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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovision 10 imposter

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Chris Townsend
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Chris Townsend Posted: Wed, Jul 4 2012 10:43 PM
Whilst watching tv today I noticed a little black mark on the screen. Looking initially at the kids I went a little closer. The mark then started moving around and turned out to be a small spider.

Having phoned our trustworthy local dealer I received a reassuring phone call to deal with my little friend. Question, if a spider can climb inside the space between the panel and glass what's going to stop dust/sand etc from doing the same over time? Anyone experienced this?

Regards Chris

I do have a great pic but unfortunately cant upload it, as I'm languishing in an airport hotel with a bunch of half cut good time cabin crew :-(

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moxxey replied on Wed, Jul 4 2012 11:14 PM

Chris Townsend:

Having phoned our trustworthy local dealer I received a reassuring phone call to deal with my little friend. Question, if a spider can climb inside the space between the panel and glass what's going to stop dust/sand etc from doing the same over time? Anyone experienced this?

You'll be surprised how easy it is to get the glass/case off the front of the BV10. My dealer had to perform a mainboard upgrade and simply lifted off the front - made it look easy. It's not vacuum sealed or anything. It just slots on and off!

Having seen my BV10-46 without the front, my guess is that the spider could easily get in the back, come through the front speaker area and crawl up behind the glass. As I said before, it's not vacuum sealed or anything. There's a couple of mm of space.

Chris Townsend
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I guess we all still imagine there is a sealed unit like a CRT. Not impressed to be honest as this could easily be a possible future problem. I could see the space once the spider was in there!

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Michael replied on Thu, Jul 5 2012 6:28 PM

I guess we all still imagine there is a sealed unit like a CRT. Not impressed to be honest as this could easily be a possible future problem. I could see the space once the spider was in there!

I'm surprised that they don't even have some kind of damping rubber or foam around the screen so this can't happen. But there is probably a reason for it. Perhaps heat or condensation is the answer?

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Chris Townsend
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Can anyone in the know confirm wether the panel does have something like foam, protecting it from dust or in my case spiders climbing around on the inside of the glass. I have seen the video of the glass being bonded to the front of a 7, and imagined rather naively that a £9,000 10-46 would have had sort of protection at least.

Mrs Chris hasn't seen the pic yet and thankfully didn't watch it run around on the I side of the glass, but I'm feeling a "we should have kept the 7" discussion on my imminent return home!

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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kokomo replied on Fri, Jul 6 2012 1:14 PM

Never mind all the irrelevant trivia, how's the spider?



Chris Townsend
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Don't know as I've been away. Ironically I have just been listening to Kermodes review of the new Spiderman film and how it should look good on the big, and small screen! Tell me about it.

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Michael replied on Fri, Jul 6 2012 4:10 PM

Don't know as I've been away. Ironically I have just been listening to Kermodes review of the new Spiderman film and how it should look good on the big, and small screen! Tell me about it.

I saw it on the cinema premiere in 3D and I thought it was very good. Funny and engaging. Just a perfect movie to watch with your loved one.

The 3D effect was not overly pushy as it sometimes is but rather not always very apparent. That is good for me because I get headaches of too much "flat" 3d level video. The director found good use for 3d in a few scenes where it was appreciated at least by me.

I think they are now understanding that 3D should not be exaggerated.

But this was a bit off topic but whatever :)

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valve1 replied on Fri, Jul 6 2012 5:34 PM

how's the spider?

3d and looking well !

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koning replied on Fri, Jul 6 2012 5:37 PM

Spiderman 5Big Smile

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moxxey replied on Fri, Jul 6 2012 5:58 PM

Chris Townsend:
Can anyone in the know confirm wether the panel does have something like foam, protecting it from dust or in my case spiders climbing around on the inside of the glass.

No, as I've said above, the glass-fronted case simply slides on and off and there is definitely some space between the panel and the glass. But the case itself surrounds the entire TV, from top to bottom. It covers the speaker area, provides the glass and half of the frame.

From what I remember, there was no "foam" on the inside of the front frame. I doubt they would add that anyhow, as it could easily decay. It was just a plastic case, mental frame, glass panel. Nothing special.

You can take the front off yourself, if you want! My dealer simply lifted it off and slotted it back on again - twice. Granted, it takes some doing, but you simply remove the back panel, unscrew from the back, lift off. Easy.

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koning replied on Fri, Jul 6 2012 6:35 PM

There is a movie on YouTube About the making of the beovision 10.

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moxxey replied on Fri, Jul 6 2012 10:45 PM


There is a movie on YouTube About the making of the beovision 10.

And you can see the front (half) frame being added at 1:20.

Slot it on, push down. Hey presto!

Chris Townsend
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Thanks I have seen the video. My dealer immediately got onto Struer and mooted a replacement tv. My problem is that if this can happen to my 10, what use will a replacement be if the design allows little beasties to wander round the glass. Not impressed really.

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BeoGreg replied on Sat, Jul 7 2012 8:46 AM

Can anyone in the know confirm wether the panel does have something like foam, protecting it from dust or in my case spiders climbing around on the inside of the glass. I have seen the video of the glass being bonded to the front of a 7, and imagined rather naively that a £9,000 10-46 would have had sort of protection at least.

I confirm that there's a very thin foam surrounding the panel fixed inside the anti-reflexion screen.

I had to put the screen off several times because of the dust inside due to B&O tech interventions, and the foam wear's off !

Don't do it too much !

There are 4 screws on the back of the Tv (with all the connections) a strong lift, and voilà !


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moxxey replied on Sat, Jul 7 2012 8:59 AM

Chris Townsend:
Not impressed really.

I must admit I did think the glass front was vacuum sealed on the panel, much like the BV7. When my dealer simply popped it off and it was standing there in my front room, I was a little surprised how easy it was to take off.

And mine has been off twice so far, due to B&O intervention. Dust settles on the panel (under the glass) very easily.

Chris Townsend
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Do you remember that video about B&O testing which I think was from the 90's. I just now wonder how say a modern 10 would fare under the old regime! Again I was under the impression it was as you say, bonded or protected like a 7. I don't expect to see creepy crawlies just wondering in and around at will.

Ironically with the plastic covering on the V1 you couldn't get this sort of thing, but for me that is a price not worth paying.

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BeoGreg replied on Sat, Jul 7 2012 2:22 PM
The anti-reflection screen slides on 95% of the course and on the last 5% you have to use more strengh, you feal the foam (or thin rubber) "working".

Beware, it's very heavy and slippery.

The dust comes on the panel and inside the screen when the screen is off, thats natural nothing to do with a defect, you must wipe it before put it back on.

If you look carefully at B&O movie you see the lady with an air "machine" before installing the screen.

I had dust under the screen of my MX and Avant without touching anything !


Chris Townsend
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Thanks, but I think i will leave it to the professionals if it comes back.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

The Secret Alpaca
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The screens are also ventilated by small intakes at the rear. Sadly, small insects can easily get in through this entrance.

Maybe a fine mesh over the intakes is necessary to stop this happening in future?

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