ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi guys,
I can get a defect BV5 for free from my neighbour. The problem is that the screen doesn't turn on, there is sound, but no picture.
What could it be? Should I tell him to throw it out or should i bother carrying all of its 85 kg over to my place and try to repair it?
Any ideas on what the defect could be?
It will most likely be a defect panel.
If you hear some clicking sounds when you start up, then probably the power supply in the itself fails.
Remove the bessel, and the lower wooden part with cloth. There is a led hidden behind a piece of tape. Remove that and will see if it turns greens.
The amount of blinking from the led when you start up, tells more about the failure inside the panel.
Inside the cabinet/chassis you will find in the middle lower part a Power PCB. Check the fuse. It hardly fails, but you never know.