ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hello all,
I just joined Beoworld. I have a great set of B&O speakers and just picked up a Beogram TX2 turntable with the MMC4 cartridge from the original owner.
I have a problem and need your expert assistance. There is a little flexible wire/thread that has a loop on the end of it, like a little noose. It is disconnected and I believe it should be attached to the tonearm assembly as it won't move back and forth. When I turn it on, the platter will spin, the lights will come on, will indicate 33 or 45 rpm, but that's it, no tonearm action.
I have dowloaded the service manual and can't quite figure out the routing for this little cable. I unscrewed the 2 screws and have flipped up the base to expose the guts. Having trouble posting a photo right now....
I did some searching and could not locate an answer. In advance, thanks for the assistance here!
Managed to post the picture of the TX2 as my avatar, too big to post to the thread, thanks.
Welcome to Beoworld !
The wire goes to a tiny hook on the foot of the tonearm carriage. This little hook breaks off forno apparent reason and you will have to make something up to replace it.I like to fit a 3mm screw through the hole from below, fit a small washer and a nut on top and then fitthe wire to the exposed threading and add a drop of glue to make it stay there.We've had several threads about this and also some photos.Do a search in the archived Beogram section.
Thanks Martin, very much. I just did a search and came up empty handed. There was a thread or two about rethreading the cable, but no photos or details. Comment about it being in the service manual available for download. I don't think I can access it as a newbie.
Any additional help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!
Found it and downloaded from the Vinyl Engine! I'll see if I can figure it out this evening, thanks again.