ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
hi ive been given a beogram 1202 when i play an LP i get a hum buss like sound comming from the speakers the more I turn the volume up the the more it get would that be the stylus or cartridge or both or something else ?any advise will help thanks
to which amp and how is it connected, probably a missing ground wire
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
hi soren it came whith 3 wires but only 2 are connected to phono plugs the one bare wire is brown should that be earthed?
hi soren the amps ive tried are a beomaster 6000 and a beomaster 8000
lotus73jps: hi soren it came whith 3 wires but only 2 are connected to phono plugs the one bare wire is brown should that be earthed?
yes grounded to the amp
hi soren thanks
hi soren problem solved thanks again