just a photo of the actual cartridge you sold?
This is what you should have sold:
I've not come across any counterfeit B&O cartridges so suspect the buyer may be 'trying it on' to get a refund or at worst, has damaged it and now wants his money back. Either way, he needs to return it to you if he has a problem with it. I assume he contacted you via eBay and not directly by e-mail? Does the buyer have good feedback? Do you know what Turntable he is trying it on? It is also possible that the suspension has failed on the cartridge which will produce pretty awful sound - which may make him believe the quality is not B&O and is therefore 'fake'.
Alternatively, you may have just assumed it was n MMC20EN and mis-sold it. If it came off a BG4002, unless it has a special adaptor, it will be a B&O cartridge as they are the only ones that will fit on the tonearm.
When you refer to the 'stylus' do you really mean the whole cartridge or just the cantilever (tube) and diamond (stylus) which the buyer is not happy with. It's also possible that the cartridge has been retipped and had a replacement cantilever in the past which is not the same as the original B&O version from new.
Welcome to Beoworld by the way.
What evidence does he give you to support his claim?
Hi Dave,
thank you very much for the welcome and your reply. Actually, the buyer just sent me another email that all is okay. Said his shop expressed surprise/concern that it arrived in non original packaging because they assumed he bought a new one (huh, discontinued in 1985). I didn't have an extra case, so admittedly my package was a little funky (but highly functional). I was definitely thinking the buyer was trying to force a return of a bad one, or a further discount since I generally know what I'm looking at and what it came off of (a very clean original 4002).
if anything he might question who's working on his B&O for asking the question!
P.s. je suis Charlie & je suis Juif! My deepest condolences