ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi Bidston & welcome.
I bought a new Beomaster 4500 & 4500 CD unit, many, many years back. It's still in daily use and always gets admiring comments even after all this time. IMO, it's still visually stunning.
I say the 4500, because all that time ago I borrowed a 3500 system from my dealer and it looked, again IMO, well......nothing special really. Dull.
Fortunately, I then decided to try the 4500 in my lounge and the rest is history, for me anyway.
My point is, have you considered the 4500 system? Of course everyone has their own opinions as to style & appearance, therefore others may disagree.
My advice, go for the 4500 system
welcome and loved your story
bidston: still own an 8 track space helmet i purchased in 1973, don't see any mention of 8 track players in the B and O range by the way
'fraid so - to the best of my knowledge it never happened at B&O
BTW if you start chasing blank cassettes there was a thread in the last 2 months where I believe Soren in Denmark had some spares
BeoNut since '75
appreciate your reply, strange they never entertained 8 track as sound reproduction was far superior to cassette
As an owner of 8 track machines in my cars in the late 60s, I agree as to the sound quality however as playback required the head to move up & down to the next track on the tape, the mechanics of this often meant that the constant movement resulted in the head not quite being in absolute position which resulted in track leakage from the adjacent track (above or below) on the tape. My units had a screw below them so that I could manully adjust the head when it went out of alignment. A frequent requirement and not best ever when driving!
Home 8 track recording units were a bit of a nightmare tbh and never took off.
The arrival of Dolby for cassettes, better machines, cheapness of production and adoption by the main recording studios drove the nails into the coffin.
Remember Betamax anyone ?