ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
After 13 Years of faithful, reliable, effortless service, my Beolab 5's have finally gone!
They never scored well with the Wife and she told me to replace them with something more acceptable.
I shall miss them greatly and hopefully, they will be given a good home with their new Owner.
My condoleance!
Whats next? .....BL90
"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.
Yes, BL18!!!
.......I told her these would be more acceptable.
She agreed!
Mr 10Percent: .......I told her these would be more acceptable. She agreed!
Really? I'd say they were photoshopped - but there's a shadow
- Flere
smile and enjoy the moment
At least the 5s sounded good.
9 LEE: Really? I'd say they were photoshopped
Really? I'd say they were photoshopped
Birds Custard Test with a jar of Pataks Madras Paste (sorry no Birds) to the side.
I would call that going from being Mr 10Percent to being Mr 100Percent ;-)
There is a tv - and there is a BV
How did you get those out of the shop under your jumper??
BeoVision Eclipse 55”, Beolab 18s, Beolab 19s, Beosound 1, Beoplay P2, H3, BeoRemote One IR, BeoRemote One BT, Beoplay S8, Beosound Essence MkII, BeoTime
Mr 10Percent: 9 LEE: Really? I'd say they were photoshopped Birds Custard Test with a jar of Pataks Madras Paste (sorry no Birds) to the side.
Very, very well done - I'm genuinely 100% delighted for you!!
I'm sure you've worked very hard for them, or to be in the position to afford them - and I wish you all the very best with them. They're amazing speakers - and one day I'll own a pair too. One day.
I'm afraid that by sticking your head above the parapet and owning these you are now our 'poster boy' and will be expected to give extensive reviews.
Hahahah NO WAY!!! They look truly horrible. Evil even. I take it that you're joking?
Life is there to enjoy, make the most of it. They are big compared to the 5's!
Paul W: Hahahah NO WAY!!! They look truly horrible. Evil even. I take it that you're joking?
Totally agree. Out of proportion, overkill. They're designed for living rooms with high ceilings you could land a plane in.
WOW! Congratulations, Mr 10Percent!
Nothing spells dedication as pair of these. And compared to replacing the wife, the BeoLab 90's are a bargain... did you take advantage of the BL5 trade in offer launched by B&O last week (trade in your BL5's and you will get a discount similar to what you initially paid for your 5's)?
What is your initial impression - going from the 5's to these?
Roger: WOW! Congratulations, Mr 10Percent! Nothing spells dedication as pair of these. And compared to replacing the wife, the BeoLab 90's are a bargain... did you take advantage of the BL5 trade in offer launched by B&O last week (trade in your BL5's and you will get a discount similar to what you initially paid for your 5's)? What is your initial impression - going from the 5's to these? Roger
Wow yeah!
congratulations on the purchase. That's a serious commitment to a B&O way of life. Visually a very active presence in the room compared to the BL5. The 5s are quite striking but in a passive aggressive way. I hope your house is detached!
Beo Century ,Beoplay V1, Beocenter 6, Ex-Beolit 12, Beotime , A8. Beolit 15 , Form 2i , Beolab 2000, Beoplay A3.Beosound 1
A 110% Well done. I cannot imagine the boxes they came in.
Present: BL90, Core, BL6000, CD7000, Beogram 7000, Essence Remote.
Past: BL1, BL2, BL8000, BS9000, BL5, BC2, BS5, BV5, BV4-50, Beosystem 3, BL3, DVD1, Beoremote 4, Moment.
Hello Mr10%
Big congrats to your new BL90!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, personally I like them a lot.
I listened and saw them in the Copenhagen flagship store in their relativly small / cozy listening room.
It struck me that they are much smaller / less massive in real live and blend in very well.
It is an outstanding speaker and also to be seen and noticed, obviously. Enjoy them. We'll envy you, at least I will.
wow wow wow and wow......
we tend to forget there is more to design than designing.
Amazing! I'm truly happy for you! Way to go!
When's the party?!
I think you may very well trump everyone if you post your pics in Flash Your B&O
Speechless. Congratulations!
9 LEE: Mr 10Percent: .......I told her these would be more acceptable. She agreed! Really? I'd say they were photoshopped - but there's a shadow
Still waiting for the photoshop confession. I can do shadows too!
Simonbeo: Still waiting for the photoshop confession. I can do shadows too!
I confess I cannot do Photoshop at all - especially shadows
I confess I want to swap out my bl5 for a pair of bl90 too. But i cant afford them and they would not fit the room. But im happy for you and would like to hear your opinion when you lived with the bl90 a few weeks.
Good idea Leo!!!!!!!
Beovision 8-40, Beocentre 6-26, Beocentre 2, Beolab 9's, Beogram 7000, Beogram 9500, Beo 5, Beolit 1000, 800, 700, 600, 400, Beocom 6's, Beotalk 1200
Mr 10Percent.
Hoe are you getting on with these? Could you share your reflections on:
Sound quality
Price:performance ratio
What you love about your new arrival and what could be better...?
We'd love to hear more!