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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BM 2400 Mexico

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Søren Mexico
Top 10 Contributor
Mexico City
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Søren Mexico Posted: Mon, Mar 23 2015 5:51 PM

I have my lovely BM 2400 on the bench. It has been playing good for about 3 years, here the old thread.

The BM 2400 has not been used for about 6 months, Friday I connected it, it played good for about 3 minutes and then shut down totally, no bad sound, no smell, nothing, it just stopped working, no standby. Today I opened it, checking the fuses, OK, checking the voltages from the toroidal transformer I got 129 VAC in, secondary 25 VAC and 18 VAC, After the rectifier (D50) for the 15 VDC supply nothing, with the 15 VDC the RL1 should be activated and give the 25 VAC to the OD1 rectifier, the OD1 is supposed to give 31 VDC to the main feed, 18 VAC to D50 should be enough to give 15 VDC but 25 VAC to OD1 is in my opinion very low for the 31 VDC feed. Do I have a bad transformer ???

I desoldered the D50, and a diode test shows OK

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hamacbleu replied on Sun, Mar 29 2015 1:44 PM

Hi Søren,

Have you made any progress? I'm interested in knowing how your troubleshooting goes. If I understand correctly, there is no 15v supply? If so wouldn't the standby circuit would be to blame instead of the transformer?

Last time I troubleshoot one of these, I found a completely opened resistor, without any burnt sign.


Søren Mexico
Top 10 Contributor
Mexico City
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I changed the bridge rectifier and have the 15 V supply, but there is something else wrong, didnt have time to search further but I will be back with more in a couple of weeks, going on vacation.

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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Ricardo replied on Sun, Mar 29 2015 6:10 PM

If it turns out to be a transformer or perhaps the electric contact relay switch LMK - I am sure I have a spare I can send you, I dont think it is the transformer.

Søren Mexico
Top 10 Contributor
Mexico City
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If it turns out to be a transformer or perhaps the electric contact relay switch LMK - I am sure I have a spare I can send you, I dont think it is the transformer.

Not transformer, I have 20-22 V after the rectifier, 15.8 V at TP16, "0"V at TP15, and if I remember right 15V at TP17, when I get to it again I will check the failure circuit and TR31/32

I have guests using my guestroom/workshop, and we are going on vacations for 2 weeks, will be back with more.


Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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