ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
9 - 10 AM Wednesday, January 6, 2016 Venetian, Level 2, Bellini 2101 A & B and Bellini 2102. Attendees of this invitation-only press session will experience a global unveiling of a thrilling new Bang & Olufsen product and a state-of-the-art acoustic presentation of the Future of Sound with BeoLab 90 – the most innovative loudspeaker to date. Celebrating 90 years of innovation and excellence, demonstrations of BeoLink Multiroom, custom installer solutions and products by B&O PLAY will also be available.*INVITATION ONLY*
I wonder what they are bringing out next...?
Present: BL90, Core, BL6000, CD7000, Beogram 7000, Essence Remote.
Past: BL1, BL2, BL8000, BS9000, BL5, BC2, BS5, BV5, BV4-50, Beosystem 3, BL3, DVD1, Beoremote 4, Moment.
I haven't received my invitation yet... I wonder who they are inviting?!?
Mark-N: I haven't received my invitation yet...
I haven't received my invitation yet...
Here you go then...
Separate from the automotive division of course.
Beo Century ,Beoplay V1, Beocenter 6, Ex-Beolit 12, Beotime , A8. Beolit 15 , Form 2i , Beolab 2000, Beoplay A3.Beosound 1
riverstyx: Mark-N: I haven't received my invitation yet... Here you go then... Martin.
If I could use that to get a 10 minute one-to-one with Geoff Martin I would definately go!!!
we tend to forget there is more to design than designing.
The auto industry have infiltrated the Milan furniture fair , so why not the audio fair? (!)
LG was showing off new tv's with HDR which has SDR-to-HDR conversation engine, for near-HDR content from any standard dynamic range source.
Wonder if B&O will have any of that,on there new tv's?
BeoVision Haermony 65"...BeoLab 28 Anthracite....BeoLab 17 as REAR....BV10-32....BC6-26....Beosound 9000....Beosound 1 New York edt....Beogram 4002....Beoplay Emerge....Beoplay M5....Beoplay M3....Beoremote Halo....BeoRemote One BT....Beo6....Beo4....Beo4 Cinema....BeoLink 7000....Serene....H95 Black LTD....H9i Rimowa....6 x H6....Form 1....U70...
Thank you for that BV7. My gosh, the TV manufacturers are on fire at the moment aren't they :) Wonder how long before B&O start using LG panels?
Sorry nice Mr Anderson, that's never going to happen. Just not enough demand. Just use an Apple TV with a Beovision for Apple Music :)
Paul W:Sorry nice Mr Anderson, that's never going to happen. Just not enough demand. Just use an Apple TV with a Beovision for Apple Music :)
Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5
Google translate from Korean produces some interesting phrases, but do I detect 3 gold medals?
Mark: above link shows you the "tease"..
above link shows you the "tease"..
BeoLab 19, BeoPlay S3, BeoLab Penta, BeoVox Penta, Pentalobe screws screwing up some apple users: All these experiences combined make up the BeoPentacircle. And I see oops ... My crystal sphere has been galvanised in Struer and I don't see more than a distorted ugly monster having some similarities with my passport photo ...
Got to be the new link speaker that everyone has talked about right?
Maybe the design is based on the old Penta design?
I think the video of the woman holding the long cylinder is a teaser for this piece??
mjmedlo: I think the video of the woman holding the long cylinder is a teaser for this piece??
I wait patiently, and meanwhile...
"Believe nothing you read and only half of what you see, let your ears tell you the truth."
From the B&O facebook site right now:
'The tech event of the year, CES in Las Vegas, starts tomorrow! Get ready to sharpen your senses, as we unveil our newest product. Want to know what’s in store? Check out what has to say...'
I had a look on the Whathifi site - but I did not find anything B&O. Anyone?
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Paul W: Thank you for that BV7. My gosh, the TV manufacturers are on fire at the moment aren't they :) Wonder how long before B&O start using LG panels?
According to my sources B&O will start using LG panels for the products that will be launched this year. Incl an OLED panel.
Livingroom: BL3, BL11, BV11-46 Kitchen: Beosound 1 GVA, Beocom 2 Bathroom: M3 Homeoffice: M3, Beocom 2 Library: Beosound Emerge, Beocom 6000 Bedroom: M5, Essence remote Travel: Beoplay E8 2.0, Beoplay EQ, Beoplay Earset
That sounds promising imo.
Hoirt Shhhhhhhhhh Don't let Chris T know that B&O are releasing an OLED TV - he'll remortgage his house, wife and children :) :) :)
Millemissen:' I had a look on the Whathifi site - but I did not find anything B&O. Anyone? MM
ohhhhh the Lobster chair from the Danish manufacture Gamut looks good on What Hi-Fi's website, it's like a modern take on the Vitra Eames Lounge Chair but alas nothing about B&O.....
Meridian's MQA looks very very interesting - strange that knowone has mentioned on this forum yet?
Mark: Millemissen:' I had a look on the Whathifi site - but I did not find anything B&O. Anyone? MM ohhhhh the Lobster chair from the Danish manufacture Gamut looks good on What Hi-Fi's website, it's like a modern take on the Vitra Eames Lounge Chair but alas nothing about B&O.....
The What Hi-Fi link says B and O is being "hush hush" but that "something unusual is afoot".
Here is a link to the What Hi-Fi comment, scroll down to just past the picture of people in a hallway near a Las Vegas sign.
Paul W: Meridian's MQA looks very very interesting - strange that knowone has mentioned on this forum yet?
That surely will boost rhe 'highres' hype.
According to Pocket-Lint :
Bang & Olufsen will be demonstrating its new BeoLab 90 speaker during the show and promises the global unveiling of a "new B&O product". What that might be is anyone's guess at present - a new TV perhaps?
We do know that there will be BeoLink Multiroom products to see too.
Vinyl fans will be happy as Technics have announced the new 1210!!!
Retro always works and I wonder if B&O announced a BeoMaster 5000/6500 for their traditional customers but with up to date specs Bluetooth/Airplay etc if it would do well?
It will be interesting to see what the high end audiophiles think of the new Technics table. I well remember this table, and while they were deservedly well regarded by the average person, and especially by DJs and radio stations and others who needed a rock solid, bullet proof table, they never were that well regarded by the higher end types, and for a few good reasons compared with other audiophile tables.
One drawback was the arm, great for the average cartridge and for heavy duty DJ cartridges, a bit high in mass, actually quite high, for a lot of audiophile cartridges. Not a deal breaker unless you like the kind of cartridges it doesn't like. The biggest drawback of most of the direct drive tables of the day was the use of DC direct drive motors that tended to "cog", that is the motor tends to get regular pulses due to the construction of the motor, which while not showing up at the standard AES frequency for measuring rumble could really create rumble at various harmonics above, and below, where the usual measurements were made. . Back in the day, compared with most belt drive tables, you could hear the rumble on speakers that had decent bass response. Denon used an AC motor for their direct drive tables, and they didn't have the issues with that..
That all being said, I am happy to see it back in production, it was a well built tank of a table and in many ways deserved it's long production life. In fact, all the new Technics stuff is interesting, they've even returned to the planar coax speaker design they used many years ago.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
Hiort: According to my sources B&O will start using LG panels for the products that will be launched this year. Incl an OLED panel.
Torsten Valeur (of David Lewis Designers) is the designer of the new Signature line from LG.
Here you'll the new tv:
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.
I have to correct myself - sorry.
During further investigations, I noticed that Torsten Valeur - because of his contract with B&O - did NOT design the tv's in the Signature line.
Nice looking tv anyway - imo!
And the description of the panels might give us a hint of what we may (?) expect from B&O in the coming year.
Stop writing lies !!
Torsten Valeur did not design all LG Signature collection.
The TV is not designed by David Lewis designer.
Good you make quickly the rectfication by yourself.
Totally agree with you Jeff but my gosh, those 1200s are bullet proof and the abuse that they take from DJs is incredible. Anything else would fall into a million pieces. The Direct Drive is essential for the scratching by DJs along with instant start needed in radio - belt drive just would't be up to the task.
Thanks for your post MM - I agree with Chris, I see a little bit of BV8 in there but i'm not sure that's a good thing!
Based on this article, I would have to say MM was correct with his first comment. LG press conference at CES included Torsten Valeur appearing and speaking. The article specifically mentions Signature line, David Lewis Designer, and TVs.