ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have a Beomaster 4500, I have had since new (1990ish) Always been brilliant, never had a hic-up until last night when tragedy struck. It turned on by itself, all the lights came on, all of them. Every single function illuminated. Then It would jump from light to light, The volume display showing random symbols. It is completely unresponsive to touch and unusable, it's now just a mirror with red words on it.
If any one can shed any light on this mystery it would be greatly received.
Thank you in advanced.
Suppose you've tried the old trick with electronic items, unplug from mains, wait a few minutes and power up again?
Yes,, but no joy..
I would try to "hard reset" it ny pulling the SW IC from its socket(beware of static electricity), and leaving it out for a few minutes, then put it back in..
If the master shows "CODE" after you put the IC back, then there is a fix for that..
With a Beolink 1000 in RADIO mode, press 1271, wait 3 seconds, turn off power to the unit completelly(pull the plug), wait 3 seconds, and turn it back on,
I have never heard of this error before, so I don't know if this will fix it, but I would give it a try, but aware that the glass panel might come loose from the plastic holders, so be very carefull when removing that !!
Off course, only try this if you know what you are doing !!!!
Hi Weeby
Apologies for slow very slow reply. I was waiting for a remote, which then proved to not be the Beolink 1000,
I am take it to the local B&O shop later today..
Thanks for your help, and again sorry for not getting back sooner..