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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


B&O Newbie

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This post has 9 Replies | 1 Follower

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Andiroo Posted: Tue, Jan 12 2016 10:04 AM

Hi all!,

Advice please, first B&O vinyl setup and I really fancy an RX2 TT.

As I would like a wall shelf setup, what would be the best amp/receiver for this? Also what sort of shelf would I need? (speakers would be B&O shelf too).

Thanks in advance..

Top 100 Contributor
Frinton, UK
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Andrew replied on Tue, Jan 12 2016 4:08 PM


There are so many options and different types of recovers and speaker - basically probably best to say what type of music you like, how loud you like and what sort of B&O design you like and which era - if you goto the main site and look click on Products they are mostly all on there - see what you like and then I am sure others will be able to guide you based on your music preferences, room size etc. etc.

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Andiroo replied on Tue, Jan 12 2016 4:25 PM

Thanks Andrew,

I like the RX2 so was hoping for something receiver/amp wise with the same footprint if that makes sense? Confused with all the different models out there...

Speaker wise I think I'd be happy with a pair of CX50's to start........just a nice simple setup, shelf mounted for the TT and Amp if possible?


Top 100 Contributor
Frinton, UK
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Andrew replied on Tue, Jan 12 2016 5:38 PM

Sounds good - you can always add a subwoofer to the CX50's, they are good speakers, the CX100s are a bit more powerful - looks wise I guess a Beomaster 3500 or any of those flat ones. My personal preference would be for what they call the Pizza box ones - Beomaster 5500, 6500 etc. these can be controlled by a modern B&O remote, the Beomatser 5000 uses a special remote - looks the same but isn't as modern. The advantage of these are that they integrate with modern setups and have loads of inputs.I have a BM5500 at one place and BM6500 at another and they have superb sound quality - you won't be able to control the Beogram if it is a TX so maybe a BG2000 which is remote controlled - depends what you want really - but once bitten you will want to buy more and expand and integrate with other B&O stuff. I use airplay with both mine so get the best of both analogue and digital for very little outlay. The BM5500 has a built in phono preamp so easily accepts a turntable the BM6500 doesn't and needs a separate preamp which then negates the need to have a remote controlled beogram, however it has Powerlink and Analogue speaker sockets so you can use old or modern B&O speakers. Pro's and Cons to every setup but worth the effort.

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Frinton, UK
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Andrew replied on Tue, Jan 12 2016 5:42 PM

forgot to say that with the pizza box amps you can sit the turntable on top on the receiver with the others it would sit next to it. I found the sound on the flat ones just that, although I have never heard a BM4500 so cant comment on them - the Beomaster 5500 onwards has a really full sound and is much better, the older the receiver, in general, will mean renovation unless you get it restored, so I would go for as new as you can unless bought from a reputable dealer. Also make sure that the CX50's have been reconned unless you intend to redo them yourself.

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Mark replied on Tue, Jan 12 2016 6:30 PM

go for the CX100 speakers, same footprint but as mentioned a little more oomph .....

we tend to forget there is more to design than designing.

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Andiroo replied on Tue, Jan 12 2016 6:31 PM

Just the job Andrew cheers!

Like the idea of the RX2 on top of the amp and all symmetrical, great. Can you get B&O wall brackets to suit too?


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Andiroo replied on Tue, Jan 12 2016 6:33 PM

Cheers Mark I'll take a look, the Cx50's look quite a reasonable price reconed on Ebay though Wink

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Andiroo replied on Tue, Jan 12 2016 9:12 PM

Andrew/Mark, thank you!

Just bid and purchased a Beomaster 5500 with associated Control Panel, comes with CX100 speakers too! Who'd have thought Big Smile

Appreciate your guidance, cheers

Top 100 Contributor
Frinton, UK
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Andrew replied on Wed, Jan 13 2016 9:07 AM

Fantastic news, congratulations on a great system that I am sure you will be happy with and that you can expand in future.

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