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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BG 1202 and Bvox 1600 Mexico

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This post has 5 Replies | 1 Follower

Søren Mexico
Top 10 Contributor
Mexico City
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Søren Mexico Posted: Tue, Jun 19 2012 2:55 PM

My BG 1202 and Beovox 1600, arrived today, everything OK, only in one speaker I heard something rattle, started sweating, but it was only the crossover that was loose.

BG 1202 bought in Tørring DK, picked up by my sister to Horsens DK,

Beovox 1600s bought from Martin Copenhagen and shipped to Horsens. Very good packing

One speaker and BG was packed in a big suitcase and checked in, in Copenhagen

One speaker was packed in a backpack and brought as hand baggage, all packed by my son.

The trip went over Madrid to Mexico city, some 10,000 Km, I have a Beosound with Beolab 4000, that made the same trip, but over London to Mexico, some years ago, One day I'm going to count all the Kms my equipment made.

Thank you Martin, the speakers are better than your description

Threads to come.

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Dillen replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 3:49 PM

Pics or it didn't happen. Laughing

Something lose ?
Must have happened in transport. Let me know if you need something.


Søren Mexico
Top 10 Contributor
Mexico City
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Pics, no problems Martin, only a screw, holding the crossover, lose

Arm good fixed

with cover

Also got these, thank you Lee, I call then my traveling Bands

Speakers from Martin, some dust, needs cleaning, sanding and oil, drivers like new

Packing material, the boy did very good

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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Orlando, Florida, USA
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Rich replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 5:36 PM


Pics or it didn't happen. Laughing

Hey!  That's my line!

Those look like fun loudspeakers.  Wall hanging?  I would love to find some Beovox P__ here in the States.

Good luck with converting the turntable to 60Hz.

Søren Mexico
Top 10 Contributor
Mexico City
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Bronze Member

Good luck with converting the turntable to 60Hz.

Working on it, took a look, and saw that I will have to make a new wheel, probably of poliamid, or maybe aluminum

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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tournedos replied on Tue, Jun 19 2012 5:56 PM

Søren Mexico:
Also got these, thank you Lee, I call then my traveling Bands

Nice stuff! The turntable is beautiful, even if you have to learn to dance to La Cucaracha 20% faster!


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