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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Please help with diagnostics of Beosystem AV 9000

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ddff_lv Posted: Fri, Oct 9 2015 10:26 PM


I'm new here and I'm looking for your help. Recently I got one Beosystem AV9000 system in for diagnostics and repair. This really isn't my profile, I'm more into pro audio, but system now belongs to friend of mine and he said there is no support center in Latvia, so I gave it a try.

The system has not been used for 5 or 6 years, well dusty, but that's not the problem. At the moment only two things working are TV set - it turns on if I press TV button on the remote, shows good old "snow" - analog RF noise on screen and flickers if I press different channel numbers, does not switch to AV input tho. By pressing the red button on the remote I can turn off the TV. The other thing working is automated door and lights inside the Master Panel, even the load CD function responds. The Control Center shows FW 1.10 on the left display and "error 1" on the right every time I press button on the remote. Speakers does not turn on, however they're fine - I can trigger them via Power Ling with external voltage one by one, they sound impressive I must say. I did a bit of googling and found out the Master Link cable from TV to the ControlCenter is important for the system to operate and in most cases brings up the "error 1". I've managed to get the pinout of this cable and will do some measurements tomorrow to see if anything goes on there. 

What would you suggest to check to move forward from this point? 

I also noticed the 4 pin DIN connector from the rotating stand is ripped off, I got the pinout, but haven't found the colour table for this, I have yellow, green and brown wires - which goes to which pin?

Any help would be really appreciated.


Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Sat, Oct 10 2015 9:09 AM

Welcome to Beoworld,

when you say 'control centre' do you mean the MPAV9000 Master Panel (CD, tape player) or just the red display on the bottom of the TV?  Is it definitely an MPAV9000 as an Ouverture etc will not work with this?  Is the Masterlink cable damaged in any way?  Check the cables first.  Are they in the correct place?  The Error message is almost always a connection error due to cable issues - but not always.

What source for TV signal have you attached and where?

Does the video player work - do you get a picture and sound?

Are any external speakers connected?

Which remote are you using?

If you are not used to B&O and how they operate, it may appear to be not working when in fact there is nothing wrong with it and it's just a set-up issue.  The full operating guides and service manuals are available here on Beoworld for Silver and Gold members.   This includes the pin details on the connections such as stand, powerlink etc.



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ddff_lv replied on Sat, Oct 10 2015 11:39 AM

Hi, Dave!

Thanks for the reply. When I say Control Center I mean the triangular part with VCR under the TV set. Sticker on that says AV Control Center 9000 Type 4730, SW 1.1. I also have MPAV 9000 tape deck and CD player connected via Master Link cable. 

I've inspected and measured continuity of Master Link cable, that looks good. The other cable which is labeled Control Center has connector only at the TV set and I don't have a pin out for that. There are all 4 BeoLab speakers connected, but they're in standby all the time. I don't have any RF TV generator around, so could not check if TV receives anything. The VCR is not working. The remote I have is called Beolink 1000.

I've found cable diagrams and user manual, however could not find installation manual and service book or circuit diagram. So I thought maybe someone has gone through it and would point me where should I look.

thanks, ddff

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badgersurf replied on Sat, Oct 10 2015 12:42 PM

Hi and welcome,

If you become a silver member you can access the service manual in the product section.

Also I remember something about the ML cable being slightly different for connecting between the MPAV and the TV, but can not find the tread this was on, might be worth searching the old forum.

good luck trying to get this fixed, it's a beautiful tv.


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stefan replied on Sat, Oct 10 2015 12:43 PM

You will need the special cable to connect the TV with control centrr. The cable has two plugs like the masterlink.

If you don't connect this cable the BV will display an error message as described. None of the speakers will be activated via PL.

you can check the screen by sending a composite signal via an rf modulator.

Does the MENU overlay work?


Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Sat, Oct 10 2015 1:04 PM
If it's the original cable it should work if it's the one supplied by the owner and not a 'new' or different Masterlink cable. It is different to the normal Masterlink cable. If you are not sure, maybe Steve from Sounds Heavenly can provide the correct version of this cable. I'd get the correct cable before doing anything else.

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stefan replied on Sat, Oct 10 2015 4:06 PM

Dave, I'm not talking about the ML cable, you need a cable to connect the TV with control center...


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ddff_lv replied on Sat, Oct 10 2015 8:28 PM

I have the cable from Control Center to TV set, it it hardwired (well, technically it can be removed from PCB, but not on the user level) into Control Center. The other end (at the TV set) has similar connector as Masterlink, just it has different colour coding of wires. This is the one I could not find the pin out for.

I'm bit lost in concept of this platform. The pin out of ML shows there should be supply voltage + and - . No specified voltages and whether these values are referenced to shield or one to another. I don't even understand where from these voltages should come - is that MPAV, TV set or Control Centre via TV set. I measured from MPAV and vice versa but it showed couple of mV, I guess this is not OK. 

No functions from MPAV are working, only thing that works is CD loading, front door opening and display shows "Lights" when I press button called "Lights". On the Beolink 1000 remote controller there is no Menu button, so I was not able to do any adjustments on the TV set itself, but I got a test generator with adjustable output RF freq., and verified the TV set is working fine. 

I took a look inside the Control Center - quite a complicated piece of engineering - 6 PCBs + PSU. PSU is working fine, all supply voltages are there. Nothing else could be traced as I don't have a diagram. Will present my customer the option to buy membership or diagram itself, however I'm not  sure I will manage to fix it.


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RaMaBo replied on Mon, Oct 12 2015 3:05 PM



the MPAV has no function except LIGHT and CD Load without a connection to the AV9000 CC. You therefor need a AV9000 connection cable which is fully connected (_all_ pins).

The 'MENU' key can be reached with SHIFT and then TEXT on the Beolink 1000.


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ddff_lv replied on Fri, Oct 16 2015 7:38 PM

Thanks for the tips, but I ended up by keeping the speakers and leaving the rest for someone else.



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