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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beocenter 9000 & 9500 / CD Problem

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Zorbas Posted: Tue, Jun 26 2012 1:31 PM

Guten Tag Gemeinde !

Es tut mir unendlich leid, diese alte BC 9000 CD Geschichte wieder aufzuwalzen !  Sorry !!!

aber here-goes.........

Nach CD-Funktionsprobleme habe ich,  mit tips und Kondensator-Kit von Martin in Dänemark, allen relevanten Komponenten der CD-Platine gegen neuen, hochwertigeren ausgetauscht.

Obwohl Martin und einige anderen (fast) sicher waren das die Kondensatoren schuld waren, hat dies alles nix gebracht. Das Problem ist, nach der wieder-Einbau / Zusammenbau geblieben.

SYMPTOM:    Ich Taste auf LOAD CD, Schacht oeffnet problemlos. Ich lege ein CD ein und Taste auf CD (oder LOAD CD). CD beginnt sofort zu  Drehen, Schacht schliesst ordentlich. CD dreht (Hoerbar) für Ca. 6 sek.        Schacht oeffnet sich selbsttaetig,  CD kommt langsam zur Stillstand.  Durch die ganze Zyklus ist Kein Musik hoerbar.


Frage :  Wenn es nicht an die Kondensatoren bzw. die Platine liegt,  wo sonst koennte der fehler sein ??     (Die Linse ist sauber)

Ich kann a bisserl Loeten.   Habe aber keine messgeraete.

Ich freue mich aufrichtig um jede Hilfe


Beste Gruesse


Zorba. (UK)


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U.K.West Midlands
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If you are sure that you have fitted the capacitors correctly,there seems to be a problem with the cd decoder?

I think you will need expert help,to establish where the problem is.

Where abouts are you in the UK?


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Zorbas replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 7:52 PM

Good evening Nick,

sorry for delay.   I've just got out of work.

I'm normally in Watford but currently on a company project in Germany, returning home every 3 weeks or so.

I have an old BC 9000 dismantled for spares, which I gave-up-on because of  a dodgy cassette-drive.  Perhaps I could rescue the decoder out of the old CD drive ?  ( if I knew where to look )

Is this much of a job to transplant ??


Grateful thanks for reading & answering my post earlier


for now,  kindest regards



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U.K.West Midlands
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solderon29 replied on Wed, Jun 27 2012 11:34 AM

The later '9000 and early '9500 shared cd decoder and servo modules,but check that your decoder modules are the same before swapping.Also double check that the thin ribbon cable between the laser assembly  and the servo board is securely seated and locked into the socket on the servo board.Also check for stray cables impeding the travel of the swinging laser arm.



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Zorbas replied on Wed, Jun 27 2012 11:37 AM

Hello again Nick,

I have meanwhile checked my documentation.  Is Board No. 31  the CD decoder ?  (as in the BC 9500)

If yes, Could you tell me which components to replace or whether I should do the whole board. ??

Looking forward to your advice



Top 150 Contributor
U.K.West Midlands
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Yes,it's in the same position on both sets.Try your spare decoder first,if it's identical.If this overcomes the problem,fine.Oherwise,I'm afraid testing to component level will be required,to locate the culprit.



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