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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BV 4-50 (1080p) vs BV7-55 mk1

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mivsbai Posted: Wed, Jun 20 2012 1:45 AM

I can not decide to go for the bv 4-50 mk3 or bv 7-55 mk1. As the BV 4-50(1080p) and BV7-55 mk1 are both 2D TV. Does anyone know which one can produce better picture quality? How is the build quality and long term reliability between these 2?

As both bv 4 50's plasma and bv7-55mk1's lcd panel have pros and cons in technique terms, I tried to compare these two TVs in reality,  but as they are both out of production, it is really hard to compare them side by side in dealers. Anyone has experiences in using both these 2 TVs?  Any preference?

Finally, as both these TVs are made at least 2, 3 years ago. Are they a bit out of date compare to today's modern TV? Or they are still the best in producing 2d picture?

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benjnz replied on Wed, Jun 20 2012 4:08 AM

Well from a personal point of view I really like plasma over the LCD, although the more modern LCD like mk4 comes pretty close.

Then again the 7 will have a DVD and the 4 won't. Then again the 4 will have BS 2 or 3, which if it's BS3 is worth it alone! Big Smile

Of course you'll have the tree huggers say the LCD uses less power Smile

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pf85 replied on Wed, Jun 20 2012 5:57 AM

I bought 7-55 two yrs ago and had also evaluated 4-50. 

Although plasma picture is outstanding, decision for 7-55 for following reasons. 

- outstanding picture, do i really notice a difference in daily viewing vs plasma?

- BS 3 included as well

- more placement options with versatile stand

- energy consumption, low cooling needs

- beauty of system (albeit an emotional factor)

I would not hesitate to buy a used 7-55, mine has now around 1500 hours and still looks and feels like out of the box.


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Ekenäs, Finland
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I would get the BV4. But take the BS3 into account as this needs to be hidden somewhere. Also the remember the wall mount/stand thing, as the BV7 is on a stand and the BV4 is supposed to be on a wall.


My favorite Beovision is the 9, but the BV4 with the Beolab 7-4 speaker comes close.

Too long to list.... 

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Vorarlberg / Austria
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Heribert replied on Wed, Jun 20 2012 10:04 AM

I was watching them both next to each other at my dealer a year ago. I was thinking about buying a used BV4ACM (latest versin). The Plasma Picture is very warm and really nice. The LCD picture is a little more crisp and clear.

I would prefer the BV7-55 in terms of picture quality. But this is personal taste. The standalone BV3 on the other hand is an important point for BV4 as you can/will use it also for a later upgraded screen...


BV 11-46  / Beoplay V1 -40 / Apple TV 1+3 / Beosound Essence MK2 / BL3 / 2* BL11 / BL 6000 / BL 12-1 / BL 2000 / 3 * Beo4 /BL Converter 1611

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mivsbai replied on Wed, Jun 20 2012 12:04 PM

Thanks for all of your meaningful advises. It seems both of them are very good. As I will hang the TV on my wall, so it doesn't really matter it has floor stand or not. Will the BV 7-55 a bit too thick if I put it on the wall?

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