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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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IR Code Converter Questions

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Top 150 Contributor
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee Posted: Mon, Jan 26 2015 5:57 PM

Hi Guys,

I've got a IR code converter (thanks to Leslie) and would like to know what remotes are compatible with it. I understand the Beolink 1000 terminal will work but will any others?

Also what functions will it be able to control on my Beomaster 5000? Can I adjust the bass and treble etc with it? I've had a look at the manual but it doesn't give me much information.

Thanks in advance,




Top 150 Contributor
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Wed, Jan 28 2015 5:36 PM

Anybody got any ideas? I know the boxes are rare but I can't have the only one :-p


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Sal replied on Wed, Jan 28 2015 5:54 PM

Is this a B&O / Lintronic / other make?

Top 150 Contributor
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Wed, Jan 28 2015 6:04 PM

It's made by B&O. Its the code converter to allow later remotes to control older Beomasters, It consists of a converter box (looks like a MCL82 but grey and with different sockets), a sensor, a little infra-red sender, a wall wart PSU and a load of cables. 

It connects to the Beomaster 5000 (80s version) via the 3-pin DIN speaker links. Or controls the Beomaster 8000 and 6000 with a small IR sender. 

It also has 2x sockets on the back called CD and Tape but I have no idea what these are for... the manual doesn't mention them.



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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Thu, Jan 29 2015 11:34 PM

I'm really struggling with this one... information about this code converter is very thin on the ground :-(

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Lee replied on Thu, Feb 5 2015 6:41 PM

I've managed to find out a little about this box, it should be compatible with the Terminal 1000 and the Beo4 as they use the same codes. But I still have no idea what the CD and TAPE sockets are for on the back of it. 

Any clues?

Also it requires a IR sender to work with the BM8000, the socket on the board looks like a 2.5mm mono jack. I've seen a few IR senders on ebay that terminate at a 2.5mm mono plug... Do you think these will work?



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RaMaBo replied on Fri, Feb 6 2015 12:04 PM



concerning the CD and Tape connectors you can try <SHIFT> + <1> to <SHIFT> + <9>. Mabe it works like the MCL2 AV.


For the IR transmission LED connection you can try one of those ebay 'IR Blaster' LED with a 2.5 mm plug. But the most have a 3.5 mm plug as far as i remember.


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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Fri, Feb 13 2015 4:52 PM

I don't see how it could... The only connection the box has to the Beomaster 5000 is via the 3-pin speaker DINs and they are output only.

They must be there for a reason but the manual doesn't even mention them...

I'll get one of those IR wires ordered but I won't be able to test it out until I get a BM8000 (soon I hope)





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Peter replied on Fri, Feb 13 2015 9:57 PM

 I had one of these - I hate to say it, but they are a bit rubbish!! For some reason, the signals slow down dreadfully. These boxes are designed to allow the BM8000 BC7002 and BM5000 work with a Beolink 1000. The box itself is essentially a converted MCL box but with extras! I remember taking one to the Beoworld meet at Kings Street in Manchester. I think I later swapped it for something - no idea what!!

I see you have the manual. Pretty sure the Tape and CD sockets allow local control of Beolink items.


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beowild replied on Tue, Feb 17 2015 9:46 AM

Hi Lee

Have a look at the beotech-Page. The Master Control Link Image 9 gives a brief summary of the functions and also explains the possible CD-Functions. As far as i know, you can use every remote which handles the BEO4 Codes. The device translates these to the codes of the older systems like your BM5000.

I also have one of these devices but never found the time to bring it back to live (misses the infrared transmitter and the power supply). I sent a copy of my manual to beoworld years ago.

Good luck and best regards


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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Tue, Feb 17 2015 2:35 PM

Thanks for all your help Guys, I've got it connected up to the BM5000 and it works great with a Beo4 remote - No delay that I can notice Peter...

And David thanks for the info, I've had a look at the Beotech website and that has made things much clearer. I think that you connect the CD player to the converter and then the tape to the tape socket on the BM8000 and this would allow you to control the CD player with the remote. That's great because I'm hoping to get a BM8000 soon and I was wondering how it would control a CD player.




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Peter replied on Tue, Feb 17 2015 2:50 PM

Glad yours is working - nice to hear someone still using this equipment - quite rare these days - no-one at Kings Street had seen one before and that was many years ago!


Top 150 Contributor
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Tue, Feb 24 2015 1:04 AM

Has anyone out there got one of these converters? If so can you check the AC adaptor and tell me what voltage it is... The adaptor I got with mine says it its outputs 15V but I've been told that the converter is 8-14V so I daren't use it. It works at the moment with my BM5000 taking the power from the speaker link sockets but I want to use this converter with a BM8000 and that requires the use of the AC adapter.



Anders Jørgensen
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I got one of these rare boxes.

I never got it completely setup though as I do not have all the bits to connect it with.

2.5 mm plug? That might be it and I will try to look into it. I have never had any clue about it. Thank you!

As for voltage it says on the plastic grey cover DC 8-14V. 

To install it on a BM8000 you need the power link from a Beovision according to the manual.

CD And Tape connection I have no clue about how that would work. Once it setup to Beolink 1000 tape would get tape and so forth.


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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Tue, Feb 24 2015 4:15 PM

I've had a reply from Beocare today and they advised me that the IR Converter expects a voltage of between 12-15V so I guess the adapter I've got will be OK. Its the one as supplied with the MCL2AV.

It looks like a 2.5mm mono jack for the IR connector. Any old IR 'blaster' should work with the correct plug...

No you don't need the Beovision to use it with the BM8000 at all. It tells you how to set it up with a BV but you definitely don't require it.

And the CD socket I now know is for allowing control of a CD player with the remote when using a BC7700, BM8000 or BM6000. You connect the CD player to the CD socket on the converter box (using a 7pin Datalink cable) and then connect the TAPE socket to the TAPE2 (5pin) socket on the BM.


Anders Jørgensen
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Ah it makes more sense now.

Instead of a Beovision you just connect it tape 2 RCA  on the BM8000 to tape plug on the box.

I have always used a CDX with a Beomaster 6000 and 8000 but this new information opens up some other cd options for such Beomaster versions. 

Thank you again! 

I used a power supply from an newer MCL2AV kit too but I could not see if it would work as I still needed some things and also proper understanding on how it really works.

Now I am going to look for a transceiver, Ir blaster 2,5 plug a link would be very nice! And a power supply + another Beogram cd of choice. 

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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Tue, Feb 24 2015 6:03 PM

I've just set my converter to BM8000 mode so that I could test what I have said. I plugged in a PSU, connected my Beogram CD50 to the CD socket (on the converter) and the TAPE (on the converter) to AUX in on my BM5000 using a 5 pin DIN and low and behold I can control the CD-player with the Beo4 and the sound is routed through the TAPE socket. Now I too just need to get the IR sensor sorted. Hopefully this week sometime.

The transceiver is just a standard one that says Sensor on it (it doesn't have any buttons). My MCL2AV PSU isn't working so I've used a spare 12v one that I had... remember the sleeve of the connector (the outside) is the positive terminal.



Anders Jørgensen
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I have found the transceiver with sensor on it allready.


Top 150 Contributor
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Tue, Feb 24 2015 7:03 PM
I've just ordered a IR blaster from eBay but it has a 3.5mm mono plug so I've also ordered a 2.5mm mono to 3.5mm mono converter. Hopefully this will work as is but if not it should just be a case of cutting the IR cable and swapping over the + and - wires (LEDs only work one way)
Anders Jørgensen
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In any case keep us all updated on how it goes.

Top 150 Contributor
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Sun, Mar 1 2015 3:44 PM
I've received the 3.5mm to 2.5mm converter and can confirm it is the correct size. The IR transmitter I got didn't work until I cut its cable and swapped the wires around. It now emits IR (as seen on a camera) when I get a BM8000 I will do the final test but it seems like it should work :-D
Anders Jørgensen
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It sounds like it should.

I got the sensor on the way and only need to locate the RCA plug for the BM8000. I do have it somewhere. 

A 2,5 mm IR blaster is the one I also need but I finally know what fits this box. Thank you Lee.

It should give control with Beo4 or Beolink 1000 on a BM8000 besides CD option?


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Zazouzt replied on Sun, Jun 21 2020 2:24 PM


Do you still have a manual for the IR-Codeconverter ?

I know, this conversation is from 2015, but i still try to find the manual




Top 150 Contributor
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Sun, Jun 21 2020 2:28 PM
It’s on this site. It’s filed under the manuals for the Beomaster 5000.
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