ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Is it possible to find an adapter to the B&O 2 DIN plug so it can fit a modern TV? most likely a adapter to something like aux or something else?
I dont have the beomaster anymore, so i am trying to find a another solution for the speakers to play. If the only solution is to buy a new beomaster, then it is.Hope you can help :)
Mvh Peter
Unless your modern tv has speaker outputs (which I doubt), what you need is an amplifier (or amplifier/receiver) between your TV and the Red-lines, to "replace" your missing beomaster.
How you connect the TV to the amplifier depends on what outputs are available from the TV (and inputs into the amp); most modern TVs have digital out (optical) and most modern amps have optical-in.
How you connect the Red-Line to the amp should be straightforward, no adapter needed.
Hope this helps
Beogram 1600, Beogram 4500, Beogram 4500 CD, Beomaster 3500, Beomaster 4500, Beovox RL60.2, Beolink 1000
thanks for a quick answer.
My biggest problem is that i cant find any 2-DIN plugs to 2-RCA so it would fit a amplifier..
Where can i buy these 2-DIN? Everywhere i look they only have like 5-DIN and 7-DIN.
I guess they dont make 2-DIN converter cables :-(
Maplins sell 2 pin DIN plugs. Allows you to make your own cables if you like!
I meant the female part. The speakers i got has the 2-DIN male.
I was just looking for 2-DIN female with 2 RCA, so i can combine it with the amplifier😊
Here's a random seller for the plugs:
You probably don't want RCAs on the other end, most amplifiers just need loose cable ends.
The RL60 speakers don't have the press in speaker jacks for straight wire in the back of the speaker like the RL60.2 speakers do? On the RL60.2 the 2-prong DIN speaker jack is on the bottom edge of the speaker case but there are also two spring type, press in speaker jacks in the rear, center of the speaker for cables without DIN jacks.