ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
PrizeDrawBot Remote Log In – Version 16328.93.0.1 - Activated
Prize Distribution Circuit - Activated
Prize Pile - Amazingly Festively Generous, Full of Christmas Cheer - the same as last year, and the year before, and the year before.. etc…
Draw Commences – at 8.00pm UK time, which is in exactly TWO HOURS from now...
Corks popped, vino decanted.................
Ban boring signatures!
Please bot let me be the winner of the book. The postman seems to have intercepted mine!
Beo Century ,Beoplay V1, Beocenter 6, Ex-Beolit 12, Beotime , A8. Beolit 15 , Form 2i , Beolab 2000, Beoplay A3.Beosound 1
Only one hour to go...
I don't expect to see the post in the next hour, so I'll be following the draw as closely as ever!
PrizeDrawBot Remote Log In - Active
Prize Draw Costume Status : SantaBot costume on - See avatar.
Status – At BeoWorld HQ with a Mince Pie and half a bottle of Single Malt.. and a cigar.
Prize Draw Number Generator - Activated
Prize Draw Timer : Draw starts in 30 Minutes from now.
End of Message
It's the Magical, Marvellous, Festively Fantastic BeoWorld CHRISTMAS 2015 Prize Draw in just 15 Minutes – so put down whatever you're doing, leap majestically from your computer chair and punch the air like you just won a prize (practice makes perfect for the actual event you know) and get busy! You don’t want to miss the draw do you? Yes – YOU !!
I’ve finished the single malt, eaten the mince pie, and I’m sitting with a large brandy in one hand and a large brandy in the other, waiting to carefully tap my toe on the button, thus bestowing stunningly brilliant goodies upon some lucky winners… BeoWorld.. far too generous I tell you!!
So – you’ve got 15 minutes to get the jobs done… go, go, GO !!!
Get the kettle on, crack open a beer, pour a glass of wine, shout “Merry Christmas, I’ll take three at half price” at your computer screen to the complete bemusement of others within earshot, fashion some fancy antlers from coat hangers and powerlink cable then place them on your dog’s head, then zip-tie your Christmas tree to the from of your Christmas jumper ready to impress everyone next year. Whatever.. the draw is imminent - hurry up !!
I’ve just drawn the names and matched them up to the Prizes – so could YOU be one of our lucky winners tonight?? Chances are, you are..
Slurping out of the decanter in anticipation!
30 seconds...
Anyone fancy a lovely BeoWorld Prize? PrizeDrawBot (dressed perfectly as SantaBot) here in your very own HQ and is ready to launch prizes worldwide. It's that time again when you all think to yourselves 'How do they manage to do it?' whilst you look at the prizes being given away. Well, i've no idea - really.
For £2.50 a Month, YOU can win any of these - every month. You'll also be supporting the best site on the internet too !!
Back in a few moments - I'm just going to look into a festively decorated mirror, astonished at the pure beauty.. of tonights Prizes.
Chocolate-coated figs-in-rum poised ...
Simonbeo: Chocolate-coated figs-in-rum poised ...
Do they light up OK??
And sort out the peripheral ads botty, I don't like little blue squares with question marks.
Okay Ladies and Gentlemen.. a draw will now start, right here and now! Good to see so many people online tonight as usual. Would you like to win something?
Well... here goes
10th Prize - £50 to spend in the BeoWorld Gift Shop
First up and in Tenth Place in our Christmas Prize Draw is a little present from us, to you... It's £50 to spend as you wish in the Gift Shop!! Treat yourself to some T-Shirts for Summer (remember that season? It's such a distant memory at the moment..) or you can stock up on Mousemats, pens and Baseball Caps! Whatever - it's your money, and you spend it how you please. Enjoy!
Tonights first winner is..
Mr R. Olson (Droopydoc) from Breugel, Netherlands
A very nice prize - well done!!
Evening all. Good luck to you and me
If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.
PrizeDrawBot: Okay Ladies and Gentlemen.. a draw will now start, right here and now! Good to see so many people online tonight as usual. Would you like to win something? Well... here goes 10th Prize - £50 to spend in the BeoWorld Gift Shop First up and in Tenth Place in our Christmas Prize Draw is a little present from us, to you... It's £50 to spend as you wish in the Gift Shop!! Treat yourself to some T-Shirts for Summer (remember that season? It's such a distant memory at the moment..) or you can stock up on Mousemats, pens and Baseball Caps! Whatever - it's your money, and you spend it how you please. Enjoy! Tonights first winner is.. Mr R. Olson (Droopydoc) from Breugel, Netherlands A very nice prize - well done!!
Way to go DroopyD.
Congrats DroopyDoc. A self prescription will sort that one out
Puncher: Simonbeo: Chocolate-coated figs-in-rum poised ... Do they light up OK??
9th Prize - Two Official Wedgewood Bang & Olufsen Mugs & Goodies!
For those of you who keep seeing the beautiful Wedgewood 'Bang & Olufsen' branded bone china coffee mugs in dealerships and wondering where you can get them, we can tell you they were originally 'dealer issue' only. Some rejects did make it to internet auctions sites, but they sold very quickly and you rarely see them now. However, we've got one. Actually, two. Boxed! So, they're yours if you win 9th. We've also got together a few little extra too, like a B&O Mousemat, a CD or two, and we'll throw in a couple more goodies. How does that sound? We know.. great!
The winner is…
Mr A. Bale (alfthemaker) from Worcester, UK
Jolly well done to you - happy.. errr... mugging?!!
Well done Droopy... Does the gift shop sell anything uplifting?
BTW, I'm after the A2, don't any of you go winning that please
Well done Alf but we're all itching to know what you make!!!
Well done Alf. Double cups, win win.
I can't type fast enough.
8th Prize - A Bang & Olufsen Book Medley
Books Galore! If you like reading you're going to LOVE this Prize. So, we'll start off with a copy of 'Spark to Icon'. A great read in itself and the later updated version of the 'From Vision to Legend' Book. So, that's the first one. Now we'll add the VERY LATEST book from B&O.. called 'The Art of Impossible - The Bang & Olufsen Design Story'. This is one of the first copies!! Add to that a SIGNED by Geoff Martin (Tonmeister at B&O) BeoLab 90 Brochure, and finally a little treat in the form of a Christmas Cookery Book called 'A Blanc Christmas' by the world famous chef Raymond Blanc. This'll keep you busy!!
The Winner is...
Mr R. Dunhill (Printerman2012) from Tycroes, UK
Well done and happy reading from all of us!
vikinger: I can't type fast enough.
Did you buy Andy's computer?
Books to a printerman!!
Is that a Busman's holiday?
Use two fingers and your tongue out. Works for me
Congrats Printerman. Can you knock out some copies for me?
Nice books Printerman!
Way to go Printerman. That latest book is beautiful.
Too fast Botty, getting no chance to read the spiel.
7th Prize - B&O BeoPlay H3 Earphones
In Seventh this Christmas, how about a perfect little companion for the Gym? No, not a course with personal trainer.. or a new tracksuit.. it's a pair of Boxed and Sealed Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay H3 Earphones. Music to your ears (and other assorted poor jokes) and we absolutely know you'll love these! The sound from these is as you'd expect from B&O - pin sharp, and they're just as good for taking the dog for a walk as they are the daily commute.. and the Gym. Good Luck!
The winner is...
Mr S. Schumacher (stefan) from Schwedeneck, Germany
Happy listening - Enjoy !!
What words does the automod accept in the plural but not in the singular?
Stonk: Too fast Botty, getting no chance to read the spiel.
Put your tongue in and rest your fingers on your lap...
Nice Earbuds Stefan, I wouldn't have minded them myself!
Puncher: Books to a printerman!! Is that a Busman's holiday?
Well done. Now the postman had better bring mine!
Good luck everyone :)
Congrats Stefan. Schwedeneck yeeehaaa