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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 1900-2 bad speaker connection

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Bronze Member
Strikecommando Posted: Sat, Apr 11 2015 7:00 PM

Greetings people! I am a new and not very tech-savvy member, and i just aquired a beautiful Beomaster 1900-2, in seemingly great condition. However, after hooking it up at home it turns out the speaker connection is quite wobbly and comes and goes, both channels. This is of course very disappointing, but i am crossing my fingers hoping that it is a solvable problem and not too expensive. Anyone familiar with this?

love these forums by the way, so many knowledgeable people, hope to take advantage of it :)

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
Posts 13,191
Dillen replied on Sat, Apr 11 2015 8:11 PM

Welcome to Beoworld !

Are the connections sensitive to touching the speaker cables? - If so tighten the contacts in the speaker sockets by inserting a
very small watchmakers screwdriver behind each contact and pry them together a bit to add contact pressure.

Is the Beomaster sensitive to touching/using the balance control ? - If so grab a potentiometer repair kit and get someone with a little
tech skills to repair it.


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