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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Oppo BR players are still a good purchase nowadays ?

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This post has 9 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 75 Contributor
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olvisab Posted: Sun, May 8 2016 9:52 PM


after having tried a panasonic br player I wonder if the oppo 103d or 105d is still a good investment actually or should I wait for a 4k player ?

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Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sun, May 8 2016 10:14 PM

Wait for the 4K UHD Blu-Ray players. The Panasonic one is superb plus Oppo have one due for release shortly. 

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Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Sun, May 8 2016 10:35 PM

Thread moved.
Please keep the General forum section B&O related.


Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sun, May 8 2016 10:46 PM

Harsh Dillen. This is very B&O related as it's the highest quality source to feed a B&O TV! It's probably the most important product for a B&O TV user!

Top 75 Contributor
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olvisab replied on Mon, May 9 2016 12:07 AM

That's right. As b&o doesn't sell any independant player, this question is helpfull for many tv owner.

4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

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TWG replied on Mon, May 9 2016 11:40 AM


The Oppo is not a good investment as the manufacturing quality is only good on outer parts like the frontplate and the case. The disc drive loading mechanic feels very cheap for this price (Oppo 103)
The Oppo-Players are in general overrated in my opinion and are just overpriced China-Gadget in a shiny package. Even my chinese students in China had not the best opinion when I told them that in Europe Oppo is handled as "high end".

If the new 4K Players will work with your Beovision go for the Panasonic or a Sony.

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Mon, May 9 2016 12:43 PM

I 100% agree with you there TWG. My friends in China say exactly the same! Stick with the Panasonic, it'll last you longer than the format ever will!

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Mon, May 9 2016 12:55 PM

Paul W:

Harsh Dillen. This is very B&O related as it's the highest quality source to feed a B&O TV! It's probably the most important product for a B&O TV user!

I didn't say, that it doesn't belong on Beoworld, but this IS a Bang & Olufsen enthusiasts forum, so
we prefer to keep the main forum section about B&O and B&Os products.


Top 50 Contributor
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beojeff replied on Mon, May 9 2016 1:42 PM


Paul W:

Harsh Dillen. This is very B&O related as it's the highest quality source to feed a B&O TV! It's probably the most important product for a B&O TV user!


I didn't say, that it doesn't belong on Beoworld, but this IS a Bang & Olufsen enthusiasts forum, so
we prefer to keep the main forum section about B&O and B&Os products.


The Oppo is the recommended blu-ray player by B&O. They even provide a "B&O version" that has a different start-up screen that was provided for B&O. This is very B&O-related. You are indeed being too draconian as a moderator.

Top 75 Contributor
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olvisab replied on Mon, May 9 2016 5:45 PM


thanks for sharing your opinion with me. 



4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

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