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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Query re Beolab 9's

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John Posted: Sat, Jun 30 2012 9:59 AM

Greetings All

I'm presently awaiting delivery of my new 40" V1 TV and stand/cabinet in a few days, with great excitement and expectation, and have been mulling over my options as regards using this TV, my first serious B&O purchase, as a centrepiece for moving away from my present passive separates system, and into a full, integrated B&O AV solution.

Plan A is for Belab 5's, but as there are other areas in my life that I'd like to first address before considering expensive speakers, I will continue to save for them, but they are not going to be the immediate solution, but rather something to build up to once I have achieved an all around B&O speaker system to go with my new TV I feel.

Accordingly and so as not to detract to many funds from the Lab 5 account and a few other areas I'd like to pursue in my life, I'm thinking the pre-owned route in the first instance, with something like Lab 9's up front and Lab 3's as rears.

There is an aspect of pre-owned Lab 9 ownership I'd like to clarify, and that is that some owners have found it desirable to alter the factory set/calibrated settings as regards the potentiometers that adjust the relative volume levels of the active speaker drivers/amplifiers.

As this is obviously very situation specific, I'd like to ensure that any pre-owned Lab 9's I might pursue, can be easily returned to the default factory calibration settings if they have been altered by a previous owner.

As I understand it, the potentiometers are accessed by a screwdriver - and I believe they move in predetermined 'click' stops as against just a linear smooth movement.

Either way, does anyone know from personal experience or the service manual if there are markings on these potentiometers as to the factory default settings, so they can be easily returned to same if altered for whatever reason by a previous owner?

Kind regards and many thanks in advance for your response

John.... Cool

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MartinW replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 11:51 AM
Hi John,

I've got a 1yr old pair in black in perfect condition where i have not fiddled with the potentiometers if you want to pm me?
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Seanie_230 replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 12:49 PM

Hi john

In the worst case scenario each speaker has a sticker on it inside and that sticker is a number that defines the pot setting and there is a table showing the default settings per sticker number.

A dealer would be able to do this for you if needed.

I found my pot needed changed down a click on the treble for my ears to like them. I have never looked back since buying my 9's.

If I could afford another pair for my music room I would buy then straight away but don't want the expense for speakers that will only be used now and then.

Theybare truly a excellent speaker with enou bass, midrange and treble for music and film. When I first bought mine I was worried I would loose out on bass as I sold the lab 2 but I don't miss it and I'm sure my neighbours don't miss it either :)


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John replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 1:40 PM

Hi Martin; PM/email sent...

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John replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 1:48 PM


Hi john

In the worst case scenario each speaker has a sticker on it inside and that sticker is a number that defines the pot setting and there is a table showing the default settings per sticker number.

A dealer would be able to do this for you if needed.

I found my pot needed changed down a click on the treble for my ears to like them. I have never looked back since buying my 9's.

If I could afford another pair for my music room I would buy then straight away but don't want the expense for speakers that will only be used now and then.

Theybare truly a excellent speaker with enou bass, midrange and treble for music and film. When I first bought mine I was worried I would loose out on bass as I sold the lab 2 but I don't miss it and I'm sure my neighbours don't miss it either :)


Hi Seanie

Many thanks for that.  It's a bit hard to visualise from your description (a photo would help but please don't go to that amount of trouble on my behalf) but the main thing is that it appears one could return the pots to the factory default/calibrated setting if they've been altered in any way, because there is a default number/setting, and it is easy to return the pots to that setting.  (I'm hoping I'm right in my understanding!)

I'm a fairly techy sort of person so could probably manage it quite OK provided the markings are clear/haven't been removed etc.

Interestingly, the latest surround sound processor in the V1 (looking at the schematic in the technical sound manual available for it online) shows that re the bass management, no bass is redirected from the Lab 9's to a Beolab 2; only in the case where one is using Lab 5's will low bass be redirected from the Lab 9's to the Lab 5's.  

However whether that also applies to the LFE channel in movies is less clear - here perhaps a Beolab 2 may (?) offer a little more frequency extension and output - but I couldn't be sure from the V1's technical paper thus far - LFE is not mentioned in the schematic shown.

Hope things are working out for you with the Beolab 12's and the room renovation...

Kind regards

John... Cool


Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 2:12 PM

Hi John,


Hope life is going great. WOW! That's a FAB set up that you are planning! Well done with the ordering of the V1 - NICEEEEE! Please keep your posts coming once you've tried the V1. It's a rather stylish little number isn't it!

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Many thanks for that.  It's a bit hard to visualise from your description (a photo would help but please don't go to that amount of trouble on my behalf) but the main thing is that it appears one could return the pots to the factory default/calibrated setting if they've been altered in any way, because there is a default number/setting, and it is easy to return the pots to that setting.  (I'm hoping I'm right in my understanding!)

I'm a fairly techy sort of person so could probably manage it quite OK provided the markings are clear/haven't been removed etc.

It's explained in the Service Manual, see the attached picture.


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John replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 2:44 PM

Paul W:

Hi John,


Hope life is going great. WOW! That's a FAB set up that you are planning! Well done with the ordering of the V1 - NICEEEEE! Please keep your posts coming once you've tried the V1. It's a rather stylish little number isn't it!

Hi Paul

As always, thank you for your most kind comments...Wink .... and yes I agree re the style - it grows on me more and more... I'll be sure to comment on it once it arrives... :-)

PS: you have email!

Kind regards

John... Cool


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John replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 2:48 PM



Many thanks for that.  It's a bit hard to visualise from your description (a photo would help but please don't go to that amount of trouble on my behalf) but the main thing is that it appears one could return the pots to the factory default/calibrated setting if they've been altered in any way, because there is a default number/setting, and it is easy to return the pots to that setting.  (I'm hoping I'm right in my understanding!)

I'm a fairly techy sort of person so could probably manage it quite OK provided the markings are clear/haven't been removed etc.

It's explained in the Service Manual, see the attached picture.


Aaaah!  (Light bulb goes off in head!)

Magnus, thank you - as they say, a photo speaks a thousand words!

It's probably time I became a 'Gold' member etc so as to be able to look up some of these points..Cool

Thank you very much for taking the time to post such useful and helpful information - it's very much appreciated and what makes Beoworld such a great forum!

Kind Regards

John... Cool

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Magnus replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 9:12 PM


Thank you very much for taking the time to post such useful and helpful information - it's very much appreciated and what makes Beoworld such a great forum!

You're welcome! I must say that you are making Beoworld a better place with your long, polite, easy-to-read and intelligent posts. Every time I see your username, I know it's going to be a good post and a good read. You're obviously a very smart man!

Good look with the new TV and speaker shopping!


Kind Regards


Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 9:21 PM

I agree with Magnus, it's always great to read messages and thoughts from John!

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John replied on Sun, Jul 1 2012 3:09 AM

Hi Magnus

May I thank you for your most kind comments - it's greatly appreciated and I feel quite humbled by yours and Pauls most kind remarks.

I've been involved in this hobby, the 'wider' world of HiFi for many years, and have been saddened by forum experiences elsewhere, where ego and the seeming need to be always 'right' leads to much rancour, arguments and ill feeling, especially when I was caught up in the whole Naim audio 'flat earth' thing and the cult that went with it.

It's so unnecessary - I'm a great believer in the old adage "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

I wouldn't call myself smart, otherwise at least in materialistic terms I'd probably be much better off, but then the world isn't all about materialism, but about a balance in many things IMHO.

In my experience in life, people are ones biggest resource; unfortunately sometimes they can also be ones biggest problem!

But the rewards of sound and loving relationships and close friendships go far beyond anything that the material world has to offer.

As such, whilst I try not to have unrealistic expectations re the making of literal real world friendships from Beoworld given that this is the internet/cyber world and all, I am a great believer in treating people from all walks of life with respect and dignity.  We all have something to learn from each other I believe.

And if I am lucky enough in my pathway through life to make some wonderful friendships, then so much the better!

There are some lovely people on Beoworld, and I am starting to make a few online friendships at least, which is just great, because the internet does enable us to connect with like minded people sharing similar interests and who knows where life may take us as regards travel etc, and the opportunity to turn those online friendships into real life cemented ones!

I try my best to contribute here in a meaningful manner, and share of my knowledge and experiences, and if my writing and sharing brings pleasure to someone, then I consider myself very blessed.

It is a pleasure to be on Beoworld; not only because of the interest and passion we share about B&O, but also because of the camaraderie and the courtesy and respect that members show to each other on the whole.

Thank you sincerely once again for your most kind comments and for your well wishes with the TV and speaker shopping!

Kind regards

John... Cool

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John replied on Sun, Jul 1 2012 3:17 AM

Paul W:

I agree with Magnus, it's always great to read messages and thoughts from John!

Thank you also Paul, for your most kind comments.

I'd also like to add that I have and hope to continue to enjoy reading your posts, as you are obviously very passionate about B&O, but also mindful of their weaknesses.

As such, you present an even balance of opinion, which is great, because there's little worse than a brand forum that is essentially little more than a brand 'love in' where all is just perfect and nothing ever goes wrong, or no matter what product could be mentioned, nothing ever compares to the beloved 'brand'.

And on the other hand, there are many forums out there that are bellicose in the extreme and generally unpleasant places to be unless you like verbal fights of course.

I don't, and find that people such as yourself contribute a great deal to Beoworld and make it the place that it is; friendly, sensible, knowledgeable, helpful, fun and with good camaraderie and the potential to develop really meaningful and sincere friendships. 

I hope that you will continue to post regularly, and I do look forward to hearing about you reaching some of your own goals, both in life generally, and with your passion for B&O.

Kind regards

John... Cool

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