ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I'm from Italy and I've just bought an used beo5 remote, but I don't uderstand how to configure
it to control some 3th part devices. And also I can't find the CT in the web.
there is someone who knows how to help me?
No one can help me? :-/
Welcome to Beoworld,
1.) As there are many many postings about the Beo 5, please use the search function of this forum. We have enough documentation and you'll find everything you'll need. As you may have noticed there's also a Beo 5 / 6 ressource site on the mainsite of Beoworld: The basic structure of the software is: - Create the rooms of your apartment/house - ad your B&O and non-B&O products to each room - configure link functions (when products are linked via Masterlink oder Networklink) - change buttons and functions in the editor for the Beo 5 / 6 screen as you like until it feed YOUR personal needs.It's not the most intuitive software but it works.
Did anyoner ever get the new version or is just for the few?
Did anyone ever get the new version or is just for the few?