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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


beomaster 5500

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beophonic Posted: Fri, Sep 18 2015 4:36 PM

dear community! i have a beomaster that is not reacting to the remote control at all, any tips? kind beo thanks in advance!

L Spad
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L Spad replied on Fri, Sep 18 2015 6:32 PM

It could be that the beomaster was used in an MCL2 multi room setup - if the beomaster was in option 0 then it won't respond to the remote, since command would have been sent to it via the MCL bus from a beovision or the like. Not easy to test unless you know someone with a suitable MCL setup - you'd need to set it to A.OPT 1.

L Spad
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L Spad replied on Fri, Sep 18 2015 6:33 PM

PS. This was learned from bitter experience with my beomaster 7000. I previously owned a 5500 - great amp and I hope you enjoy it!

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beophonic replied on Sat, Sep 19 2015 12:02 AM

thank you for your suggestion, and yes its a great amp, unfortunately its not the option, its not receiving any signal, there seems to be a dry joint or loos connection, but its hard to locate. greetz from berlin!

L Spad
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L Spad replied on Sat, Sep 19 2015 11:10 AM

No worries phonic, sounds like you've ruled that out! Just to say (in case you weren't) aware that if it's in option 0 it won't pick up ANY remote command, including the ones for option setting (bit of a design fault in my view). Good luck with the amp :)

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If not option 0 problem... dead lithium cell on the cpu board. Then it will not react.

If even no reaction to the front switches: definitly dead lithium cell or dead 8031 cpu... the later is possible in link systems.

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