ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hello All
does anyone know the technical specs for the beocenter 9300
i have look on the product page and it says 2x80w Max power output with a frequency range from 70Hz.
there are 4 speaker terminals that i think can be used so i could bi wire both lefts and both rights to some biwired speakers if im right.
why does it not say 4x80W?
i know one was for speaker link but can this just be used as a normal speaker and Bi Wire them?
Eclipse 65V1-32Beosound M5Essence MK2BLI
It says 2x80W because there are two amplifier channels with each 80W of power.The two pairs of outputs are just paralleled.In other words; You won't get two more amplifier channels with 160 extra watts by loading thesame amplifier with two more speakers.
In my opinion, if you use standard B&O speakers cables you won't have to biwire anything andit would certainly be overkill for an amplifier of this nature.
Hi there
I will just wire then up to a single pair of terminals then.
Select SPEAKER 1 outputs. Speaker 1 can be muted using a Beoremote or the mute button on your BC9300. SPEAKER 2 are meant for a Mastercontrol link system for linkrooms. Maybe you consider RL 140 speakers for this purpose. I know Martin (Dillen) has a pair for sale...:)