ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi all,
I bought a Beogram 1200 and have got the motor spinning nice and quietly again. Everything seems to work fine, albeit not 100% smooth in its movements. I still have some cleaning and oiling to do.
One issue for now though: The speed selector changes from 33 to 45 nicely, but when I select 0 then it won't select back again. The selector switch itself moves so the problem isn't there. I have to open the machine again and manually move the little rubber flywheel (?) back against the conical motor spindle. Once there jumping from 33 to 45 and back is fine, but just don't go to zero. Everything seems to be there and nothing looks bent or out of place. Is there a spring or something similar that keeps the flywheel in tension against the motor spindle? I can see how the speed selector arm moves between 45 and 33 and also how the whole flywheel moves away from the spindle when selecting zero, but what makes it push back up against the motor spindle once I go back to 33 or 45?
I have found a youtube video that shows how the selection happens. I notice that when he changes between 33 and 45 the flywheel seems to move forwards and backwards slightly as well as up and down. Mine definitely only moves up and down.
I don't have any 45s or see the point of zero so I could always set it to 33 and disable the switch, but that seems like cheating.
Many thanks,
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Wrong belt?The belt needs to allow the idler wheel to swing away from the motor pulley to step up or down.
How do I know if it is the wrong belt? Is there a way to measure? Anyway that doesn't solve why the zero setting on the speed selector is permanent. But thanks! I will follow up.
"Is there a spring or something similar that keeps the flywheel in tension against the motor spindle?"- Yes, the belt. Nothing else.
If your belt has slackened (stretched) due to age, it will no longer pull the idler firmly against the motor pulley.But your deck will most likely need taking apart, cleaning and fresh lubricants, particularly to the fine speed adjustment and selection mech.This is very common after 40 years.If your deck has a belt bought off Ebay or similar, it's probably just a belt that sort of looks like the original. I'm almost 100% sure, thatthe required elasticity parameters aren't met (cause getting that right isn't as easy as getting close to the correct size).
Hi Martin,
It worked so well! Thanks for the advice. I stripped the idler wheel lever arm down, rubbed it with steel wool as well as the inside of the bushes. Reassembled with a few drops of machine oil and it works perfectly. Took me all of 30min.
My next issue is feedback. The player functions but I get this terrible hum, especially if I touch any of the metal parts. Sorry if I sound like a complete novice, but I am!
Thanks again,
That sounds like a grounding issue. You may need to run an earthing cable between the amp and TT. Often there is a dedicated point for this on the amp and/or TT.
Hi, I can see the earth point on the amp but not on the Beogram. I am starting to suspect that it is the phono stage on the amp. I don't have another amp to test it with at the moment. I will try get hold of one.