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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beoworld membership

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Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger Posted: Mon, Jun 18 2012 10:43 PM

Is it my imagination, or have many regulars abandoned Beoworld? I have to confess to my own contributions falling off to some extent, but some once familiar names seem to have disappeared altogether.

Same with the Wednesday forum. 

Does this tell us something about Beoworld, the latest Bang & Olufsen products, or even something about the way our economies are going?


Søren Mexico
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I dont think the regulars has abandoned BW, but some, like me, are a little disappointed with the new forum, its just to time consuming to make a thread with photos, the last year, on vintage, in the old forum there was at least 1 new thread a week, now if you are lucky we get one thread a month.

In vintage, the workbench and Beogram there was a lot of traffic, but somehow its all lost, before the change I answered to threads nearly every day, I helped (or tried to) at least once a week, Now I check the forum maybe once a day but hardly ever post, and I'm sure that when the gold and silver members has to renew their membership a lot wont do it, but stay as non paying members, We have been criticizing and giving suggestions but nothing happens.

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moxxey replied on Mon, Jun 18 2012 11:53 PM

There are quite a few key people from the "old" forum who have stopped posting - primarily American B&O users, strangely. I can't remember everyone's name, but the most prolific was Trip English. Made some very contributing and valid posts.

I've just done a search for Trip or Trip English as a user, can't find a single post since we moved to the new forum :(

I wonder why these active users gave up? Maybe with the change and teething problems, they didn't have the time to bother sorting out their move, so didn't, and never returned!

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pfcs49 replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 2:17 AM

after 3 months of seeing a post about opening a 4002 deck at the top of the page, I figured I'd post something stupid to wake people up.

Only when I tried to post did it become somewhat clear that something had changed. I figured it out and found the new forum but less enthusiastic people might not. And, yea-the new forum is a step backwards in my book. Still nothing like the train wreck at Audiogon.

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Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
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The reason that I don't post so regularly is that, more often than not, the new server times out and the post is lost or the site is un-available for some reason.

I don't have the time or inclination to re-type the post, so I just give up.

After years of continuous paid membership, including the original Connoiseurs Club on the first incarnation of Beoworld, b.l.m. (before Lee Marriott), I will not be a paying member again, unless things change dramatically with the forum software or hardware. The current implementation is rubbish!!

I would also point out, that I am less inclined to post, as many of the recent questions in the general forum are outside my zone of interest or knowledge, as they concern products that I can no longer afford or are not yet in my sphere of business. Will they ever be? That is the question! 

Regards Graham

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To me the biggest problem was that the old content wasn't migrated to the new forum. The feeling that we've built all this shared knowledge over the year and that now it is (almost) gone has probably disheartened quite a few people.

The French forum is almost dead, so is the Mac section (8 threads in total!!!)

There has also been an increase of users who regularly post aggressive comments. I had to unfollow quite a few discussion that turned in flames. Because of these trolls, the forum doesn't seem as friendly as it used to be.

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moxxey replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 9:18 AM


There has also been an increase of users who regularly post aggressive comments. I had to unfollow quite a few discussion that turned in flames. Because of these trolls, the forum doesn't seem as friendly as it used to be.

Oh god, please no. Not this "troll" business again. Please. I get this all the time on forums. "If it only wasn't for the trolls things would be so much better!"

We live in a world which isn't full of sweetness and light. People have opinions. Computer-based opinions always come across as more dry, colder and probably more flame-like than they would in real-life. Brits, as an example, can have a very dry sense of humour. We can say "nasty" things with a grin on our face. However, try that by email or via a forum and the grin is lost, you just see the nastiness part and it comes across as disheartening.

I simply do not understand people's expectations on computer forums. I can't understand why people can't just live with a few different opinions. They are all valid. Some might be more dry or colder than others, but that's life. For instance, follow football discussion forums and mostly they are full of very strong opinions and swear words.

But this doesn't just apply to forums. Read any B&O news story on regular tech websites and the comments are incredibly harsh and "troll-like". Far more disheartening than this forum.

I, as I'd expect others too, do not come on any forum expecting people to either agree with everything or reply with "wow, yes, lovely!". I expect strong opinions, I expect negativity. I also expect positivity, too. It's about getting the balance right. The day you try and start policing forums or start by removing so-called "trolls", then you might as well close a forum.

I've just seen a forum close for this very reason. Exactly the same thing happened as on Beoworld. The owners changed the software, style and even the login. A lot of less savvy users didn't bother re-subscribing, leaving fewer users making comments. As a result, it appeared as there more "trolls", so users start moaning about them. Bitching and arguments follow, owners decide they can't be bothered to moderate/admin, so they simply closed the forum entirely.

I wish users would understand that forums aren't there for them to have a tailored experience that suits their requirements. If you look for that, you'll end up disappointed. You have to live with the fact that people will flame, get passionate, look negative. That's life. Happens on most/every forum.

This isn't the solution. So-called "trolls" don't bother logging in to forums just to reply negatively. They are just as valid as anyone else. They own the kit. Some of the most vocal "trolls" are, ironically, B&O users with the most kit. You can't be a "troll" and be buying B&O kit. They aren't mutually exclusive, really.

What we need to do is figure why a lot of less savvy contributors stopped contributing. That wants due to "trolls", it was due to changes here where busy people (like Trip English) just didn't bother coming back. He simply has more pressing things to do with his life than going around stating that some users are trolls.

I think Phil's post alone as made me decide that maybe my time on this board is coming to an end. The day that people go down the troll-calling route is just sigh-worthy beyond comprehension. I'd love to meet these people face-to-face and see how they react to real-life opinions.

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PhilLondon replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 10:13 AM
Just in case you have not noticed, it isn't that people express different point of views that I think is a problem for certain, it is the aggressiveness of certain members towards others. Very different.

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Puncher replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 10:58 AM

I'm not sure if this is real or just a perception but I feel like there's a lot more "I love B&O because it's shiny and expensive" than there used to be 5 or 6 years ago.

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PhilLondon replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 11:17 AM

I'm not sure if this is real or just a perception but I feel like there's a lot more "I love B&O because it's shiny and expensive" than there used to be 5 or 6 years ago.

Maybe it is because B&O is more expensive and more shiny (beolab 11, 12) than 5 years ago ;-)

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Puncher replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 11:24 AM



I'm not sure if this is real or just a perception but I feel like there's a lot more "I love B&O because it's shiny and expensive" than there used to be 5 or 6 years ago.



Maybe it is because B&O is more expensive and more shiny (beolab 11, 12) than 5 years ago ;-)

You got me - it's a fair cop!Stick out tongue


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elephant replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 12:19 PM

I think my own involvement has waxed and waned over time ... I think I started in 2002/3.

In the beginning my interests were focused on extending the life of my Beosystem 5000 investment of 1985/6 including repairing a Beocord 5000 with Dillen's help.

At that time the forum's photo gallery support was very very flexible and easy to use -- you would browse the text forums, and then a separate picture gallery that had latest uploads, as well as various categories.

One of those categories I used in 2004 was my Beosound 2's travels around the world as well as B&O shops in various geographies.

Then I moved my acquisition of the Beosound 4 and Beolab 6000s and trying to integrate the MCL world with the ML world.

Around that time I tried building my media centre PC inside a Beocord 5000 case -- and got lots of complimentary remarks even though it ultimately failed.

Now days I am a strong promotor of the Macmini and the use of Philippe's LinkPlayer -- so much better and more flexible than what I was attempting to create !

And now I am into Beovisions and how to exploit their capabilities.

So I have lived through some 3 or 4 software changes ... I have seen some good friends depart - some time with bad feelings.

I have seen my interests change -- and others too -- the vintage forum is much much stronger now -- and I think that is a good thing.

I have seen young people come -- and fade away -- but they are still there on the fringes: Alex for one -- and I hope Evan and Soren stay with us and carry the love of the older B&O forward into the future.  And I welcome Paul and his outrageous enthusiasms.

I miss scenes of Beoworld parties around the world -- I was always envious of how superb and elegant the French community's dinners looked -- but then in 2010 we have the party and this year the tour !

We all have idiosyncrasies -- over time I have recognised the strengths and foibles of many of the frequent posters -- so much so that some times I duck for cover when I see a certain in a post ... because I know salvos will rain for the next few hours or sometimes days.

But all in all we are a wonderful community of like minded souls with strong passions -- and I hope we will all be here a year from now, and ten years from now debating the vintage years, recommending tracks from the last century, how to bid or redeem on eBay, discussion manufacturing trends and the economics of globalisation, arguing over whose tablet makes a better controller, being bipolar about this quarter's B&O announcement, and having tangential discussions on watches, cars and coffee.

So I hope every one stays, that the previous contributors return, and that new people join to present new views and keep us engaged and alive.

Long live B&O and Beoworld -- so charge your glass, beakers, and cups Drinks Beer Coffee and raise a toast to Lee, the moderators, Keith, and all of us --  one and all ... hip hip hoorah ... Drinks Beer Coffee

BeoNut since '75

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elephant replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 12:20 PM

PS .... and long live the WedThread even though I no longer am able to join its conviviality ... nor even find it !!

BeoNut since '75

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Puncher replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 12:40 PM


PS .... and long live the WedThread even though I no longer am able to join its conviviality ... nor even find it !!

I was never a fan of those tangential watches, I always thought the radial models told the time better!Whistle

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Peter replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 1:55 PM

It has always been thus. The forum comes and goes - the main purpose, of informing others, carries on. Like some of the other posters, my problem is that B&O has moved on. I don't think I have anything current at present and my old equipment is so well made, I cannot see me needing anything other than a BV3 (which I am on the look for) in the near future.

I will attempt to answer questions that I can manage but leave the clever computer stuff to others now!! Big Smile

I still find the vast majority of users a very friendly bunch though!


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linder replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 2:41 PM


It has always been thus. The forum comes and goes - the main purpose, of informing others, carries on. Like some of the other posters, my problem is that B&O has moved on. I don't think I have anything current at present and my old equipment is so well made, I cannot see me needing anything other than a BV3 (which I am on the look for) in the near future.

I will attempt to answer questions that I can manage but leave the clever computer stuff to others now!! Big Smile

I still find the vast majority of users a very friendly bunch though!

I tend to agree with you, Peter.  Bang & Olufsen has really moved on.  I find the current line not very interesting.  The world economic situation cannot be overlooked and has probably influenced many not to purchase any of the new offerings.

As for an earlier remark about Americans leaving the forum, we are still here.  We just don't have much to say.

Philllondon's observation about the French forum is absolutely correct.  I used to frequently read the French forum because the discussions often presented a different point of view.  Now there are very few posts.

Over time, maybe the forum will improve as the economy recovers and B&O introduces new products.



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Forums are forums and there will always be fallings-ins and fallings-outs.  Also the amount of time one spends commenting on matters from their perspective which maybe subject to derisory remarks from others may be a factor........... 

Personally I thought the forums are as lively as ever from those contributors who decided to comment on matters.........

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Rich replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 5:27 PM

Interesting thread.

I've been here about three years, I guess.  I was lucky to find this forum when I thought one of my S45-2s was failing.  Then I bought a pair of M70s, went away for awhile, but then came back and went crazy posting when my Beo count went from about 4 pieces to 20+ in six months.  During that time I joined the WedThread, made a trip to JaffBay, and did my best to shame Evan into buying a turntable.

But now I have all the Beo I want (except maybe an 80s stacking system, or BC8004 or BC9000), and so my posting has gone down to nothing.  I still browse the forum every day.  I just don't post as much.  Maybe that will change if I ever pull the BC5000 (70s) out of the attic again.

And I will renew my gold membership this summer when the time comes.

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Rich replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 5:28 PM


Is it my imagination, or have many regulars abandoned Beoworld?

It's not your imagination, Graham.  I've thought the same thing since a bit before the forum change.

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cooldude replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 5:58 PM

A lot of points made in this thread. Most of them valid.
I have not been an active member for a couple of years now. However I browse the forum 4/5 times a week.
The new forum changes do not pose any problems for me posting or reading it.
Pictures have always been a pain to post. I never mastered it myself .. not even on the previous versions. 
Archiving the old posts was another mistake though, they should be active on the forum. A lot of information there that is now hard to reach. 

Also, as I see it, B&O is now in a transitional phase with the split between the classic B&O range and the new B&O play program.
A move by B&O I fully agree with. 
This move has obviously upset, disappointed a number of long time Beoworld and B&O geeks (I mean that in a good way!) that are now slowly feeling that the support of the items they love is slowly disappearing.  All I can say... long overdue.
I am totally behind B&O cancelling a lot of items and I wish they would go even further.... 

However ,B&O has left us now with but two audio masters worthy of the true B&O label   (BS4 and BS5) and I would call neither a success both on technical and design levels. We still want something to be a  true up to date , dedicated!!!,  audio master. 

The beovision 7 concept is now how old ? 

The beovision10 is just an updated beovision5/9 concept at heart.

The Beoplay V1 is finally a new concept worthy of the B&O play range. A good looking up-to-date tv with plenty of capabilities. 
The beosound8/A8 and beolit 12 are B&O play products with a different function, price level and clientele.
A new clientele that will seek info on their B&O products  on this forum. Most of these people see/use/handle these products very differently and that will reflect over time in this forum.






Chris Townsend
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Someone email TripEnglish

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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MartinW replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 10:05 PM
I know BeoVision 7 has been a long running successful family but it just gets better and better and by every measure and review i have ever seen the 7-55 is considered the best you can get. I also disagree that the bv10 is just a rework of BV5/9 - just because it has a square shape? What about the hundreds of tv's that are rectangular with speakers in the back? Are they all the same too?
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MartinW replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 10:06 PM
Doh! I gave away a BV3-28 last week Peter - didn't realise you were looking for one! It was mint too with a stand!
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elephant replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 10:17 PM

The Beoplay V1 is finally a new concept worthy of the B&O play range. A good looking up-to-date tv with plenty of capabilities. 
The beosound8/A8 and beolit 12 are B&O play products with a different function, price level and clientele.
A new clientele that will seek info on their B&O products  on this forum. Most of these people see/use/handle these products very differently and that will reflect over time in this forum.

Maybe we need a BeoPlay sub forum with its own green livery so those of us who admire both brands can follow both, and the new clientele who may not be interested in (or worse be turned off by) some of our debates can can engage in BeoPlay pertinent discussions ?


Actually I think the above is a bad idea -- I think the brands will integrate over time -- but I am concerned about how we create Beoworld stickiness with the new clientele 

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linder replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 10:30 PM


Maybe we need a BeoPlay sub forum with its own green livery so those of us who admire both brands can follow both, and the new clientele who may not be interested in (or worse be turned off by) some of our debates can can engage in BeoPlay pertinent discussions ?



That is a great idea!  The new forum could have a cool B&O green background.  Even though I have a Beolit 12, I am not really enthused about the Beoplay line.

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cooldude replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 11:19 PM

I know BeoVision 7 has been a long running successful family but it just gets better and better and by every measure and review i have ever seen the 7-55 is considered the best you can get. I also disagree that the bv10 is just a rework of BV5/9 - just because it has a square shape? What about the hundreds of tv's that are rectangular with speakers in the back? Are they all the same too?

I never  said that the beovision7 is a bad tv. I almost bought one myself. It is a very capable tv. But it took several generation of it to get there....
However it's design is now 8 years old.   With current audio/video needs moving on and changing I feel it's now getting to the end of it's life.
Definitely a mid 2000 kind of product and now I expect more new and better from B&O.
The need for the integrated dvd player is now nihil. Also it's beosystem3 chassis is need for update. Masterlink is finally disapearing.....

The V1 is finally a more up to date concept. Yes image and sound quality might not yet be equal, but neither is the price.

Sorry but you can't deny that the design of the beovision10 has it's roots in the beovision9.  They almost look identical.
I do not discuss the performance of either units but besides the screen and build-in speakers, how much is really different ?

And for all the other rectangular tv's .... well there is a reason they're around 500 to 700$ for a 50" screen..


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cooldude replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 11:21 PM


Maybe we need a BeoPlay sub forum with its own green livery so those of us who admire both brands can follow both, and the new clientele who may not be interested in (or worse be turned off by) some of our debates can can engage in BeoPlay pertinent discussions ?


Maybe not a bad idea. Even if the brands integrate over time.

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