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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


beomusic app has dimmed playlists

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johnbrks Posted: Sat, Oct 31 2015 5:34 PM

I have a BeoSound Moment and when i use the beomusic app, it generally works ok.  however, if i try to use iOS music from he app, i can tap a playlist and the songs in the playlist are dimmed.  they are not dimmed in the iPhone music app and work fine.  thoughts on the problem?  (i've tried restarting phone, etc).

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elephant replied on Sat, Oct 31 2015 5:59 PM
I get that "symptom" when I am using Apple Music playlists and I have not made the contents available offline via a download

BeoNut since '75

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elephant replied on Sat, Oct 31 2015 6:12 PM
Or if you mean your screen looks something like this -- then I believe B&O are saying I play the first three since I purchased them, but the rest - although they have been downloaded - are not DRM owned by me. I think this is because the BeoMusic is not verifying your iCloud entitlement.

BeoNut since '75

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johnbrks replied on Sat, Oct 31 2015 10:38 PM

Yes. I bet you are correct. They are not downloaded and the beimusic app doesn't trigger the download

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elephant replied on Sat, Oct 31 2015 11:56 PM

Yes. I bet you are correct. They are not downloaded and the beimusic app doesn't trigger the download

That's why I do the download (see attached screenshots) but now my iPhone is full of "free" music ... however not all players can handle it, so I think the "free" music requires an authentication (possibly a new API) that your Apple Music account is active.

BeoNut since '75

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Neil4444 replied on Mon, Feb 29 2016 7:09 PM

I have downloaded music from my Apple Music subscription to my iPhone 6 such that it is available from the phone without being on any network - wi fi or data - (in Apple Music the tiny phone icon with stick clearly shows against each track) yet it remains dimmed out in Beo music app. Is there a way to overcome this such that downloaded music from Apple Music will play though Beo Music app? 

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MARKFS replied on Sat, Aug 6 2016 3:54 PM

Did you find a solution? 

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Did you find a solution?

I have not.

Just checked.

For streamed (not purchased, not ripped) music I have to use AirPlay from Apple Music.

I can however use the BeoMusic app for volume and skip controls.

BeoNut since '75

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Has anyone here experience playing music from purchased music in the beomusic app and the application hangs after pressing the music in the said playist?

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I thought the music from iTunes  needed twonky media server to work. I don't have Apple Music, as Deezer came with my Beosound and I thought that I would give it a go.

My iOS music shows up but most is dimmed exactly as in the pictures shown in this thread.

I pay for apple match, and I thought this gave drm rights obviously not!

The main reason for my purchase of Beosound moment and Beolab 20 speakers was to get the best sound quality while my ears are still Ok. it sounds great with Deezer.

I avoid airplay , Bluetooth for fear of degradation of sound.

A couple of questions ,

What  is the best way to get the absolute best sound, is it a beogram hooked up with line in?

Does anyone know if Apple does give drm rights on their match service?













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I thought the music from iTunes  needed twonky media server to work. I don't have Apple Music, as Deezer came with my Beosound and I thought that I would give it a go.

My iOS music shows up but most is dimmed exactly as in the pictures shown in this thread.

I pay for apple match, and I thought this gave drm rights obviously not!

The main reason for my purchase of Beosound moment and Beolab 20 speakers was to get the best sound quality while my ears are still Ok. it sounds great with Deezer.

I avoid airplay , Bluetooth for fear of degradation of sound.

A couple of questions ,

What  is the best way to get the absolute best sound, is it a beogram hooked up with line in?

Does anyone know if Apple does give drm rights on their match service?













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I thought the music from iTunes  needed twonky media server to work. I don't have Apple Music, as Deezer came with my Beosound and I thought that I would give it a go.

My iOS music shows up but most is dimmed exactly as in the pictures shown in this thread.

I pay for apple match, and I thought this gave drm rights obviously not!

The main reason for my purchase of Beosound moment and Beolab 20 speakers was to get the best sound quality while my ears are still Ok. it sounds great with Deezer.

I avoid airplay , Bluetooth for fear of degradation of sound.

A couple of questions ,

What  is the best way to get the absolute best sound, is it a beogram hooked up with line in?

Does anyone know if Apple does give drm rights on their match service?













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Sandyb replied on Tue, Feb 21 2017 12:52 PM

I use iTunes Match as well........i have just checked an album that i uploaded (it has Uploaded status in the file info), and pretty sure the original source was a CD then ripped into iTunes......the album is downloaded onto my iPhone, and it does show up as available within the BeoMusic app.............just tried another album (different status in iTunes oil info...."Matched")....and that also works in the BeoMusic app, once i have downloaded it onto my iPhone.......

but i've had inconsistent results in the past with the BeoMusic app.....generally works ok now......think something goes wrong in its interaction with the (Apple) Music app..causing things to dim, when they shouldn't......sorry, not sure if that helps....


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