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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BeoGram 8002 Microprosessor

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Bronze Member
Aegnor Posted: Sat, Jun 13 2015 6:33 PM

Hello BeoWorlders! I am seeking your advice on servicing my BeoGram 8002.

With the help of local service center, I have already narrowed down the problem to a broken microprosessor unit.

Does anyone know where to start searching parts and assistance in getting the unit back in action?

Many thanks for your assistance in advance, much appreciated!

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I'm doing some research on my own broken BG8002 so I found a thing or two about it.

Do not throw away the microprocessor chip yet! There is no replacement anymore. First make VERY sure the chip is broken. It could still be something else, e.g.:

- electrolytic capacitor anywhere else in the machine. Replace them all.

- broken solders, especially on the connectors and inside the microprocessor can. Resolder these and inspect thoroughly!

- broken trace, especially around connectors and inside the microprocessor can

- bad connection of the microprocessor chip IC socket. Replace it with a quality new one

- Reading sonavors big BG8002 post I'm thinking the 4.7nF ceramic caps inside the microprocessor can are going bad in many of the BG8002's. Desolder and check/replace them.

Repairs on this machine are very work intensive and maybe best left to a serious expert, e.g. Dillen or Sonavor.  'microprocessor is bad' is an easy to make conclusion for the average tech guy if they are inexperienced with the BG8002.

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Aegnor replied on Wed, Jan 18 2017 10:12 AM

I thought I would update the case, since I eventually got the unit repaired! Apparently someone had tried repairing this unit earlier, but installed the microprosessor the wrong way around.


So I eventually was able to source a replament microprocessor and the service got the unit back in business. As adviced, I also replaced the caps at the same time.


There is still a minor issue connecting the unit to my BeoMaster though. I have a BeoMaster 7000 and a RIAA which passes the Datalink. I cannot get Datalink working between the units. Pressing PLAY on the BeoGram 8002 will not start BeoMaster 7000 or pressing PHONO on the BeoMaster 7000 does not start the BeoGram 8002.


The cable is standard Datalink cable bought from a B&O Shop. I have read about a double shielded cable, does anyone know what this is? Are the Datalink pin connections same for BeoMaster 7000 and BeoGram 8002? Do I need a special cable to connect these two together to make also Datalink work?

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