ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Do I get a pair of 4000s do I do I do I?
Hi all just woke up from my siesta is this the Wedthread
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"
tournedos: Do I get a pair of 4000s do I do I do I?
Apparently not! Nice one Ville!
Now that's a first!!
lausvi definitely must have jingled Santa's balls this year!
Ban boring signatures!
Unflippinbelievable. Congratulations Lausvi, again
If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.
Time to finish with those finnish winners
vikinger: Time to finish with those finnish winners
I wonder if he drives a white Pickup??
Fintastic* luck
time for the east coast!
leosgonewild:Oh for fucks sake!
That's another acceptable plural!
And finally!!!
1st Prize in the BeoWorld Christmas 2015 Prize Draw........
Are you excited? Are you? Really?
PrizeDrawBot: And finally!!! 1st Prize in the BeoWorld Christmas 2015 Prize Draw........ Are you excited? Are you? Really?
My peniz iz redy
Puncher: vikinger: Time to finish with those finnish winners I wonder if he drives a white Pickup??
Are we all gonna get a certificate for speedtyping?
Lausvi is actually 'Stonk' in Finnish. So glad I set that account up. I'll be in touch with my address Botty
Beo Century ,Beoplay V1, Beocenter 6, Ex-Beolit 12, Beotime , A8. Beolit 15 , Form 2i , Beolab 2000, Beoplay A3.Beosound 1
1st Prize - BeoLab 4, BeoLit 12, Wine + Goodies!
Well, instead of one 'Christmas Star Prize' this year we thought we'd mix it up a little and give you two. Hey, it's Christmas - so let's make it FIVE!!! For sitting at your computer or laptop and listening to your favourite music whilst clicking away on BeoWorld we're giving you a pair of lovely BeoLab 4's. These are the full PowerLink versions too - so if you want to use them with a B&O TV or Music System, you can! However, what if you need to listen to your music in another room? What a fiddle unplugging them.. so you'll be needing a BeoLit 12 then. Oh go on, you can have one, on us. With all this merriment you'll also be in the mood for a glass of wine - so how about a bottle of Harrods Pinot Grigio? Oh go on, it's yours. Hang on... you'd like a wine stopper for your Harrods Pinot Grigio? What, an official Ltd Edition B&O one? Okay - yours. We'll include one. And finally, as a 'final extra' as you're sitting at your computer, we'll give you an official B&O Mousemat to complete your set-up. All of this is YOURS if you win 1st Prize in the BeoWorld Christmas Prize Draw!!!!
The Lucky, Lucky, LUCKY Christmas Winner is…
Mr M. Higham (Busterhi) from Manchester, UK
Well, that was a shock to my circuits - a winner twice in the Christmas Draw! The UK took top spot this time with an impressive FOUR winners, with The Netherlands bagging a couple - and Mr Laustela bagging both prizes destined for Scandinavia!! One to Germany, a quick yee-haw from the USA and that’s all ten gone!
Anyway - amazing.. and all for the price of a months Gold Membership - you just can't get this anywhere else!! Enjoy your new Bang & Olufsen prizes Mr Higham!
Well – that wraps up another exciting BeoWorld Prize Draw!! 9 LEE will be in touch with all winners within 72 hours to arrange despatch of their Prizes, and all that remains is to thank you for attending, thank you for being Gold Members – and thank you all for being part of the best site on the internet!!
Goodbye until next month, take care - and enjoy your Prizes !!!
PrizeDrawBot: 1st Prize - BeoLab 4, BeoLit 12, Wine + Goodies! Well, instead of one 'Christmas Star Prize' this year we thought we'd mix it up a little and give you two. Hey, it's Christmas - so let's make it FIVE!!! For sitting at your computer or laptop and listening to your favourite music whilst clicking away on BeoWorld we're giving you a pair of lovely BeoLab 4's. These are the full PowerLink versions too - so if you want to use them with a B&O TV or Music System, you can! However, what if you need to listen to your music in another room? What a fiddle unplugging them.. so you'll be needing a BeoLit 12 then. Oh go on, you can have one, on us. With all this merriment you'll also be in the mood for a glass of wine - so how about a bottle of Harrods Pinot Grigio? Oh go on, it's yours. Hang on... you'd like a wine stopper for your Harrods Pinot Grigio? What, an official Ltd Edition B&O one? Okay - yours. We'll include one. And finally, as a 'final extra' as you're sitting at your computer, we'll give you an official B&O Mousemat to complete your set-up. All of this is YOURS if you win 1st Prize in the BeoWorld Christmas Prize Draw!!!! The Lucky, Lucky, LUCKY Christmas Winner is… Mr M. Hingham (Busterhi) from Manchester, UK Well, that was a shock to my circuits - a winner twice in the Christmas Draw! The UK took top spot this time with an impressive FOUR winners, with The Netherlands bagging a couple - and Mr Laustela bagging both prizes destined for Scandinavia!! One to Germany, a quick yee-haw from the USA and that’s all ten gone! Anyway - amazing.. and all for the price of a months Gold Membership - you just can't get this anywhere else!! Enjoy your new Bang & Olufsen prizes Mr Higham! Well – that wraps up another exciting BeoWorld Prize Draw!! 9 LEE will be in touch with all winners within 72 hours to arrange despatch of their Prizes, and all that remains is to thank you for attending, thank you for being Gold Members – and thank you all for being part of the best site on the internet!! Goodbye until next month, take care - and enjoy your Prizes !!!
Mr M. Hingham (Busterhi) from Manchester, UK
I are sads now, but well done to everyone who won!
Congratulations to the winners, even the double winner
Congrats to all and happy New Year!
Well done to all winners.
Busterhi. Happy New year - what a good start.
badgersurf: Congratulations to the winners, even the double winner
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.
Fantastic prize for busterhi, well done and enjoy!
Thanks BotLEEy
I should have continued my siesta, congratz to all the winners and a happy new year to all of you
Congratulations everybody, and thanks to Botty
tournedos: Congratulations everybody, and thanks to Botty
Ah well, another prizeless year slips by!
Thanks to all, blah, blah..........
See you all again next year!
Single and double congratulations to all and a happy and peaceful New Year!
Livingroom: BL3, BL11, BV11-46 Kitchen: Beosound 1 GVA, Beocom 2 Bathroom: M3 Homeoffice: M3, Beocom 2 Library: Beosound Emerge, Beocom 6000 Bedroom: M5, Essence remote Travel: Beoplay E8 2.0, Beoplay EQ, Beoplay Earset
Congratulations to all the winners, especially our double winner - is this the first time this has happened?
Hiort:Late to the party, but congratulations to all happy winners! Happy New Year!
I'm also late to the party today as we had a washing machine malfunction.
Well, to me it was malfunction, to the FS it was a crisis as apparently she would have nothing to wear tomorrow. I'm not sure what is wrong with the rest of the clothes in her wardrobes, but apparently my lack of understanding in this area is directly related to possessing a Y chromosome
Congratulations everybody
we tend to forget there is more to design than designing.
Oh my goodness.
I was not watching the prize draw as I was late at work (also yesterday) and forgot to check out the draw in the evening. I usually just flip thrue the thread afterwards and as far as I remember, I have won nothing (of high value) in the earlier draws. Perhaps a book or a mug or something of the sort.
You can probably guess my surprise as I had a look in the thread today and saw my name on the 6th prize. I thought; Ok, that's nice! Perhaps I should now start wearing a suit sometimes :) And the power bank should be useful.
I almost skipped looking the rest of the thread, but fortunately I didn't, and I was genuinely shocked! Wow, a pair of BeoLab 4000 speakers! I have seen and heard couple of pairs in the wild, but never really thought of buying those as they have been too expensive for me. Those are really beautiful speakers.
I was positively surprised and this really kicked the 2016 onto a nice start for me. Thanks Botty, Beoworld, and all members of the forums. Also congrats to other winners of the draw.
And a Happy New Year to everybody!
Wow! Winner of the 7th prize in the christmas prize draw!
The H3 earphones will be a great addition to my little collection of B&O headphones.
I`m already a proud owner of Form1 and Form2i headphones.
Unfortunately I missed - again - the draw, sorry...
Thanks a lot to Lee, (Santa)-Botty and Beoworld!
A very Happy New Year to you, to all Beoworld members, B&O Struer and the wonderful crew of `my`Beo store:
Godt Nytår Morten, Tommy, Poul og Arvid!
lausvi: Oh my goodness. I was not watching the prize draw as I was late at work (also yesterday) and forgot to check out the draw in the evening. I usually just flip thrue the thread afterwards and as far as I remember, I have won nothing (of high value) in the earlier draws. Perhaps a book or a mug or something of the sort. You can probably guess my surprise as I had a look in the thread today and saw my name on the 6th prize. I thought; Ok, that's nice! Perhaps I should now start wearing a suit sometimes :) And the power bank should be useful. I almost skipped looking the rest of the thread, but fortunately I didn't, and I was genuinely shocked! Wow, a pair of BeoLab 4000 speakers! I have seen and heard couple of pairs in the wild, but never really thought of buying those as they have been too expensive for me. Those are really beautiful speakers. I was positively surprised and this really kicked the 2016 onto a nice start for me. Thanks Botty, Beoworld, and all members of the forums. Also congrats to other winners of the draw. And a Happy New Year to everybody!
I think the description of the 4000's stated the possibility of choosing the color... if you can, let us know which color you picked!
H3s arrived! And they are great!
Thanks again!