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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 8000 - All Zeros after power outage

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Redline7700 Posted: Sat, Mar 28 2015 9:46 PM


i hope someone can help me out with my Beomaster 8000.  It has been working flawlessly up to this point, even with all the digits fully working on the display.  I had a power outage, it was out for 5 hours.  After the power came on, The Beomaster display was all zeros and will no longer respond to anything.  I had to pull the cord to get the display to turn off.  Any suggestions before I have a shop look at it?  Would it just be a blown capacitor?  I appreciate any help provided.  Thanks.

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Québec, Canada
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hamacbleu replied on Sun, Mar 29 2015 1:23 PM


Have you reconnected it since then? If so, does the display still shows random digits? Was it in use when the power outage occurred?

First of all, take the following advice with a grain of salt: my experience with that complicated machine and in electronic is limited. But so far it's been a success...If unsure, don't touch anything and find someone competent, willing and interested. Avoid those who would say it's good for the bin.

If it still shows random digits when connected, I would probably check if the 5v supply to the microcomputer is still there. If the value is below that, it's normal that the microcomputer goes into a locked position in which it shows a random display when the BM is plugged to the main.

So you should have, on standby, 5V at pin 2 and 3 of P48, on the power supply board. If you don't have this 5V, then I would investigate around why not. (regulator right under cap C35, attached on the heat sink on the right side, the C35 caps itself). Perhaps the machine just need a complete recap, especially on the power supply board.


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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Sun, Mar 29 2015 2:02 PM

You could try putting it in test mode to reset the CPU. Press and hold the monitor button and press the standby button. You should see a T on the screen followed shortly by TP. Then press a function key (TP1 etc) to turn it on.


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The unit was not on during the power outage. The Beomaster was working fine about a week previous to the power outage- it normally gets a few hours every two weeks or so of usage since I have had in in my possession (2 years). 

It has been unplugged, as soon as I plug it in, it responds to nothing and the displays are all zeros- I have tried to reset buy pressing the monitor and standby button but this does nothing.  I unplugged it and plugged it back in, got the standby light (dot) but the unit does not respond.

Any hints? Full capacitor rework?


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Québec, Canada
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hamacbleu replied on Mon, Mar 30 2015 2:33 AM

If this machine has never been open since 35 years, it's normal that it begins to show off. I guess you we're lucky it was still working flawlessly up until now. Perhaps the fact it was disconnected and Reconnected caused a tiny final blow on a component that has already passed its life expectancy. You would have disconnect it by yourself and probably the same thing would have happened.

UnStability in the Power supply would be my 1st guess. It could be only one capacitor. But if you manage to go inside, you should probably get rid of all the old red and black roe caps and replace them with brand new components.


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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Mon, Mar 30 2015 1:14 PM
You now have the standby dot?

If so now try the reset by holding the monitor button and pressing standby. Release when T is displayed.
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I have the standby dot, but the unit is non-responsive to any command.  I am assuming I will have to start the long process of re-capping all the boards?  

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