ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Can someone who has a BS 9000 MKI confirm whether the following is normal operation?
1) When you hit one of the buttons for along the ledge for any one of the 6 CD compartments, the clamper will go to the the respective disc, the CD mech will spin up but not begin to play. You need to hit "CD" on the control panel before the CD will start to play.
2) If you don't hit the "CD" button in the control panel, the disc will keep spinning and the system does nothing, stays like this continuously.
3) The user manual on the B&O website (I'm assuming for MKIII) says that by continuously hitting the button by the CD compartment (ie along the ledge of the player) the CD track will advance. I find this not to be the case on the MKI.
If someone can help verify that would be most appreciated.
Derek, I have a Mk I, bought it when they first came out. I just went and tried this. When I push any of the buttons next to each of the discs, the unit turns on, the sled moves to that disc, and it begins playing. If I push another of the disc buttons the sled moves to that disc and begins to play, same as it always had.
Pushing the disc button more than once does not advance to the next track(s).
Hope this helps.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
Duels:That is definitely not right. The cd should play when you press the button on the edge.
I just tried to reply to this and it disappeared. Duels is right, when you push the button with the unit off it should move to the correct disc and start playing. Repeated pushing of the button will not cause the track to advance though.
Thanks Duels and Jeff.
So apparently the BS 9000 MKI acts a bit funny without the speakers plugged in. When I did this, the unit was by itself. With speakers plugged into the powerlink, it behaves as the both of you describe.
Now one last problem... I can't get the remote to work.
So your BS9000 is working properly: Without Beolabs connected, BS9000 will default to A.OPT 0, which means, the BS "expects" to be controled via a masterlinked Beovision with Beolabs connected. If there is no videomaster (BV) in the setup, BS9000 won`t work properly.
You can test this by setting your BS to A.OPT 1 when it is in stdby mode. The stdby light should flash. Now try again the CD buttons. Next time when it is set to stdby mode BS9000 will default to A.OPT 0 again.
Hope this makes sense....
Thanks Stefan.
I'm using a Beolink 1000. With the BS9000 on standby I press Sound 1 Store, and can't get the standby light to flash.
The unit remains unresponsive.
When I hit the ON/OF button under the Timer Section of the control panel, the display says "TV OPERATED".
Any ideas?
Sorry about my late reply , I'm on holydays right now.
Sound 1 Store is correct, but you should connect Beolabs to Powerlink, or bridge pin 4 and pin 2 in one of the powerlink sockets.
Pin 4 is on/off and pin 2 is ground. If you bridge those two pins, BS9000 'thinks' there is a Beolab connected, and you can do option settings.
Hi Stephan:I took the BL 2500 and plugged them into the PowerLink of the 9000. Still no response to the remote when on Standby.
So Your BS9000 doesn't respond to ir commands at all?
Is it possible to set BS to A.OPT 1 with BLs connected?
And what happens if you press one of the six CD buttons when BS is in stdby mode and with Beolabs connected?
Hi Stefan:1) BS9000 does not respond to IR commands at all.
2) IR does not respond even when BLs are connected so cannot set BS to A.OPT1
3) When I press one of the six CD buttons when the BS is isn stndby mode with Beolabs connect, the system comes to life and begins playing the respective disc. All manual buttons works as should.
Derek, if you are sure that your BL1000 is fully working, might be your Bs9000 ir modul is faulty...?
I came across those posts about the bad IR module. Was hoping it wouldn't come to that....