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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beocord 4500 full belt set required 1993 model

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phil Posted: Wed, Feb 17 2016 6:02 PM

Can anyone tell me what my best option is to replace all the belts in my Beocord 4500 tape player which i bought new in 1993,? i have 2 of these tape players so need 2 full belt sets.

I have enquired with B&O spare parts and i'm told 'NO LONGER AVAILABLE' like any other part thats over 10 years old !

I'l be able to strip down and refit myself. just need a source of Genuine or the right size belts, as both tape players have suddenly gone wobbly, was expecting this to happen, amazed they have lasted this long really.



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Weebyx replied on Thu, Feb 18 2016 6:05 AM

I have fixed quite a few BC4500 now, and never seen one with worn out belts... They all though suffer from the old grease/oil becomming dry on the 2 tape winders.

I just remove the small flat lucking piece on top of each winder, then pull off the winders and washers, clean with alcohol, and relube with sewing machine oil, works like a charm again.

The lucking thingy is just a small flexible flat ring that can be pried carefully apart. Use a magnifying glass, then you can see the place where it can be split to get it off. When re-attaching, it just need to be pressed down with a finger again, it will lock itself.



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phil replied on Sat, Feb 20 2016 9:50 PM

thanks Weebyx,

will try that first then before trying belts.

one of the beocord 4500 tape players seems to have its heads out of alignment, as all the treble is missing and one side output, yet if i press on the tape whilst playing, it sounds as it should.

This is odd as it used to be fine, and its hardly been used at all.


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Dillen replied on Sun, Feb 21 2016 7:13 AM

It has been several years since I last saw a Beocord 3500/4500 with good belts.


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ipaul replied on Sun, Feb 21 2016 8:45 AM

Well: beocords from that generation can have 2 different types of mechanics under the hood:

-nhe metal version (you can tell by the surround of the cassettehousing switches: tape in, tape type etc, surrounded by a metal bracket),

this version usually has the sticky reels and quite often the long belt is still ok

-the plastic version: this one uses 3 belts in the 3500/4500 etc, here usually the belts are the problem and regularly other things like broken plastic holder for the top plate than blocking the headmovement, clicking noises from the brakes while pkaying...

So it depends which one you have.

If i am not mistaken, Martin/Dillen used to supply belt sets :), if not you can pm me (i am based in NL).

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phil replied on Sun, Feb 21 2016 3:20 PM


 Is martin/Dillen still a active member on here? saw the old post, but seems he's not been on for some time?


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phil replied on Sun, Feb 21 2016 3:22 PM

disregard that last comment, just seen dillen replied above lol

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phil replied on Sun, Feb 21 2016 3:24 PM

HI Dillen,

Do you happen to have a full correct belt set for a beocord 4500? mine was one the very last made, sold to me brand new in 1993, the whole system was discontinued later that same year.


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