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Playmaker very unreliable: Any alternative?

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davelarue Posted: Sun, Dec 13 2015 12:03 AM

After a year of playing, my playmaker has been very unreliable - with drops every other song. My airport express had no issues whatsoever. After lots of reading and troubleshooting, i'v given up.

Now, 4 years after the release of the playmaker, is there a better alternative that airplay-enables my b&o speakers (with the same quality and simplicity as the playmaker) ?



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elephant replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 2:03 AM
Essence Mark 2

BeoNut since '75

Find a way to get an airport express working with them. They work well and only $99. Any B&O product will cost much more and probably work as badly as the playmaker 


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elephant replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 5:55 AM

Find a way to get an airport express working with them. They work well and only $99. Any B&O product will cost much more and probably work as badly as the playmaker

True an activation of his old Apple Airport or even buying a new one would be cheaper than an Essence.

However others have claimed that the Airport's DAC is inferior.

An Essence would have these additional functions:

-- up to date WiFi eg 5gHz

-- Bluetooth

-- BeoMusic and BeoSetup Apps

-- TuneIn

-- Deezer Premium

-- Spotify Premium

-- power link cable support

-- the wheely remote

-- an optional IR eye for Beo4 or Beoremote support

-- NL expansion/ connectivity when other NL sources/sinks ($s) are added for JOINing

-- ML back level support by adding ($s) a BeoLink Converter (BLC)

-- future ? Software expansion and patches from B&O

BeoNut since '75

I am not so sure all those plus' make sense for everyone.

  • I have an old Airport express hooked up to my network through ethernet. I even turned OFF the g networking on it as I don't need it as an access point. This means that all audio streaming remains wired and 5GHz doesn't matter.
  • I don't think many people would ever consider bluetooth when they are already on the Airplay network. I only ever use it for headphones as it is majorly inferior to Airplay.
  • He can use Deezer, TuneIn, Spotify on the assumed multiple Apple Airplay devices he has all around him and his guests would have.
  • Beomusic is on all his Airplay capable devices.
  • I'll bet on a touchscreen over a wheely remote.
  • Lots of Powerlink to RCA converter cables that are cheap.
  • you can get a harmony remote for $100 that has IR.

To be honest he could get a high end Marantz receiver with Pre-outs for any B&O speaker he has with 9.1 channel support and airplay/wifi/ethernet for LESS than the Essence.

As for the wheely remote I replicated the same functions plus much much more using this for $60. even has a nice blue glow:

So when you look at the costs there aren't many justifications.




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elephant replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 6:29 AM
The Griffen does look nice and is flexible.

To some extent we are crossing over discussions between this thread and the Moment justification thread you started.

I was not trying to mount a persuasive argument ... I was simply listing the missing features and leaving it up to the OP to place value on them.

For myself I was happier to pay for the middle ground between your DIY and the Moment.

I fully support your approach as an alternative. I am just more lazy than your energetic research & analysis, perhaps more time poor.

Either way the OP catches up with the current state of *uh* play in the B&O world Big Smile

BeoNut since '75

I understand. Get some of the Griffen devices and scatter them all over your space. I have one next to the bed and next to the computer. Interacting with it controls my iTunes on my iMac which send airplay audio to 3 separate B&O speakers I have around the house. It actually works better than the Essence just not quite as pretty.


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elephant replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 6:44 AM

I understand. Get some of the Griffen devices and scatter them all over your space. I have one next to the bed and next to the computer. Interacting with it controls my iTunes on my iMac which send airplay audio to 3 separate B&O speakers I have around the house. It actually works better than the Essence just not quite as pretty.


BeoLab 18's. Beolab 3's. A8. A9. A2. H7.

I do sometimes broadcast from the MacMini to the Essence, but right now (as an example) I am playing Daft Punk's TRON on the ATV4's Apple Music interface and sending it via the BLC to the Essence and its speakers.

Unfortunately (as you know so this is for the record) while the NacMini's interface does broadcast in parallel to multiple AirPlay end points the ATV4 is either local or one remote end point, hence my using the BV to broadcast across the ML to the NL !

There's an awful lot is spaghetti behind this simple click and join !

BeoNut since '75

My dealer told me the essence with the wheels remote is $1200 Canadian 

I thought for that money I could get

A Marantz AV receiver with preouts and 7.1 channels of sound AirPlay, wifi, Bluetooth and Ethernet, 7 hdmi ports, tunein radio and many other apps built into it and 2 zones. Any B&O speaker will connect to it. $550

Instead of the very limited B&O wheel remote I could get an iPad mini to replace it where I can control anything music and speaker wise a million times better. $400

5 or more of the griffin Bluetooth remotes

Sometimes I really wonder what B&O is thinking with their pricing. Speakers I can justify a premium but their prerifierals are just priced illogically  






BeoLab 18's. Beolab 3's. A8. A9. A2. H7.

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elephant replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 6:57 AM

Sometimes I really wonder what B&O is thinking with their pricing. Speakers I can justify a premium but their prerifierals are just priced illogically

I agree.

And sometimes dealers are confused or greedy or generous.

My UK dealer sold me 3 coasters in a box for the listed price.

My AU dealer breaks down the box into singletons and sells them individually for the equable the listed price.

Who is right and who is wrong ?

Same with the little BLC attachment to get standalone BeoLab speakers working ... Why not in the original design ? Why a full price AUD~100 ? Why not a give away for the loyal rare customer who needs it because they bought ML speakers in the Nineties ?

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L1NO replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 11:44 AM

The latest Yamaha multiroom-capable HDMI receivers accept the Essence wheel just fine for pairing. I've included a Arduino to relay IR and LIGHT commands to Yamaha, Hue and COCO from beo-remotes and your done under €1500. No fancy Join features tough.

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davelarue replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 3:12 PM

The essence is a possibility. What i like about the playmaker is the simplicity of not needing to turn on/off the speaker amplifier, and that there is no other gadgets.

I wish they had made the playmaker 5ghz, so it would work reliably.

Thanks for the help guys.


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mjmedlo replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 4:40 PM

The essence is a possibility. What i like about the playmaker is the simplicity of not needing to turn on/off the speaker amplifier, and that there is no other gadgets.

I wish they had made the playmaker 5ghz, so it would work reliably.

Thanks for the help guys.

The essence is quite nice.

Lots of features.

And the beomusic interface is nice.

Can't you just connect it through Ethernet?


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jowus replied on Sun, Dec 13 2015 5:20 PM
I'll say, you better check the Speed of your Internet. I've Airport Express with PlayMaker for almost 4 or 5yrs and never had a problem. The only problem I've is if my internet speed is not up to Par.
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After a year of playing, my playmaker has been very unreliable - with drops every other song. My airport express had no issues whatsoever. After lots of reading and troubleshooting, i'v given up.

Now, 4 years after the release of the playmaker, is there a better alternative that airplay-enables my b&o speakers (with the same quality and simplicity as the playmaker) ?

Whenever that issue comes up in a thread on the forum, I have to write that my Playmaker is still (from day one) working flawless.

I'd like to know, if something somewhere in your network has changed lately - new router?

Did you try to wire your Playmaker to your network router?


As for an alternative - the BeoSound Essence...if you want simplicity.

If you are willing to give that up, there are lots of 'alternatives'.



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As for the wheely remote I replicated the same functions plus much much more using this for $60. even has a nice blue glow:

So when you look at the costs there aren't many justifications.

You forgot to mention, that the Griffin only makes sense, if you have an (Apple) computer to control.

That adds a few bucks to the $60 ;-(


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Why would the speed of his internet have anything to do with it if he is playing local files? Just because it works for you doesn't mean it will work for him. Wifi really depends on how your place is set up and how much interference there is.

B&O typically have terrible wifi signal. My A9 first gen couldn't play a local mp3 to it without stuttering even though a high end wifi router was 10 feet away with nothing in-between. I have several other WiFi airplay devices that handled it fine. I got so fed up I just connected an ethernet cable.


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Why would the speed of his internet have anything to do with it if he is playing local files?

Wifi really depends on how your place is set up and how much interference there is.

1: Who wrote anything about 'the speed of his internet?

2: Exactly that was, what my question about possible changes in the network setup of the op, was aiming at.


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1: Who wrote anything about 'the speed of his internet?


I'll say, you better check the Speed of your Internet. 


BeoLab 18's. Beolab 3's. A8. A9. A2. H7.


You forgot to mention, that the Griffin only makes sense, if you have an (Apple) computer to control.

That adds a few bucks to the $60 ;-(


Sure. For the cost of a playmaker you can buy a Mac Mini with optical output among other things and a griffin controller. 


BeoLab 18's. Beolab 3's. A8. A9. A2. H7.

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Sure. For the cost of a playmaker you can buy a Mac Mini with optical output among other things and a griffin controller. 

I don't know where you buy your stuff!!!

The Playmaker did cost less than 3000 Dkr (approx 440US$/400€), and the cheapest MacMini in DK cost 4400 Dkr plus costs for a display, keyboard and some kind of mouse option.....and the Griffin-thingy for round about 450 Dkr....and the AirPort Express for 750 Dkr.

OK - to be fair: for the Playmaker solution, you would also need an AirPlay-capable device.

But no matter what ---- the op asked for a solution with the simplicity of a Playmaker.

What is the point in offering your Mac solution - other than picking on B&O?


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The Playmaker did cost less than 3000 Dkr (approx 440US$/400€), and the cheapest MacMini in DK cost 4400 Dkr plus costs for a display, keyboard and some kind of mouse option.....and the Griffin-thingy for round about 450 Dkr....and the AirPort Express for 750 Dkr.

You can run a Mini headless and without a keyboard and mouse. If you need it for the first setup get a $5 USB mouse or the one in everyones house.

Not to mention you do not need a new mini to serve music (one that's 5 years old will work perfectly) nor do you need an airport express as it has optical and USB audio.



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You can run a Mini headless and without a keyboard and mouse. If you need it for the first setup get a $5 USB mouse or the one in everyones house.

Not to mention you do not need a new mini to serve music (one that's 5 years old will work perfectly) nor do you need an airport express as it has optical and USB audio.

You really don't have to tell me that - I am a Mac user myself!

Using an iDevice with the Remote app to play from the MacMini - with optical-out or USB-out (you'll need some kind of converter/bridge in that case) is fine - but rather limited imo.

N.B. I stopped fiddling with 'Remote Desktop solutions' and headless machines years ago.

To me feeding a Playmaker via Airplay with anything, that the iDevice offers, is simplicity - and is (by the way) a much cheaper solution.

And it is a solution, that my wife understands!


A pity that B&O does not offer a Playmaker anymore for a standalone setup.

If I had to start from scratch, I'd go for an Essence-box with an ir-eye solution - and I would choose a second generation one...just to be prepared for optional NL-multiroom devices.




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I suggest you use powerline networking from your router to the playmaker. They are cheap, work surprisingly well and would easily handle any music streams you throw at it even with the low bandwidth models. 


BeoLab 18's. Beolab 3's. A8. A9. A2. H7.

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Andrew replied on Tue, Dec 15 2015 10:48 AM

Just add a decent DAC to the optical out of the AE and you have a cheap upgradable solution - I have this and it works flawlessly. The AE is hardwired to the router, no drop outs ever, Tune in is great for internet radio and you can of course stream from spotify, deezer, iTunes or whatever else you want. I cant see the need for a system that will be outdated in a couple of years due to licencing or other issues. A DAC on the other hand o AE can be changed at minimal cost and integrated into any B&O setup

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Just add a decent DAC to the optical out of the AE and you have a cheap upgradable solution 

Apart from the convenience of controlling the volume directly on the Playmaker or via a B&O remote, I am sure that volume controlling in the Playmaker will be better (sound-quality-wise) than from within the transmitting iDevice. Same goes for the BS Essence.

If this doesn't bother you, you may be right with your suggestion.


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elephant replied on Tue, Dec 15 2015 10:05 PM

I cant see the need for a system that will be outdated in a couple of years due to licencing or other issues. A DAC on the other hand o AE can be changed at minimal cost and integrated into any B&O setup

Good future proofing approach

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I cant see the need for a system that will be outdated in a couple of years due to licencing or other issues. A DAC on the other hand o AE can be changed at minimal cost and integrated into any B&O setup

Good future proofing approach

I don't see how the 'change of a DAC at minimal costs' can make an audio device (the APE) futureproof.

And I wonder, what is meant with 'outdated in a couple of years'?

Even if things like Deezer (due to licencing....) would not be functional anymore, there would not be any advantages in using an APE.

Airplay would still work with the Essence - and that (audiowise) is all, that you would get from an APE anyway.


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elephant replied on Thu, Dec 24 2015 11:39 PM
MM, I just meant that distributing the solution cost across multiple units that would be independently obsoleted and independently upgraded is (perhaps) a better financial approach than replacing an entire system every couple of years.

I think we could agree that era of systems lasting decades has disappeared under a flood of software innovation

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I think we could agree that era of systems lasting decades has disappeared under a flood of software innovation

Yes - we can agree on that. It can be annoying, but it gives us new possibilities in return.

However, it is (as you know) possible to use the line in of an Essence/Playmaker etc to integrate a 'system lasting decades-cd player'.

We will still be able to mix and match things, as long as the (B&O) devices has an autosensing line in connection. Something that you can't do with an APE/external DAC combo.

I would not expect the hardware of an Essence (2nd gen) to be obsolete or outdated soon - what more would you really need to listen to music?


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CB replied on Fri, Dec 25 2015 4:57 PM

what more would you really need to listen to music?

Digital auto sensing output...

May be what the new plugs DPL are on the BL90 ?

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what more would you really need to listen to music?

Digital auto sensing output...

May be what the new plugs DPL are on the BL90 ?

Ok - I give in!

That might be something to add.

But I am pretty sure, that DPL output will be added to the audioengine of a forthcoming BV first thing - allowing the speakers (multi-speaker setup) to communicate with another.

Note: on the BL90 the DPL is used for connecting the master and the slave speaker.

Honestly, I had expected someone to wish for Wireless PL/WiSA in a future Essence version, now that the Moment already has that.


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davelarue replied on Fri, Jan 15 2016 1:59 PM


Thanks a lot for all your comments. I don't have the money right now for a new essence mk2, so i feel a bit stuck. I love my B&O speakers, so need to find a way to reliably use them. The speakers are brand new from b&o btw.

To recap:

1. I live in an appartment complex with my (new) wifi router in a different room to where my speakers are. So, i can't connect via cable to the playmaker.

To test the streaming capabilities of the new router, i'v used an apple TV for streaming HD movies with no problems! Streaming to AE works great too

2. I tried using 'static IP', but there was no change in performance

3. I have an AE which works very well with VERY few dropouts compared to the playmaker.

4. I sent a friendly complaint to my local b&o shop, where i got no reply. I even asked them if i could get a good deal on a new essence. After two emails, i got no reply. I asked them in a third email about the price of a BL5...where they responded right away:D

Will it help to send an email to b&o headoffice? I paid alot for this device (3000Dkr), and i feel i have a device which doesn't work.

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Hi davelarue,

sorry to hear, that you have problems with your Playmaker.

Some do have severe problems with it, others don't - my PM works flawless.

Since you are located in Denmark, I suppose, that you don't live far from this dealer.

Why not go there and present him the device including original box etc?

Contacting 'b&o headoffice' probably won't help you much - other than making them aware of your troubles.



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riverstyx replied on Fri, Jan 15 2016 3:35 PM

1. I live in an appartment complex with my (new) wifi router in a different room to where my speakers are. So, i can't connect via cable to the playmaker.

One thing that would probably be worth a try if it's the WiFi causing the issues is a pair of powerlink devices (to send the wired Ethernet data over you apartments power wiring). You should be able to pick up a twin pack for around 250dkk.

Just plug one into a socket near your router, the other into a socket near the playmaker, and connect each of them to their respective device with a network cable.

They are generally much more reliable and lower latency than WiFi.

Kind regards


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davelarue replied on Fri, Jan 15 2016 4:47 PM

Good idea. However, i have a feeling that its a problem with the playmaker, not the wireless network.

I guess i'm arguing for a money i can buy an essence which works reliably on 5ghz without extra wifi gadgets.

Unfortunately, i don't have the original box anymore. Hm.

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riverstyx replied on Fri, Jan 15 2016 5:24 PM


Martin means 'Powerline' devices

Thanks MM, I did indeed mean for that to say powerline. I can blame autocorrect for that little mistake...

I guess you know you are severely afflicted by the beovirus when the additions to your phones' dictionary are almost all B&O related words Wink


Yes, that's the type of device I'm talking about, but there are much cheaper models available, particularly because there is no requirement for WiFi support in this instance. For example:

Good idea. However, i have a feeling that its a problem with the playmaker, not the wireless network.

I seem to recall a number of users having issues whilst using WiFi on the playmaker back when it was a current product, and the problems tended to disappear when they were used 'wired' instead, so if you do decide not to return your unit, or can't gain your dealers approval to do so for any reason, the powerline option is likely to be well worth considering.

Kind Regards,


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I - too - would engage you to try out the Powerline solution, before you bring it back.

And yes, there are cheaper devices, than the one in my link. It was actually the first I found - just to show you what kind of device it was. Order a set, try it out and return it, if it doesn't suit you.

If you only need AirPlay, there is no need for investing in the Essence.


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