ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi all, this may seam a stupid question, but I can't find anything on your site, I now have 2 beovision 7 TV's in different rooms, but may BEO4 still keeps controlling the other TV, can I limit the range so it only works with one TV? Can anyone please help?
Do you have a separate beo4 remote for each TV?
Are the two TVs linked to each other (or any other B&O devices) by masterlink or are they both standalone?
There are a couple of potential solutions to this issue:
There is the option to reduce the IR transmit power from the beo4...
...or the option to put one TV in option 4 and set it's remote to permanent link mode which would mean that each beovision would only respond to it's own remote.
The best solution will depend on how many remotes you have and how you use them (ie whether they always stay in the same room or get used for both televisions).
Kind Regards,
Thanks for the reply, I have 2 TVs and 2 remote controls, my wife gets upset when I turn off her TV
Beovision7:Thanks for the reply, I have 2 TVs and 2 remote controls
Okay, first we'll check whether your wife's beo4 is recent enough to support permanent link mode:
Hold down the POWER button on the beo4 and then press the LIST button
press LIST until the display shows "CONFIG"
Press 2 0 0 2 and it should show "LINK ON"
press EXIT
assuming this worked, we now need to switch your wife's television into option 4:
Disconnect your TV at the mains (we don't want to change it's option by accident) and put your wife's TV into standby, then (in the room with your wife's television):
press LIST until the display shows "OPTION?"
press GO
press LIST until the display shows "V.OPT"
press 4
Now your TV should ignore commands from your wife's remote and visa-versa.
Let me know how you get on.
Thank you Martin, both TVs are now working perfect and the wife is now happy
Kind Regards
Beovision7: Thank you Martin, both TVs are now working perfect and the wife is now happy Kind Regards Guy
Isn't that wonderfull :-))
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Another marriage saved ...
Beovision7:Thank you Martin, both TVs are now working perfect
That's good to hear. Glad I could help.
Beovision7:and the wife is now happy
Don't worry, if she is anything like mine it'll just be a temporary thing - she'll soon find something else to complain about
riverstyx:That's good to hear. Glad I could help. Don't worry, if she is anything like mine it'll just be a temporary thing - she'll soon find something else to complain about Kind Regards, Martin.
BeoNut since '75
elephant:Fantastic solution Martin, I am not sure I would ever use the permanent link mode but I would like to understand when it was introduced, what was it for (in addition to the OP's Use Case), and if there are other codes apart from 2 0 0 2 eg to undo 2002 ?
Hi Elephant,
I think it is available on any beo4 with s/w version 5 or later. The nav button version has it as a ZONE? option rather than as a code that needs to be entered.
repeating the 2 0 0 2 procedure will turn the function off again (it'll display "LINK ON" or "LINK OFF" on alternative invocations)
It's aimed at any of the situations when you have a product in option 4, and have a separate remote that you want to use just for that product - eg 2nd TV in the same room, or a BL3500 or other link product in the same room as your main system (L-shapes lounge is B&Os usual example, but open plan lounge/diner/kitchen is another common one).
Kind regards,