ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have problem with BeoSound Century / 2000
Cassete plays for 3 seconds, reverses and plays again for 3 seconds and then shuts down.
Does anyone can help me?All other functions (radio, CD, ..) are working without any problems.
Is it the same with all cassetes used? Does the tape fast forward and rewind OK? Have you cleaned the tape heads?
It's the same with all cassette typ.
I did clean head and belt ...
forward and rewind not ok!
Tape counter not working- display 0000 al the time even when the tape is started.
marexy: Tape counter not working- display 0000 al the time even when the tape is started.
I don't know what drives the tape counter on the Century - belt or other sensor?. I know that on other K7 machines that if the belt is broken for the tape counter you do get the tape stopping so that is a place to start looking I suspect. The service manual will probably help you.
Hi Marexy,
This is the EXACT problem that I have with my Century!!! It developed the problem when it was four years old. The cassette deck had very little use.
I'd love to know how to rectify this fault!
it has a sensor for counter. Like avio propeler or how could i say .. :)
behind these plastic part is sensor. The sensor works give 3-5v hi-lo signal.
I have service manual ..but i do not know where to look for error.
maybe is microcomputer fault ? :(..or some stupid litle hiden error :)
I can not believe that no one has ever had the opportunity fix the error that is obviously serial.
Since I am not expert'm looking for tips and help :)
I do not use a lot of cassette player (almost never). but I would like to fix it.
Maybe check the take-up torque and adjust if necessary. You need the torque tape to do that though so would need to be taken for repair (adjust 1635 on PCB7 to 45-50g-cm.
I suppose the easiest option is to replace the drive belt (number 9455/2732111) first with a new one to see if it helps.
I don't think this has ever been discussed here before so can't call 2 instances 'serial'.
Yes, same here, my tape deck had very little use but again, i'd like it to work! Even though basic, the cassette deck was capable of making some really excellent recordings using ferric oxide cassettes.
Out of interest, mine was bought in December 1999. I had three in the first week - all problems with the sliding door not opening.
I think this must have been a bad year for B&O as the CD player continuously jumps,, the plastic casing vibrations with medium volume and the electric glass door doesn't work if the room becomes slightly cold. And the cassette deck doesn't work.
Very bizarre as the catalogue mentioned attention to detail and the high reliability of the glass door which was tested 150,000 times??? They obviously forgot to test them in 1999.
HiCassettes for the torqu moment I have none.Flat belt is tight in place. I think that is not a problem point.
i repair Dors ... try to clean sliding along the surface, and applied to the surface new soft technical greese.Clean the door sensor, and for me it worked and then everything works ok.
Paul W: Out of interest, mine was bought in December 1999. I had three in the first week - all problems with the sliding door not opening. I think this must have been a bad year for B&O as the CD player continuously jumps,, the plastic casing vibrations with medium volume and the electric glass door doesn't work if the room becomes slightly cold. And the cassette deck doesn't work. Very bizarre as the catalogue mentioned attention to detail and the high reliability of the glass door which was tested 150,000 times??? They obviously forgot to test them in 1999.
The door issue was a known problem and is easily solved by swapping 1 part. See service manual. This was changes after the first year or so of production. Your Century issues seem to have all come in one machine as you know many others have had no (or little) problems. Most cassette decks stop working after many years - belts rot, gear siezes due to lack of use or lack of maintenance. You can't expect everything to work all of the time for an indefinite period. Things age and eventually cease to function properly - cars, white goods, electronics etc etc.
Are both tape reels rotating when it runs (even if only very little) or has one stuck ?
Both rotating when it runs with no roblem. It plays music for 3 sec. and thean rewerse play for 3 sec and than stop. Reels - with belt rotating all the time.
Yesterday I was a little fun in the process.I suspect that the oscillator is defective.On it is the connector an connestor No: 52 which may be disconnected without changes occurred action. What is the purpose of the oscillator?The cables coming from the power panel. Today I checked all the fuses. If anyone has a service manual to look and answers. I do not know whether there should be power voltage or not?
did done that " You need the torque tape to do that though so would need to be taken for repair (adjust 1635 on PCB7 to 45-50g-cm."
no changes !!
Although this doesn't directly help you, this guy in Germany has broken down a Century and is selling many parts including tape and PCB's you may be interested in - or not:
Not the same typ of mechanism or electronic as BS Overture
Sorry, he did have some Century parts.
A motion sensor problem or a too tight belt causing the protective motor current sensing circuit to trig.
Yes. it can be motion sensor ( electronic counter ) problem.
But..sensor is counting with no problem. Maybe chip is defective?
If i had 2 of them ...will be able to try :(
Belt is not to tight no to loose.
nothing new....zilch..zerro..nul..
did not find error :(
As a follow up, there is a tape mech on eBay at the moment:
It does seem that the tape motion sensor is u/s.This is located under the left hand turntable.The sensor is optical and works by reflected light.There is a special shaped wheel under the turntable.The underside of this wheel is silvered to reflect light from an led.As the wheel turns a pulse is generated and sent to the computer which can then calculate tape position etc.
The crucial reflective silvering can degrade,or just become dulled,so not reflecting enough light to generate a pulse.So the computer thinks the tape has ended,and reverses the mech etc.
Try dismantling the left hand turntable and removeing the cogged wheel (item No 9428,in service manual drawing)and clean the silvered face,and also the sender/receiver chip under it.
I think the service manual is available to view on site
Thanks for the informationI have cleaned the wheel and electrical pulse is a present periodic depending on the rotation.And I agree that it is a mistake somewhere in this direction. or of the sensor or processor which process these impulses. Maybe have any idea?What voltages must come from the sensor?
Eureka :)
After a long time I'm back a little to correct and repair.Bizarre small error. I found an error within 10 minutes.The sensor rotation was too close to the rotary wheels.This is causing the meter was not working properly and give the necessary closed.
I have had a Century with exact the same problem and replacement of belt did not solve til issue. It turned out that it was the small motor connected to the tape reels that needed a regrease.