ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have a mint condition pair of S45-2 speakers. The teak finish could do with 'freshening-up'. What can I use to clean / polish the veneer? They don't need restoring.
What do you use to clean a pair of teak finish speaker cabinets?
It all depends on the condition of the wood, scratches, discoloration, dryness and with what has it been treated before. If looking good I would clean it with Isopropyl alcohol and see what it looks like, if OK then just give it some teak oil let dry and polish with a lint free rag.
If you want it to be perfect, I do, I clean it off with acetone a couple of times, then sand with 200 grain paper clean off dust, sand with 400 grain, clean off dust with a moist rag or acetone, let dry, then soak it with boiled linseed oil let soak for 1/2 to one hour, wipe off excess and let dry for at least 12 hours, then a light sanding with 400 grain, soak again with oil, let soak, wipe off excess and let dry for 12- 24 hours, polish with a lint free rag and done.
After 1 week the boiled linseed oil has hardened and can be cleaned normally with a moist rag or mild soapy water.
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Many thanks.
Can you recommend a make of teak oil please?
I was looking at Bartoline on Amazon.
I am in Mexico, and I never use Teak oil, always boiled linseed oil, but check the reviews on Amazon if it has 200, 5 stars it is good
There are two choices to bring the colour and finish back - Teak or Danish Oil - - I use this on my M100s as it accentuates the deep rosewood colour. Beeswax - I believe that is what Frede recommends - I use that on my S45-2s. Gives a fine finish as well - I like both but have to choose one or the other!!
Thanks. What is the difference between Danish and Teak Oil? I believe Danish is one third varnish, and I didn't think it would be a good idea to have a hardened layer when cleaning the next time. I now seem to remember that back in the 1960's we just used teak oil.
Danish oil is boiled linseed oil with some thinners and some additives in it
If you dont want to sand your speakers, just clean them properly with ISP or mineral spirit, let dry and apply teak oil, following the instructions on the bottle