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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Restoring a Beomaster 6000 4-channel

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This post has 2 Replies | 1 Follower

Alain Verbeke
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Gold Member
Alain Verbeke Posted: Thu, Sep 24 2015 9:41 PM

I'm in the middle of restoring a Beomaster 6000 4-channel unit. I have a few Beograms (4002, 4004 and 6002) that I have restored already. 

I knew this unit would not be the easiest one, but everything is working now (well...almost.. waiting for the new belts to arrive). One issue that I can't seem to solve is the following: when depressing the hard, black switch on the top panel for LO filter, a very loud cracking sound is heard through ALL the speakers. Does not matter what volume I'm setting. When releasing the switch, no cracking at all. The filter seems to work and cuts of the (very)low frequencies. What could cause this sound? Can't imagine something mechanical broken inside the switch since I can hear it on all channels. Anybody that can help me out?


Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Fri, Sep 25 2015 10:32 AM

Welcome to Beoworld.  First guess would be oxidation.  I'm sure others will chip into the debate.  Several members have a lot of experience with these machines.


Alain Verbeke
Not Ranked
Posts 18
Gold Member

Thanks Dave. Not seen any other reply so far.

I have another issue with the unit. Not sure if I need to start a new tread or just add it here...

I replaced all the belts and while everything seems to work smoothly, there is one nasty problem: the fader for bass moves up and down together when pushing other buttons (like volume up/down). The problem seems to be with the clutch for the bass. It often does not retract when releasing the button. It's a pure mechanical issue. The spring inside still looks good and when I remove the entire shaft with all the clutches I can't seem to find any difference in behavior between all of them. All the clutches/pulleys move freely and return to normal position with the internal small spring.

Any help is welcome.



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