ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi All, been searching this forum while trying to choose which B&O system i should buy and found it a valuable source. I had hoped for my first post on this forum to be a positive one but seems i have to start with a question.
I found this 6500 system a few weeks ago and am quite happy with it, today i picked up a Beogram 4002 . Heard it play through a non B&O amp and sounded fine, came home plugged it into my 6500 and the sound through my speakers was virtually non existent.
Switched over to CD and sound was fine, tried the Beogram again and when i maxed out the sound level the volume from the speakers was still only a quarter of wat it should be.
Don't know if i am missing something here but sure hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Welcome to Beoworld.
The problem you have is the Beomaster 6500 doesn't have a build in phono pre-amp and neither does the 4002. The phono socket on the 6500 is just a normal line in as the Beogram 6500 had a pre-amp built into the deck. You can get a pre-amp from a number of places including sounds heavenly and iconic AV.
The beogram 4002 will need a preamp is using with the beomaster 6500
regards Jason
Ha, we were typing at the same time😄
Had to be something dumb of course , was so sure the 4002 had a pre-amp. Seriously want to kick myself in the ...
Thank you all for the fast reply, any preference in pre-amps?
I personally opt for the b-tech which I find very good ,but you can really spend any amount on preamps
Thx, my entire 6500 system + the 4002 and a set of S45's cost me around 380 euro's so far so not looking to spend that much on a pre-amp. Most important for me is how it works with the B&O equipment, your B tech is the last expensive i have seen so far so may give that chance.